Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 48 – A quiet dinner!

{Great Hall, Hogwarts}

{2nd Sep 1991} 

{3rd Person POV}

Daphne stared as Rigel calmly dug into his plate of rice and chicken. She couldn't understand how Rigel could treat what was published in the newspaper as normal, both his and his Father's names were being dragged through the dirt and if she knew anything about Rita there would be many more articles coming in the next few days. 

She had been hoping to talk to him but he had vanished with Harry Potter of all people after the Transfiguration class, and then hid in his room shortly after the Charms lecture. He skipped lunch so she had been expecting that he would be a little sad, and since this might be the perfect opportunity to gain his favor she had been ready to get him an interview with Warren Davies.

'But why, did he really solve his problems already or did he give up.' She thought. If he wasn't sweating about the problem and she forcibly brought it up, it would imply that he can't deal with the problem himself.

'Ugh, why is he so difficult...' Daphne screamed in frustration in her mind as she pushed her fork a little harder into Mr. Potato.


Rigel could sense the awkwardness around him but didn't feel like bringing the whole thing up. Finally, it was Blaise who broke the silence that had engulfed their group.

"So what did Potter want?" Blaise finally asked, the curiosity had been stalking him all day and although he could sense that the mood was not exactly right he figured it would be a good way to break the ice.

"Nothing, something about Uncle Sirius, his photo was plastered across the newspaper as well so..." Rigel shrugged he didn't know what would happen and what changes could happen to the timeline but it was a nice opportunity for him to clarify that his Father wasn't Sirius and squash any lingering hostility that he might face down the drain.

"Uncle Sirius?" Daphne asked, "Everyone thought he was your Father considering his... reputation." The last sentence started as a question but somehow it ended in a statement as she tried to explain her surprise.

"I don't know much about his reputation, but according to the ritual my Father was Regulus Black," Rigel responded as he took another bite. He looked at the pumpkin juice that was in front of him and grimaced. 

'This is a stupid drink for dinner, I would rather have water than this...'

"What about your Mother?" Blaise asked getting a questioning look from Rigel. Blaise raised his hands up indicating that he didn't mean anything hostile.

"A Gaunt, an older family, let me tell you Gringotts was not pleased at having to relinquish a Vault of practically nothing. Those fuckers could be soo greedy." Rigel replied as he took another bit, his eyes surveying the table and his eyes collided with Evelyn. At his questioning look, she nodded.

'Good, I won't get into any trouble from the council, but then again with Draco gone, there really is no opposition to me in my year. Still, I never expected Narcissa to be so quick to take action...' Rigel thought as he looked at his batchmates.

Two of them had a combined intelligence of a troll, their boss was gone and they at least were not stupid enough to try anything. The other boys in Slytherin were Blaize and Nott, the former mostly hung out with them so Rigel didn't consider him a threat... yet, and the latter was weird. 

Nott was difficult to figure out, the boy seemed to be scared of his own shadow as he mostly stuck to being in a corner and in his room. That leaves the current leader of the idiot squad, Pansy Parkinson. She hadn't done anything yet, but Rigel could tell that her eyes were locked onto him several times during the dinner.

While Rigel was busy observing his batchmates, Daphne and the rest cataloged all the information Rigel had just casually thrown at them. Still, neither of them reacted any differently. Blaise's family was originally from Italy so he had no stake in the political game of Hogwarts, while Tracy left the political situations to be handled by Daphne.

Daphne on the other hand was after the knowledge that was stored in the Library of the Blacks, she needed to cure her bloodline of the curse that had been placed on them decades ago, and while Rigel's revelation of an impressive bloodline history was impressive, a broke family with all their knowledge already exploited wasn't in her radar. 

Rigel finished his dinner and after giving a discreet nod to Evelyn he slowly stood up and spoke, "I'm sorry I have to go, I have some matters I have to attend to, I'll meet you all here for breakfast tomorrow?" Rigel questioned and then he nodded to answer his own question and began walking away.


The Three Slytherin students blinked as Rigel quickly went beyond their reach before they could even say anything. They stared at Rigel walking out of the hallway. Blaise was the first one to break the silence, "I'm beginning to see a pattern here..." 

Tracy snorted as Daphne frowned and sighed. 'At least after reading more damaging articles tomorrow would give me a perfect time to talk about the interview.' She thought, but before she could continue plotting Blaise observed. 

"Speaking of patterns..." Blaise spoke as Daphne glanced at Evelyn Rowle slowly walking out of the Great Hall as well.

"Who wants to bet that in a couple of minutes, her mouth would be full o-" Blaise's crude remark was cut short when Tracy elbowed him shut. Daphne gave both of them a glare as she grumbled something about horny boys...

The chance for her to gain his attention was dwindling every day...

{Rigel's Bedroom, Hogwarts}

{2nd Sep 1991} 

{3rd Person POV}

*Click* *Clack* *Click* *Clack*

Rigel could hear Evelyn's footsteps as he made his way back to his room, he looked back at his door and then turned to give Evelyn a look. The blue-eyed girl quickened her steps as she came closer Rigel whispered the password and opened the door. His senses immediately pinpointed the location of Rita. Judging from the way her mana was calm he would guess she was still unconscious. 

'I really wish I knew the Notice-me-not charm but I guess I will have to make do.' 

He allowed Evelyn to enter the room and closed the door behind him. Another whisper of the password meant that the door was locked as he turned to look at the hungry look in Evelyn's eye and a grin stretched across his face.

'Heh, the Orgasm locks seem to be working well!'


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