Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 151 The enemy of the heir......

Chapter 151 The enemy of the heir.
On Halloween night, the sky was as black as ink, and the surroundings were quiet.

The students gathered in the auditorium, eating delicious food, and looking forward to the next performance.

I heard that Dumbledore had already booked a skeleton dance troupe to entertain everyone and enrich their after-school life.

Just Professor Dumbledore?
Looking at the empty seat on the high platform in front of the auditorium, many students inevitably had doubts in their hearts.

At this moment, a few sounds suddenly came from the fireplace in the principal's office. After a while, a small figure rolled out, and then another tall, white-haired old man fell vertically and bent out of the fireplace.

"Professor, I just said that I shouldn't come back in this way."

David coughed and climbed up from the ground, covered in ashes. He had used the fireplace many times, but he still couldn't master the way of landing gracefully. Maybe it was a natural conflict with him.

Ever since he learned that the group of people was likely to be the R organization, David and Newt went to the island where the group of people raised magical animals.

After some inspections, they found that they really had a problem. It was supposed to be a small island full of magical animals, but only a few dusty huts remained.

Then they went to several other strongholds, also found nothing.

It is worth mentioning that they visited Frank again later, and their eggs were almost broken.

And Frank seemed to know that David helped it, and David got his approval.

After the Chinese Taoist priests arrived, Newt returned Bai Ze to them.

When they were leaving, Bai Ze suddenly moved to David's side, took the initiative to get close to his palm, and contributed his strength.

And it also left a sentence for Dumbledore: "Things that have changed, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to put it back on the original track."

When David translated this sentence to Dumbledore, the only response to him was Dumbledore's long silence.

Then Tina seized the opportunity and sent them a Howler letter, sending David back to school, otherwise he would have to hang out for a while.

"It's safe and convenient, isn't it?"

Dumbledore smiled and blew the dust off himself and David with the Descaling Charm.

"is it safe?"

David touched the back of his head that was throbbing with pain. He didn't know what he bumped into just now, and he didn't know if he was bleeding.

"That's because you haven't mastered the technique. If you use it a few more times, you can be as calm as me."

"Forget it, I'd rather ride a broom to school than use it anymore."

David waved his hands again and again, and then his eyes were attracted by Fox on the table.

Fox was standing on a gilded branch behind the door. He was small and thin, and only a few of the original smooth and beautiful feathers remained attached to his body.

Sensing David's gaze, Fox raised his head and let out a mournful cry, then lowered his head feebly.

"Fox is dying?"

David stepped forward and gently stroked Fox's wrinkled skin, trying to ease his pain.

Dumbledore tilted his head and counted the time for a while: "It should be soon, will you be called when it is reborn?"

"of course."

David was about to talk to Dumbledore about Fox again when an old man suddenly rushed out of the portrait hanging on the wall.

He spoke very fast: "Dumbledore, your administrator's cat died, and there are many people around there now, do you want to go and have a look?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the principal's office was pushed open and slammed against the wall beside him.

Soon, Professor McGonagall came in resolutely, her face was ashen, her lips were tightly pressed together: "Dumbledore, something happened."

Professor McGonagall glanced slightly, and when she saw David, a look of joy appeared on her face, but soon sank again: "Mr. Scamander, when did you come here? You know that you are absent this semester. How many courses did you take?"

David squeezed out an apologetic expression, and quickly looked at Dumbledore for help.

"Professor McGonagall, there is a reason why David came so late, but there is not so much time to explain to you now, shall we go to the crime scene first?"

Dumbledore left the office first.

Professor McGonagall glared at David, and quickly followed him with him.

On the way, Dumbledore gradually merged with other professors, and the team that originally consisted of only a few people instantly turned into a platoon.

Among them was a well-dressed wizard. After he squeezed into the team, he walked beside Dumbledore with his head held high, as if he was the vice-principal of the school.

Behind him was Professor Snape, his eyelids drooped slightly, revealing a cold light. If eyes could kill, the person in front would have died countless times.

The two stood together back and forth, forming a sharp contrast. One's hair was combed meticulously, the other's head was full of oil, and even his clothes were stained.

If you want someone to choose, I believe most people will think that the first one is the real professor of the school.

As David observed him, the wizard also noticed David.

He took a step back calmly and leaned against David.

"I'm Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Gilderoy Lockhart, [-]rd Class of the Order of Merlin, Honorary Member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, five-time Wizards Weekly Award for Most Charming Smile, but I seldom Show off these." Lockhart naturally put his hands on David's shoulders: "Can you tell me your name?"

"David Scamander."

After talking about Lockhart's series of titles, David only remembered one professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Looking at Lockhart's confident smile, he should be a qualified professor, right?It can't be worse than Quirrell, right?
"It's a good name. Why didn't I see you in class before?"

