Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 72 – Potter Accounts! Part-1

{Transfiguration Offics, Hogwarts}

{7th Sep 1991}

{Harry Potter's POV}

"Are you ready Mr. Potter?" Prof. McGonagall asked. Harry nodded and looked at the fire with a bit of apprehension. He hadn't traveled by fire before, during his stint of frequenting Diagon Alley he normally entered the magical world by the Leaky Cauldron. Simply put, all of his instincts developed in the muggle world abhorred the thought of jumping into the fire to fast-travel...

"Yes, Professor..." Harry replied, although his expression and tone revealed his inner apprehension.

Minerva spoke in a stern voice, "The floo is a perfectly safe way to travel Mr. Potter... now all you need to do is say the words 'Diagon Alley'. Remember to enunciate them properly before throwing the floo powder into the fire. Also, remember to tuck in your elbows close to your body before you walk into the fire." 

'Right, before you walk into the fire she says...'

"Yes, Professor..." Harry reiterated. He took a handful of floo powder from the bowl that Prof. McGonagall extended toward him and walked up to the fire. "Diagon Alley!" Harry shouted.

He pushed down the embarrassment that welled up in him as the fire turned green, he took a step into the fire and remembered Prof. McGonagall's words. He hurriedly hugged his own hands close to his body as he felt his feet giving way. 

After adjusting to the weightless sensation, he looked at the flashing images as he felt himself tumble through what felt like a long pipe. The sensation was similar to dropping and after a couple of seconds, the tingling feeling at the tip of his toes turned to nausea. His eyes blurred as his glasses flew away and his feet abruptly landed on solid ground. Not expecting the journey to be so swift Harry wasn't able to adjust his momentum in time and had to use his hands to break his fall.

"Fuck-" Harry cursed as he looked around. His eyes were blurry as he had lost his glasses during the fall. He was in an unfamiliar environment and before his flight responses kicked in, the flare of the fire behind him calmed him down. He could vaguely see her green dress and robes but it was only the strong stern voice of the Professor that gave him some comfort.

"Accio Glasses~" Harry heard Prof. McGonagall cast. His reflexes saved him as he shifted his head back a little, he didn't know how the spell worked but he could feel something whiz past his face. 

"Come on let's go," Prof. McGonagall said as she pressed a familiar object into his hands. Harry nodded as he grabbed his glasses and hastily put them on. "Thanks, Pr-" The words were caught in his throat as he caught sight of the black thong that was just barely visible from his angle. 

Prof. McGonagall was not paying attention to him, her eyes were surveying the surroundings so Harry got an eyeful before he swiftly stood up. He adjusted his jeans and turned away from Prof. McGonagall.

"T-thanks Professor," Harry reiterated, blood rushing to his face and cock at the same time. His stutter got Prof. McGonagall to look at him, her eyes dipped down and she gave him a pointed look. Harry almost stumbled, worried that she caught a hint of his boner but she simply stated, "Clean your knees, Mr. Potter, let's go, we don't have much time to waste."

Harry nodded and followed along, he patted his knees and made sure to adjust his hair so they hid his scar. Not that it helped much, his green eyes and face were quite famous throughout the wizarding world now, and after his photos were stamped on the front page of the Daily Prophet almost everyone knew what he looked like. 

He watched as people awkwardly stumbled, some waved, and some bowed. The interaction likely would have continued if not for the fact that Gringotts was quite close to Diagon Alley. The marble steps of the bank emerged as a divide as Harry quickly followed Prof. McGonagall into the bank. 

His eyes darted to the golden words etched on top of the gate, the sharp spears of the two bulky goblins that stood guard by the gate had a menacing aura but that quickly was washed away as they entered the large hall. Once again Harry admired the architecture of the bank, the white marble inlaid with what appeared as pure gold was a luxurious aesthetic. 

'That won't be pure gold right, but then again the goblin's love for materialistic things was unmatched according to the books.' Harry thought. His thoughts wandered briefly as Professor McGonagall asked for a meeting with the Potter Accounts Manager.

He paused as the old goblin looked at him for a moment and then he nodded. A slightly younger goblin who introduced himself as Griphook emerged from the gate that was beside the goblin perch and for a moment Harry couldn't help but think about what Griphook was doing down there. 

The images that thought produced caused his nausea to return as he shook his head. He noticed Prof. McGonagall was looking at him with a peculiar expression before she motioned with her head to follow along.

The halls of Gringotts were quite remarkable even if they were quite monotonous. Still, it displayed the massive amount of wealth that the Goblins have access to.

'According to our history books there have been numerous wars with the goblin, why would wizards even allow them full control of our currency was a bit beyond me. In times of war if the goblins are against us, then won't the situation worsen quite quickly?' Harry pondered as they made their way to a large room. 

A goblin dressed in a high-end suit was waiting for them, his eyes immediately lighting up as he recognized Harry as the goblin spoke in a ruff voice, "At last we meet Mr. Potter, do come inside we have matters of utmost importance to discuss..." The Goblin paused as his eyes traced Prof. McGonagall's figure as he asked, "Are you sure it is a wise decision to have the head of another House attend this meeting?" 

The question once again threw Harry off, he knew that he did not know much about the wizarding customs that involved the lord and Lady of the house. But since he knew nothing, his need to know more and having Prof. McGonagall here was even more justified.

"Yes, I trust Prof. McGonagall to maintain privacy regarding my House matters," Harry replied, he tried to channel his inner Malfoy as he spoke. "I'm sorry but how should I address you..."

"Of course, you can call me Heathmond, I have been the accounts manager of the Potter estate for the past 50 years..."

A.N: A little bit of change in POV! How would a slightly more mature Harry react to the storyline of the original novels?

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