Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 511: Magus Race Technology

Edward watched as this world was perfectly intact, even after hundreds of Tier 9 cannons firing nonstop. He had to admit the Gods were truly powerful once they were in their Divine Kingdom.

The current situation was as if Guzznad was battling hundreds of Tier 9 powerhouses and was relatively intact.

“We need to create a special God-Killing Weapon,” he commented.

“Our research on Anti-Divine Energy showed no result as of now,” replied Morgana. The Empire did not have many Gods or Divine Energy to study, so the research was not going well.

“After we study the Divine Kingdom, we can manufacture False Gods with Tier 6 and above by using clones. Then, we can study them.”

Gods only need believers to become powerful. So, Edward has already created False Gods by using clones as their believers. However, some steps eluded him, like casting the Divine Kingdom and such.

“This is blasphemy of the highest order,” said Morgana with a smile, but Edward just glanced at her before moving his head. She smiled embarrassedly; she only wanted to light up the mood.

“Increase the number of cannons. I want to see his limit. However, be on the lookout all time for any variables. If you detect something, immediately fire the Tier 10 Cannon.”

“Aye, Aye, Sir,” she responded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bombardment became more intense. The shield around Guzznad’s Divine Kingdom began to tremble. Once the number of cannons reached a thousand, cracks that healed instantly appeared.

At 1500 cannons, the cracks could not heal as fast as they were destroyed.

‘Damn it,’ cussed the Death God. “How did he get so much energy?’

These cannons were not child's play. Each represented a Tier 9 Mage, God, or any other powerhouse. Yet, this floating city seemed to have no limit on how many it used.


After 2000 cannons, the shield broke, and the cannon fires reached the Divine Kingdom. However, the destruction they caused was minimal because Guzznad was absolute inside his Kingdom.

Of course, that was until Netheril fired more than 3000 cannons. The immortal souls living in the Divine Kingdom were wiped out by all types of elements. Holes appeared everywhere in the kingdom, and no matter what Guzznad did, he could not stop this level of destruction.

“Arcane Emperor, you’ve gone too far,” he roared. However, no one answered him. On the contrary, he soon discovered countless magical circles scattered all over his Kingdom.

“That is…a seal?” His face changed, but it was too late. He soon discovered he had lost his connection to the Divine Kingdom, followed by his ability to use his Divine Energy, soul, and eventually, even his [Death Authority].

In the end, Guzznad floated above the sky, remaining immobile like a frozen statue.

Edward entered this place.

“So, this is a Divine Kingdom. How majestic,” he commented. According to the city’s scan, this place was as large as at least 30 galaxies, inhabited by countless souls.

“So much soul energy wasted,” he commented after seeing how many of these believers were killed by his bombardment.

“It would be a pain to strip the poisonous faith from their soul, so it’s not really a waste,” commented Morgana. “So, it’s best to use them to study faith.”

“True,” nodded Edward before gazing at Guzznad. “Let’s go.”

Netheril swallowed the Divine Kingdom and stored it in a pocket dimension. Edward then returned home. His return was broadcast across the entire galaxy, along with the recording of bombarding Guzznad’s Divine Kingdom into Swiss cheese.

Finally, under the eyes of all citizens of the Empire, he sealed Guzznad’s body into a kneeling position before the glass monument of the fallen. He promised his people that this God would kneel and atone for his sin for three years.

Today’s event was forever remembered in the annals of history. Many historians believed this act was what destroyed all Arcanist’s respect or awe for the divine. Of course, many people were also radicalized, believing the Gods should be wiped out from the universe.

After dealing with Guzznad, Edward had to focus on recuperating after the war and ruling over such a large territory. Luckily, the Empire has been planning for decades to become the ruler of the galaxy.

So, they only needed to enact the plan they had previously concocted, only making a few changes to adapt to the current situation.

After two weeks, he was finally free and had some time. He found no news about the Savant Race during this time, even after Luna and the entire Divination Department tried countless divination and prophecy.

Edward sat in his lab, drinking a refreshing drink. He accessed the Akashic Record and searched for something.

“Why don’t you just rob me?” he sneered. Although what he wanted was of the highest technological level, even something he might not be able to do using magic without years of study, he still did not think it was worth the price.

So, he bought the world’s coordinates and decided to quickly go get it himself.

“Let’s relax first,” he muttered before taking out a floating disk and a marble.

“Magus Race technology: let’s see what is so special about you,” he muttered. Morgana scanned the two artifacts, focusing on the materials they were composed of.

“Mithril as the base, along with dozens of other magical ores, five of which are not in our database,” muttered Edward after seeing the result. “They pushed each of the materials to the limit.”

So far, there is nothing impressive about these artifacts. But he knew he had only scratched the surface. His eyes turned purple, allowing him to see the core and essence of the floating disk.

He saw a very intricate and beautiful rune at the core of the artifact.

“Is that a Primordial Rune?”

The Empire recorded a few Primordial Runes after countless people suddenly awakened magical abilities in the early stages of the Empire when he first changed the environment to contain mana.

“This Primordial Rune looked different from the ones we recorded,” commented Edward. The difference he was talking about was not that the rune was different, but its essence was different.

“Our runes seemed to lack something like it was a copy or projection of the real thing.”

He frowned as he analyzed the runes. Without hesitation, he entered the Mana Sage Mode, and tattoos appeared on his face, boosting his senses to the highest level.

“This rune is alive,” he muttered with shock. “It’s a living creature, not a static thing.”

The concept of living runes was discussed in the Empire, but the closest we came was three-dimensional runes that had their own internal circulating mechanism. However, this thing was more of a program than a living creature.

“Is this the secret of Primordial Runes? They are alive?”

According to the Empire’s research and theory, Primordial Rune is the first magical language of the universe. It is the source or origin of all magical languages.

Some people even believed it was the first language period, magical and non-magical.

Meanwhile, Edward believed Primordial Runes were not simple because of the myth that Odin hung himself on a tree and sacrificed his eyes to gain infinite knowledge, which manifested in the shape of Primordial Runes.

So, he theorized all worlds with magic will have their own version of Primordial Runes. This theory is why he believed he could synthesize Void Runes by analyzing the Primordial Runes of multiple worlds.

‘My theory might be correct,’ thought Edward. ‘Void Runes is the source of all magical language in the Omniverse. Meanwhile, they manifested as Primordial Runes in different universes.”

His eyes lit up as he figured out many things.

“If they are connected, the Primordial Runes of different universes would not be much different. As long as I can manifest the runes in this universe, it will be easier to do the same in other ones.”

He squinted his eyes.

“This might be why the Magus Race became one of the most noble bloodlines in the Void. After mastering Primordial Runes in the Harry Potter Universe, they traveled to the Omniverse to master the runes of other universes.

“Maybe, like I plan, they also manufactured Void Runes.”

Edward exhaled as he registered and stored his new thoughts. Then, he focused on the task at hand.

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