"I have some things at home, I just came to school today."

David looked a little embarrassed after skipping class for so long.

"Oh? Is that so? Then you have missed many of my wonderful teachings, but don't worry, I will try my best to spare time to give you tutoring."

Lockhart patted David on the shoulder, showing his gleaming white teeth again, trying to look approachable.

"Thank you, Professor." David said heartily.

"Don't say that, this is what I, as a professor, should do for my students."

At this time, they came to the scene of the incident, surrounded by a group in front of them, chattering and making noise.

Lockhart immediately let go of David's shoulders and pushed the crowd to the front.

A line of words was written on the wall in front of the crowd: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened.Those who are enemies of the heir, be vigilant.

There is also a cat hanging beside the handwriting. Its whole body is as hard as a rock, and its face is frightened. It is Mrs. Norris.

Filch stood in the middle, howling sadly, and kept berating Harry.

Harry's restless eyes swept across the faces of the crowd, and suddenly he seemed to see a familiar figure behind the crowd.

The panic in his heart was immediately diluted by joy, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

"You're still laughing! You killed my cat and you're still laughing? Are you laughing at me?"

Filch suddenly became frantic, and was about to rush towards Harry with his hands raised.

"No, I didn't"

Harry waved his hands incoherently, and took a few steps back.

Hermione and Ron, who were standing beside him, also looked at him in disbelief, wondering why he suddenly laughed.

Although Filch's cat is dead, it is very happy, but it depends on the occasion, doesn't it?
"No, you are, even if I die today, I have to keep you here!"

Filch's voice poured fuel on the surrounding flames like a bucket of fuel, and the scene became even more noisy.


Dumbledore was like a bucket of well-trained firefighters, calming down the raging fire all around at once.

"He, Harry."

Filch wanted to say something more, but when Dumbledore waved his hand at him, he shut his mouth and stood aside angrily.

Dumbledore looked at it slightly, and raised his hand to remove Mrs. Norris from the torch holder.

"Shall we go to a quiet place and deal with this matter?" Dumbledore glanced at Filch.

Filch nodded quickly.

"Well, please come with me, and Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger."

As soon as Dumbledore turned around, Lockhart stepped forward and started selling his office.

After Dumbledore agreed, Lohari's tall chest rose a little more.

"Professor, can I go with you?"

David pushed aside the crowd and walked to the front of the crowd.

At this moment, Hermione finally saw him. She covered her mouth in disbelief, and there were faint tears in her eyes. The matter of punishing David had already been consumed by worry during so many days of waiting. clean.

After a burst of surprise, Ron's face was also occupied by a smile. He understood why Harry laughed just now. It was to let him see that he had to laugh too, and he laughed more happily than Harry.

"Come with you too."

Dumbledore nodded, and walked towards the side of the corridor. Lockhart passed the crowd with great air, and followed closely behind Dumbledore.

"Where have you been all this time?"

Hermione quietly moved to David's side, holding on to David's sleeve with one hand, as if she was afraid that he would disappear suddenly.

"I have something to do, so I was delayed."

"What is so important that you can't reply to the letter?"

Hermione stared, her voice amplified a little.

It is true that I cannot reply, the key is that I have not received any of the letters you wrote.
David sighed: "I'll tell you later, I definitely didn't mean not to reply to your letter."

Hermione looked at David quietly for a moment, and nodded her head.

Walking to Lockhart's office, David was immediately stunned by the photos everywhere.

Although he can't confirm Lockhart's teaching level now, he can confirm one thing, that is, this teacher is extremely narcissistic!

Dumbledore put Mrs. Norris on the table, and after careful observation, he came to a conclusion: Filch's cat was not dead, but petrified.

Lockhart, who was bragging on the side, stopped abruptly. After all, in his story, Mrs. Norris is estimated to have ascended with the light.

But he quickly changed his mind. He said that he could save Mrs. Norris, and he also described the spell he would use.

The others didn't have time to pay him any attention at the moment, Filch was lashing out at Harry, and Harry was fighting back desperately.

Snape stood in a dark corner with a sneer on his face, thinking of something interesting.

After Filch finished venting, Snape's mouth moved, and he felt that it was time to come by himself.

So he interrupted everyone loudly, silenced Harry in a few words, and at the end, he also demanded that Harry be disqualified from Quidditch for not telling the truth.

Harry wanted to yell back at Snape, but Snape's aggressive gaze made his mouth stick like glue.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall rejected Snape with righteous words. After all, if Harry was really allowed to leave, it would be a serious blow to the Gryffindor Quidditch team that had just started to improve.

This is absolutely unacceptable for a loyal Quidditch fan.

