Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 363: Arcanists’ Dream

Chapter 363: Arcanists’ Dream

John followed the two to his deployment ship.

“Only one ship?” asked John. “I thought there would be a fleet.”

“Only one ship is needed,” Gorm calmly said. John opened his mouth but did not know what to say. In the end, he decided to just shut up. He then focused on this magnificent metal vessel that was 2.6 kilometers long and 5 meters wide.

“Is this the latest HTS-136 ship? I’ve read about it, but it is even more beautiful after seeing it in person.”

“Indeed,” replied Abiodun. “Although it is a new model, it has brought us a lot of victories.”

“As the most powerful weapon of the Empire, I expect it to perform beyond my imagination,” committed John.

“Most powerful?” sneered Gorm. “Can the ship compare to that thing?”

“That’s not fair. Nothing can compare to the Floating City,” Abiodun replied. When those two heard the word [Floating City], they immediately had the same look: envy and desire.

The day the Floating City was publicized, all Arcanists watched that wonderful creation with awe. And then, something deep inside their soul awakened, telling them that this creation was perfectly suited for them.

On that day, not a single Arcanist did wish or dream of one day having their own Floating City, traveling the universe, dimensions, and countless planes in search of knowledge and pursuing the truth.

“Do you think we would ever have a chance at owning a Floating City?” John suddenly asked.

“Unless you have the Artificer Ability to build one, that’s impossible,” said Gorm. And he did not even mention the issue of resources. John sighed in desolation after hearing this.

Only two people knew how to build a Floating City: the Arcane Emperor, who created and designed it, and Nicholas Flamel, responsible for building it.

John knew many Artificers who tried to design one of their own, and the best they could achieve was making a city float. When it comes to the energy core, the weapon designs, the traveling system, the operating system, the shield system, and many others, no one knew how to develop these systems, let alone make them work together.

Some of the best Artificers of the Empire wrote academic papers. The conclusion was that if all the artificers and engineers of the Empire worked together and had access to the Empire’s unlimited resources, they might create a Floating City of their own. However, the final creation would only be a Tier 6 weapon, and most of its functions would only be a decoration with no useful purpose.

And there was a 67% chance of failure.

The paper brought a great shock to the world and much controversy. Many people argued and refuted the article–no matter what evidence was presented. Many Arcanists tried everything possible to discredit this paper, even though the majority were not Artificers and knew nothing about the subject.

The reason for such a visceral reaction was that these people refused to accept the Arcane Emperor’s capability was this advance when compared to all the arcanists in the Empire.

“I disagree,” said Abiodun. “I think we will have a chance.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I think the Arcane Emperor will release the use of the Floating City, but only after he has built a better one and found a way to restrict these power-hungry and law-breaking Arcanists.”

“You do have a point,” replied Gorm with some excitement.

“I think you give the Arcane Emperor too much credit; he is not that generous.”

“On the contrary, I think he is bold and confident enough to do so,” replied Abiodun.

John shook his head. “Your argument is flawed. The Floating City is the pinnacle of Artificers, a divine creation in its own right. You think it can become better?”

“Why not? After all, it is technically only a Tier 9 Weapon,” replied Abiodun. “I think it is only a matter of time before the Emperor elevates it to Tier 10.”

John wanted to argue, but his logical thinking and analysis told him the other was correct. With the Emperor’s record, it is not out of the ordinary to accomplish such a feat, and John believed the time for this might not be long.

The Emperor has disappeared for ten years. Although there is a clone that has appeared to appease the people, the powerful Arcanists have some news and know the truth.

And based on previous precedents, the Empire will undergo a period of rapid development and chances once the Emperor appears.

“Alright, the ship is ready,” said Gorm as he looked at a projection from his hand. The three then entered the ship and led John to a specific room.

“You can register here,” said Gorm, and John went through the proper procedure and signed the correct documents and magical contracts. Then, he sensed powerful energy rushing through his veins.

“Is this the power of Tier 8? I feel like I can do anything. I feel invincible.”

“Everyone has the same reaction. It will pass,” commented Abiodun. “Your mission is to fight and contain a Tier 8 Lich.”

“No problem,” replied John with confidence.

“Things are not as simple as you think,” added Abiodun. “You’re only Tier 7, so it will be a tremendous burden on your soul to control Tier 8 mana. The ship’s Artificial Spirit will aid you, but your soul won’t be able to bear it.

“Luckily, you have a talent for Arcane Sorcery, so you can control the mana directly to cast spells and do not need to channel it through your body. So, you should last longer than most Tier 7, but not long enough.”

“Don’t forget your Kairos Poison will also affect your stamina, so you must either defeat the Lich as soon as possible or buy us enough time to recapture the star system and reinforce you,” added Gorm.

John sighed as he nodded. He knew the current situation arose because the Empire was young and had no Tier 8 Arcanists. At the same time, Tier 8 weapons were not as versatile and effective as an actual individual–even the ones controlled by artificial intelligence.

The nature of power and magic in the universe made individual strength even more valuable in war.

“I’m glad you understand,” said Gorm. “Here is the plan. You….”

After a brief chat, the spaceships flew out of the atmosphere before activating the Void Jump Engine.


In an instant, the ship appeared outside the Red Number Star System. They could not directly teleport there because of a black shield surrounding the entire star system.

And not long after their arrival, a mage wearing black robes appeared. The mage only had skeletons with no flesh, his eye socket had two small purple flames, and he held a staff of bones and a skull for the head.

Tier 8 Lich, First General Tuniz.

John flew out of the spaceship, facing his opponent. He was not scared despite his usual cowardly attitude toward saving his life. And Tuniz did not underestimate his opponent because the latter was one Tier below. He knew he faced an Arcanist, and this title alone solicited his respect. In the past ten years, the Arcane Empire has proven that Arcanist is the most potent magic class because of its power, adaptability, and versatility.

Tuniz did say anything and directly attacked.

Death Beam

A black energy beam came from the skull’s mouth in his staff with unprecedented speed and destructive capabilities. However, the beam passed through John’s body as if he were transparent.

‘Illusion?’ thought Tuniz as he rapidly turned around. Unfortunately, it was too late. Cracks similar to a mirror shattering appeared behind him; before he could react, the surrounding trembled.

Tuniz looked around, and everything looked the same, but he knew it was not.

‘The mirror dimension. Damn it.’

At this stage of the war, it is common knowledge that one of the main tactics of the Arcane Empire is to fight in the mirror dimension. This tactic allowed them to preserve much of their territories with only minor damages.

After all, when Tier 6 to 8 individuals fight, the resulting destruction would destroy planets, stars, and star systems. The Undead Legion has no qualms created mass destruction to create more death. Meanwhile, the other civilizations have to control their power to prevent casualties.

The restraint and control have granted the Undead Legion the advantage in all confrontations against any civilization or race in the Milky Way–except for the Arcane Empire.

Tuniz looked at his opponent with hatred, the purple flames fluttering.

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