Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 487: Bloodline Source

"How exactly do you expect us to achieve such a thing?" asked Yami as he blew his smoke.

"In fact, you guys already have an equalizer," said Edward as he summoned his grimoire.

"Previously, only Scholars could study and create spells. And as the creator of said spells, it was virtually impossible to surpass them under normal circumstances. Furthermore, they can use the spells to earn money and exchange resources.

"Battle Mages did not have such luxury. At best, they could modify a spell, which can allow them to earn Arcane Points and Coins, but they still had to pay for the copyrights.

"But now, things are different. With the Origin Grimoire in my control, Battle Mages can now create any spells based on their Willpower, desires, and type of magic. So, even if they do not truly understand the spells, they can create them and use them like the Scholars.

"And that's one of the few benefits of this thing."

"So, where do we fit in all this?" asked Nozel, who did not think things were as simple as they brought this Grimoire Magic System.

"Basically, I will make you into the beacon or symbol for Battle Mages. You need to defeat some of the most powerful Scholars in the Empire–especially the ones who are advocates of Scholar Supremacy.

"You need to show the world that Battle Mages are no longer inferior to anyone else. And while you're in the spotlight, I will secretly manipulate things to weaken the Scholars and raise the status of Battle Mages."

The room quieted down for a few seconds before a burst of wild laughter echoed in everyone's ears.

"That sounds interesting," said Mereoleona. "Isn't fighting? That's what we are best at."

"I'm glad you're confident," nodded Edward. "However, things will not be as easy as you think. In this world, knowledge literally equals power. Scholars are more powerful than Battle Mages because they have a deeper understanding of the essence of magic.

"Furthermore, although they are called [Scholars,] do not think they are a bunch of nerds stuck in a laboratory every day, with little to no battle experience.

"With virtual reality, they can acquire as many battle experiences as needed. And the majority of them will alter their memories during the experience to forget they are in a virtual world, allowing them to experience true life-and-death battles.

"Because of this, the one advantage that Battle Mages have–Willpower–will not differ too much from these Scholars."

Everyone had a pondering look. Many people had the idea this assignment would be easy because of the reason Edward brought up. After all, the name Scholar indicated many things. But now, they realized this was a nightmare-level mission.

"Why does it feel like these Scholars were designed to be all-encompassing?" said Yami.

"That's because they were," said Edward.

"I should have guessed as much."

Edward smiled wryly and did not answer. He created the concept of Scholars to ensure the Empire focused most of its effort on developing magic and technology.

And in the early stages, he also wanted them to be the mainstream of the Empire, so he guided them by making sure they had no weakness in combat.

"Sir, do you have a specific plan for this mission?" asked Fuegoleon.

"Yes, and you will have my full support. However, you guys should also be prepared to become stars. If you're uncomfortable with the spotlight or wish your life to remain private, it's best not to participate."

"We will discuss amongst ourselves and decide," nodded Fuegoleon.

"That's good. Any more questions?"

"Me, me, I have a question."

Edward looked at the overexcited short man and secretly smiled after seeing Asta had not changed much after so many years.

"The Empire's centenary anniversary will be in 23 years. If you defeat me, you can take my position as the Arcane Emperor."


"That's the law."

Asta's eyes twinkle as he finds a new goal for himself. He became the Wizard King, and soon, he will become the Arcane Emperor.

Edward smiled as he continued the party; however, the mood was much lighter. He checked on the integration of the two continents from that universe into Pangea and how ordinary people were adapting to the recent changes.

He focuses especially on the dwarves and elves. After settling everything, Edward left early to see an old friend.

He teleported to a room where a woman was watching intently at a screen. She was startled by his sudden appearance and almost released a devastating spell.

"Oh, it's you," said Fleur before nodding.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Edward.

"Just tired."

"When was the last time you rested?"

"A while."

Edward frowned. Fleur had returned from the Black Clover trip with him. However, she's been doing research since then. The worrying part is that Edward sensed Time Acceleration in this room, and she appeared to have not slept for a while.

"You need to rest."

"No, I'm so close. If I succeed, it will be a monumental creation on par with your floating city."

"And you might succeed if you rest and revert your mind to its peak state."

Fleur could not find the words to argue back. So, she nodded and went to take a deep sleep. Normally, Deep Sleep of only 3 hours is enough for a normal human to function for 48 hours without any problem.

And the effect is exponentially better for Arcanists with high Spiritual Strength. However, Fleur slept for 24 hours straight while in Deep Sleep.

"Feeling better?" asked Edward, who was waiting for her.

"Yes, I needed that," said Fleur as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"That's good. So, what got you so excited?"

Fleur's eyes immediately lit up as she hurriedly showed him a screen that displayed a sleeping dragon–Albion.

"It's been a while since I last saw that overgrown lizard," commented Edward. He placed the Dragon King inside a World Gate located in the void outside of this universe; he did not want the dragons to locate him and discover the existence of the Empire.

"I have found the Bloodline Source of the Dragons," said Fleur as she showed him another picture of another dragon. This one had an aura of vicissitude and power emanating from them.

It had golden and purple scales, what appeared to be a crown on its head, laying on a mountain of treasure; no, a world of treasure. Oddly though, the dragon's size was not too big.

"This dragon should be the origin of all Dragon Bloodlines," explained Fleur. "He is also the controller of their Bloodline Source, which is an unknown dimension where dragons keep their memories, knowledge, and inheritance."

"This dragon might be Tier 11. Or, at the very least, very close to that level," commented Edward. From his information, there should be no Tier 11 Entities in the Cosmic Faith Plane.

However, he understood that nothing is ever as simple as stated. For example, why have those top planes never invaded? Their fear of the Magus Race is indeed the primary reason, but there should also be some things or beings that make them careful.

And this dragon might be one of these beings.

"Since you found their Bloodline Source, did you manage to steal their inheritance?"

"No," replied Fleur as she shook her head. "I only acquire some useless memories."

"Oh, is there a reason?"

"Their defense is more powerful than I anticipated. Furthermore, I have a feeling that this dragon might detect me if I try."

According to Fleur's analysis, if she was not outside of the universe and had an advantage, she might not even have succeeded in acquiring these small memories.

"Do you have any idea?"

"Not yet. The best way is to have him tell you himself."

"I see," said Edward as he watched the sleeping Albion. "This should not be why you were so obsessed?"

"You're right. I have found something truly remarkable."

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