There was another quarrel at the scene for a while before Dumbledore finished it slowly.

If Harry couldn't be proven guilty, then he was innocent and didn't have to leave the Quidditch club.

As for Filch's cat, it can be rescued after Mrs. Sprout's mandrake is mature.

When leaving Lockhart's office, Dumbledore suddenly stopped David and asked him to wait a little longer.

David could only stay with Dumbledore under Hermione's reluctant eyes.

"Professor, is there anything else you need?"

David asked after walking a short distance down the hallway with no one around.

"It's nothing, I just want to test what Newt taught you, how much you have learned."

Dumbledore took David back to the bottom of the line.

At this time, David also understood Dumbledore's intentions. He searched the ground and found no suspicious signs. Someone cleaned the place very well.

Then he used the Appearance Charm again, and all the people who appeared on the scene were those who had just been with them, and there was no doubt.

"Professor, I think this man is very clever."

Dumbledore nodded slightly: "Then there is no other way, we have to wait for him to show his flaws."

"What is the Chamber of Secrets? Whose heir is it?"

David looked carefully at the handwriting on the wall. He didn't remember the plot of this year very clearly. He only knew that there seemed to be a big monster in the secret room?

"A small place left by Salazar, but few people know where it is or what's in it. As for the heir? It should refer to his descendants or descendants." Dumbledore replied road.

"You don't know where the Chamber of Secrets is?"

"Of course, we've looked for it once before, but found nothing."

Dumbledore shook his head regretfully.

"Have you looked for it before? Has the secret room been opened before?"

Dumbledore nodded: "Yes, once a long time ago."

"Who opened it?" David asked curiously.

"I don't know, if we can find out who opened it, we will find the secret room, let's go back, your friends are still waiting for you!"

Dumbledore winked at David and turned away with him.

Back in the familiar Gryffindor lounge, David saw Hermione sitting in front of the fireplace, and he walked over quickly.

"David, where have you been all this time? You miss us so much!"

Ron sat beside David and said loudly.

"I traveled to America for a while."

"Travel?" Ron's eyes widened, and then he looked envious again: "Travel during class time? That's too comfortable, how did you convince your family, tell me, and I will persuade you when I go back another day my mother."

"Then you could very well be kicked out of the house the next day for stepping out of the bedroom with your left foot."

After Hermione finished speaking, she pinched David's waist fiercely. She thought it was something important, but it turned out to be a trip!

David gritted his teeth and endured silently.

"That's true." Ron was a little depressed, and soon became excited again: "But what if I succeed? That is, I can not go to class for several months! David, please tell me, I will ask again Ask Fred and George, and I'll see if I can improve."

Looking at Hermione's cannibalistic eyes, David decisively chose to change the subject: "What's the matter with that line? And why did you appear there?"

Harry looked around and found no one around, so he whispered: "I heard a strange voice, he said he was going to tear something, I followed that voice to where I found that line of writing."

"Strange sound? Did you all hear it?"

Hermione and Ron shook their heads slightly.

"I heard it in Lockhart's office last time, but he didn't hear it either, and just stupidly asked me to write him back."

David could hear the disdain for Lockhart in Harry's voice.

how?Lockhart and Harry had a conflict?

But now is clearly not the time to dwell on this issue.

"You mean that only you can hear that voice?" David asked.

Harry nodded reluctantly: "That's not a good thing, is it?"

"Why do you think so?"

David comforted: "It is only possible that you have a magical language talent to hear voices that other people cannot hear. The voice only rings in your ears." "Professor, can the professor understand the language of mermaids and snakes?"

"Yes, and he learned it all the day after tomorrow. Sometimes we have to admit that there is a big gap between people." David shrugged, and then asked a question he had just thought of: "You guys in the castle recently See any spiders fleeing in groups?"

"Spiders? Are there spiders in the castle?"

Ron hurriedly looked around, for fear that a spider would suddenly crawl to his side.

Neville patted Ron on the arm, signaling him not to worry, if any spiders came, he would deal with them for him.

Or are they not paying attention?

David originally thought it was a basilisk, because he had read in a book that Salazar was a snake tongue, and snake tongue is one of the few language talents that can be inherited.

It's possible that Harry was a snakemouth, so he could hear things that Hermione and the others couldn't.

The most important thing is that the basilisk also has the ability to petrify living things.

But now they seem to have found no sign of the spider fleeing. If there is a basilisk, it is impossible for the spider to stay in the castle safely.

"What's wrong? David, is there a problem with the spider?"

Hermione sensed a deeper meaning in David's question.

David nodded: "If you see spiders fleeing in groups, you can tell me, maybe you can verify one of my conjectures."

 Back to school! !Please vote, everyone, and enjoy watching! !

(End of this chapter)

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