Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 27 – Picking a fight! Part-1

{Great Hall, Hogwarts}

{1st Sep 1991}

"Welcome," Dumbledore began. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we
begin our banquet, I want to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit!
Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

The golden plates in front of Rigel were filled with food at those seemingly nonsense words. Although most people didn't notice, Rigel's mana sense pinged several times as hundreds of tiny house elves popped into the great hall for a brief moment, they snapped their fingers twice and then vanished.

It was a neat trick and a lot of people shook their heads at the mad genius that Dumbledore was. Although it was a cheap trick, Rigel was aware that Dumbledore could easily repeat this feat if the spell that covered the entire black lake was done by him.

Aside from him, there were 9 other Slytherins in his year. Daphne and Tracy were two of them, Millicent Bulstrode and Pansy Parkinson made the number of girls in Slytherin in his year to be 4. Then there was Draco and his two cronies, another black-haired boy named Theodore Nott and Blaize Zabini brought up the numbers to an even 10. He didn't count the other houses but most of the students get sorted into Ravenclaw. This was surprising because Rigel expected that to happen to Hufflepuff.

'I guess it makes sense, 18-year-olds are more mature than 11. So the students are more focused on learning magic rather than having an adventure.'

"So Black, heard you were raised in a muggle orphanage?" Malfoy suddenly asked, the conversation around the table quietened slightly as everyone leaned over slightly to listen in.

Rigel stared at the blond and the sneer on his face for a second before he spoke, "Does it matter, my name is still Black?" 

'I guess he wasn't expecting a rational comeback after I was violent before...' Rigel thought as the Malfoy just gaped at him. 

Rigel ignored the blond and focused on a prettier one, "So do you think we get our own room or what? Because I'm not sharing a dorm with the dumb and dumber over there..."

"Of course, we get our own private room, why would we share? Did you have to share your bed with other Muggles growing up?" Malfoy interrupted their conversation again.

While Rigel could ignore Malfoy, he just didn't want to let the blond get away with things, He gave the blond another bland look and asked with genuine curiosity on his face, "Why Malfoy you seem pretty interested in the muggles, don't tell me daddy dearest introduced you to the masked gang? What happened did you go on a raid and got addicted to Muggle pussy?" 

There were sharp intakes of breath all around as a third of the Slytherin quietened down and quite a few of the Ravenclaw turned around to give Rigel a horrified look. Malfoy by now was turning red so Rigel continued, "What I thought you were up for a challenge. All I ever did was insinuate that your father was a Death Eater, that you would jump at a chance to be one, and that you are a rapist? Was that too much for your brain to handle?"

Okay so he definitely was getting some looks now, Daphne elbowed him slightly and he gave her a questioning look. 

"Don't stoop to his level," She muttered. Rigel shrugged, he knew that Malfoy would just keep on building if he didn't shut him up first.

"Of course, I didn't want to, but if you ignore him now he would think his words mean anything." Rigel shrugged, he looked at the now tomato-colored blond and gave him a questioning look.

Malfoy didn't continue to question him he just bristled as he looked away. Rigel turned back to Daphne and asked, "I wonder if we have to change to a new room every year?"

"Why?" Daphne asked confused.

"Because then I would use more effort into customizing my room..." Rigel shrugged as he took a bite of the chicken.

"Uh, you get a new room every year," Arlie spoke as he gave his input, the black-haired 2nd year was sitting just next to him. 

"Oh, Cool I guess," Rigel muttered, he just wanted the conversation to move on. Now that Malfoy was silent he didn't mind disappearing for a moment. From the fanfics he had read about the Slytherin house, he didn't know how it was run. Was there really a council that governs the students?

'I might have to get involved with the politics. Considering this is a hub of pureblood heirs I'm sure there would be some politics in the house.' Rigel pondered. The Slytherin table was a lot quieter than the other three tables as each group talked within themselves. 

The dinner was a short affair but since the amount of food in front of them kept being replaced. Within 15 minutes almost everyone was done eating Rigel did his best not to laugh at Malfoy who was sitting next to the Bloody Baron. 

While the jokes and laughs were good, the smile slipped off of Rigel's face as he looked at the second person in the Great Hall with another mana signature attached to him. 


[Quirinus Quirrell/Tom Riddle Lv ??]


Even without the messed up name, Rigel would have been able to guess that something was wrong. He was surprisingly stronger but at the same time, his body had two different kinds of mana flowing through it. Unlike Harry where the two mana sources were almost indistinguishable, it was clearly very different in the case of Quirrell.

Though he didn't really have to guess what level the combined body of Voldemort and Quirinus Quirrell was at. 


[Albus Dumbledore Lv 93]


'If we consider that Dumbledore was able to manage just a draw against Voldemort, and the fact that he was around level 90. Then how the fuck did Harry Potter manage to kill him in canon.' Rigel grumbled as he thought about the stupid forced plot. If Harry can't deal with Voldemort by dumb luck he would be dragged into the stupid war as well.

'I might need to start gathering the Horcruxes soon,' Rigel thought. His mind wandered to the Basilisk that was residing deep underneath Hogwarts. He was still debating on how to take care of the giant snake as well.

'At least I have a year to take care of that...'

AN - Was the fight with Malfoy too childish? I'll explain the reasoning soon!

P.S- 29 chapters ahead on Patreon!

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