Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 427: War With The Otsutsuki (II)

"That's not surprising, given the Otusutsuki is an Individualistic Civilization," commented Edward as he looked at the person facing their small fleet.

"Individualistic Civilization: that's a new term," added Tsunade. "What does it mean?"

"How do I explain it," muttered Edward. "It means they focused on training the individuals, ensuring each of their members is extremely powerful."

"Isn't that the same for the Empire?"

"No, the Empire is a technological civilization, minoring in Individualism," he explained. "As we grow more powerful, we are becoming more individualistic; however, I won't let us abandon the technological aspect."

"I still don't understand the nuanced differences between the two."

"A better way to explain it is Individualistic Civilizations focus on focusing all their resources on one person to ensure they are as powerful as possible. In the case of the Otsutsuki Clan, it's their god–Shibai. And in the case of the Empire, it's me."

The broadcast heard Edward's words, but he did not shine away from these types of information since they fall under the category of history and anthropology.

"However, the Empire's main focus is still on magical technology. And the benefit of technological civilization is the ability to reach high tiers despite having weak individuals."

Before the wizards showed their existence, the muggles created a Tier 5 Civilization with the power of technology and nuclear bombs. And the wizard could only be considered a Tier 3 Individualistic civilization.

"I understand now," nodded Tsunade.

"Fire the Tier 7 Thunder Canon," ordered Edward, and the golem followed his orders. A massive thunderlight fired from the main ship, scaring the Otsutsuki members.

The latter reacted swiftly as he activated his eyes. The attack enveloped the Otsutsuki. It appeared as if the attack had wiped him from existence. However, once the light faded, the latter stood in the same spot in the void without a single scratch on them.

"The attack failed," said Golem AD, who was controlling the primary system of the ship. "Determining the cause of failure…The enemy is immune to energy-based attacks…Finding Solution:

"Solution 1: use a higher concentration of energy attack (Tier 8)

"Solution 2; Use a higher form of energy that can negate this technique: divine, cosmic, or void energy is recommended.

"Solution 3: Use the Concussion Canon on the enemy.

"Commander, do you want any more recommendations?"

In less than a second, the golem analyzed the situation and created ways to deal with the situation.

"A weird Dojutsu that made people immune to energy attacks? How interesting," commented Edward. "Use solution 3."

The Concussion Canon was designed to deal with people who could only be handled with only physical attacks. The design is based on the idea of a Tier 7 or 8 Aura Master punching an enemy with all their strengths.

"Tier 7 or 8?" asked Golem AD.

"Use Tier 8 to kill him. We need the enemy to take this invasion seriously," ordered Edward, and the golem followed his orders. A new canon emerged from the ships, attacking the Otsutsuki's Divine General.

The latter sensed its death, so it tried evading the attack. Unfortunately, the canon has a locked function based on a person's karma and cannot be avoided. Hermione and Edward's latest research on Karma have been implemented in the Imperial Navy, increasing the Empire's military prowess.

Maybe this Otsutsuki could have evaded if it was the first attack. Sadly, the ship already recorded his Karma and can use it to lock into him. As such, no matter how far he ran, he could not evade the attack.

A tremendous amount of force hit the Otsutsuki's Divine General. The force was powerful enough to eradicate the entire star system. So, before he could even scream, he exploded into a blood mist, his body and soul annihilated from this universe.

Edward nodded in satisfaction with this result. The Desert Mark-III are only medium-class ship in the Imperial Navy. However, besides the lack of resources, he had his reason for choosing them for this battle: they were versatile and able to adapt to any environment and situation.

"Mission success," said Golem AD. "Commander, any more orders?"

"We wait."

Otsutsuki Clan's Royal Clan Planet:

Using a Jutsus similar to the Akatsuki, all the upper echelon members from the different planets held a meeting in an imaginary space where they transmitted their consciousness.

The meeting was divided in a way that showed the status of everyone present. There was an empty throne at the very top. Right below, at the foot of the throne, were two chairs reserved for the Left and Right Protector.

These two were the pinnacle of Tier 7, the second most influential individuals of the Otsutsuki Clan and members of the Royal Clan or Shibai's Lineage.

Below them were the 27 Divine Generals–who were also Tier 7. However, the Left and Right Protectors were so powerful that they could single-handled kill more than 10 Divine Generals.

Most of the Divine General originated from the Royal Clan, while the rest were members of the Noble Clans.

Below the Divine Generals were the Divine Envoy, and there were 123 of them, all Tier 6. Most were from the Noble Clan, with only five from the Branch Clan.

"Who dares to attack our clan?" asked one of the Divine Generals with blue horns. "Is it the Sage Clan? Or the Immortal Gods?"

"I didn't discover any natural energy, so it's not the Sage Clan," commented another Divine General. "The Immortal Gods would not dare come to our headquarters–even with their immortality."

"I heard that a god name Jashin has been acting crazy recently. So, he might be crazy enough to do such a thing."

"Are you guys stupid?" asked another Divine General with bull-like horns and a Rinnegan on his forehead. "The enemy is obviously the Automaton Race; they're the only one who uses big and clunky machines like the ones who attack our clan."

"Who are you calling stupid? Do you want to fight?"

"I dare you to attack first? I would have swallowed you long ago if not for the clan's rules. So, please give the perfect excuse to do so," replied the bullhorn Otsutsuki while licking his lips.


As soon as these words came out, the meeting room quieted down. And that's because of the person who spoke: the Left Divine Protector. She was a beautiful woman with a pale complexion, small curve horns, and dressed in a white robe. She had two Byakugan and a Rinnegan on her forehead.

"The enemy easily annihilated Divine General Nishiki, so you should understand what this means," continued the Left Protector.

"The situation is more severe than you imagined," said the Right Protector–a man with blue robes and pointy horns. "I've measured the energy level of the previous attacks, and it reached the same level as the Lord."

"Right Protector, your words are blasphemy," yelled one of the Divine Generals.

"That's right. No one is as powerful as Lord Shibai."

"Yes, you cannot speak these words easily."

Most of the Divine Generals backed up these claims; Lord Shibai was their almighty god, so how could there exist any person as powerful as him? Even amongst the other factions of this universe, like the Sage Clan, the Immortal Gods, the Automatons, and even the traitorous Chakra Race, no one is on par with Lord Shibai.

"Shut up," yelled the Left Protector, releasing a mighty aura that suppressed everyone in the group.

"This is not the time for pride or arrogance. Our clan might be facing an enemy capable of wiping us out. So, control yourselves."

Everyone decided to keep their mouth shut until the situation was clarified. Meanwhile, the Right Protector looked at a quiet Divine General with weird eyes.

"Ryushiki, what do you think?" The Right Protector was solemn and a little respectful; it was odd, given the strict hierarchical structure of the Otsutsuki Clan. And that's because this Divine General's eyes were unique and contained the power of Clairvoyance.

Their clan survived many catastrophes during the rise of Lord Shibai and only survived because of these eyes.

"It's the end," said Ryushiki with a trembling voice. "Our clan is coming to an end."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" yelled another Divine General, but Ryushiki did not even look at the person; he seemed lost in his own world.

"Are you sure? With Lord Shibai's presence, there should be no problem, right?" asked the Left Protector.

"Normally, I cannot see the fate of the Lord. But it's different this time," continued Ryushiki. "The fog of fate has dispersed, and all I see is the death or capture of the Lord."

The room immediately quieted, with people looking at him like he was crazy.

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