Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 159 Vanity and Laziness Are Like Two Demons

Chapter 159 Vanity and Laziness Are Like Two Demons

"Gidero, go, you will become the best student in Hogwarts history!"

Lockhart's mother kissed him lightly on the head and waved goodbye.

Lockhart dragged the suitcase aboard the steaming train, found a compartment, packed his things and sat on a chair.

After a few minutes, when the surrounding area was full of people, the train started slowly.

Are they ready for my ceremony?
Lockhart leaned against the car window, watched the scenery passing by outside the window, slowly lowered his eyelids, and fell asleep.

After the train stopped and entered a castle full of magic, Lockhart did not see any special welcome ceremony.

Only one wizard introduced him to the next process, and then they were asked to walk into a hall, wearing a tattered sorting hat one by one to decide which college they would go to.

"Gideroy Lockhart!"

Lockhart took a step forward, passing the crowd, and he felt that everyone's eyes were on him.

The corners of Lockhart's mouth curled up, he liked the way it felt.

"Oh, it's another special child. It's really hard to choose. He's very smart and has the desire to prove himself. Is it Lakvenlaw? Or Slytherin?"

After Lockhart put on his hat, he heard a whisper in his ear. This was the first time he had heard the word special since he came to school.

Sure enough, what my mother said was right, I am different from them!

Lockhart thought happily.

"Okay, okay, I thought about it carefully, you are still suitable there, that is"

Lockhart heard the hat on his head call out a name: Raquellaw!

Taking off his hat, Lockhart saw that the students on the long table of Raquel were applauding for him, and a senior student even made a seat for him.

Lockhart took it all in peace, he felt it was what they should do, because he was about to be their hero, win them the House Cup, just like his mother said.

But after a while, Lockhart found that everything in school seemed to be different from what his mother said.

They don't know their own names, and no one discusses their magical powers.

Because they are all the same as themselves, and some are even stronger than themselves.

Lockhart couldn't bear this situation, he began to study hard, frequently raising his hands to answer questions.

Gradually his name began to appear in the mouths of professors and some students, and he became a relatively outstanding student.

But Lockhart felt that this was not enough, and he kept repeating a sentence in his heart: either do the best, or don't do it.

He wanted to see the envy in the eyes of his sisters among the students around him.

But how can it be done?
He is a child of mixed blood, and he is not as knowledgeable as those children who have been exposed to magic since childhood.

Awards that he can get, others can get too.

After contemplating for a while, Lockhart started his own actions.

He made a plan for himself in several steps, the first stage of which is: Let all the teachers and students in the school know himself.

Lockhart went to lobby the headmaster, he wanted to run a school newspaper for Hogwarts, introducing the big and small things of Hogwarts.

In fact, his main purpose is to allow his name and photo to be printed in a fair manner for everyone to know.

But because there are too many pages introducing himself in the newspaper, few students are willing to read it.

Lockhart's goal of becoming famous had not been achieved, but that didn't frustrate him in the slightest, as people at school were already talking about him.

On the eve of the start of the Quidditch season, Lockhart had another plan.

He sneaked out of the castle and magically carved his signature on the Quidditch pitch, each letter twenty feet long, guaranteed to be seen by the teachers and students sitting on the raised platform.

Although after that, Lockhart was pulled out to stay in school for a week of labor, but the cheers from all the teachers and students that day were enough to satisfy him.

After tasting the sweetness, Lockhart went to an extreme. He found that as long as the scene was big enough, it was difficult for others to ignore him.

So one afternoon, Lockhart imitated the Dark Mark in the open space in front of the castle, reflecting his oversized, super shiny head into the sky.

This caused cheers again in the dry afternoon, although Lockhart received another warning after that.

But can this stop him from accomplishing small goals?
Of course not!

Every celebrity's road to fame is difficult.

I want to do my best!
Lockhart told himself silently in his heart that he must persevere.

With Valentine's Day approaching, Lockhart came up with another little idea for attention.

He ordered [-] greeting cards from a store outside the school in advance, and each card was filled with words of admiration for himself.

At nine o'clock on Valentine's Day, everyone was eating delicious meals in the restaurant.

Suddenly, there were noisy flapping wings and hooting owls from high above the sky. Judging from the sounds, there were more owls than usual.

Many students have not realized the seriousness of the problem, and they looked up curiously to see nothing.

Countless owls crowded into the auditorium, accompanied by dense feathers and droppings.

"Sorry, sorry, my fans are really too enthusiastic."

Lockhart stood up with his head covered in feces, waved to everyone, and soon the black owls stopped beside him.

The students in the auditorium couldn't bear the torment of feces and feathers, so they gave up eating and left the auditorium.

I have to say that Lockhart's idea made him completely famous. Although it is not a good reputation, everyone in the school knows him, and the professors can't punish him yet.

After all, you can't stop people from sending letters, can you?
So the lover's feces-filled romance became a standard Hogwarts program until Lockhart graduated.

After completing the goal of the first stage, Lockhart started the second stage of the plan: gaining the admiration of others.

This is not an easy goal to achieve. After a lot of thinking, Lockhart finally came up with an idea: talk big!
When others are willing to talk to him, he will continue to brag that he will create the Philosopher's Stone before graduation, and after graduation he will join the English Quidditch team and lead them to win the Quidditch team as the captain of the team. The winner of the Diqi World Cup, and later he will become the Minister of Magic and other things that are difficult for ordinary people to do. I want to use this to arouse everyone's admiration for him.

It's a pity that Lockhart didn't make it, he was stuck in the first stage.

Moreover, Lockhart's various behaviors caused the professors of Hogwarts a headache. When he graduated, many professors in the college breathed a sigh of relief, wishing to hold a banquet to celebrate.

After graduating, Lockhart soon discovered that the world seemed different from what he had imagined.

He can no longer easily gain the attention of others, and he has no talent for Quidditch. He applied for a job at the Ministry of Magic, and no one wanted him.

In the end, Lockhart could only rely on his experience of founding a school newspaper at school, and found a job as an editor in a newspaper office, dancing with words all day long.

But this kind of life makes him very painful, because people only care about the words he reports, no one pays attention to the author's small name, and no one knows him.

Until an interview with a wizard, his thrilling story shocked Lockhart's mind.

Lockhart suddenly thought: what would happen if the name in the story was changed to him?

People are likely to refocus their attention on him!

This malicious thought kept growing in Lockhart's heart, gradually enveloping his entire heart.

He was completely lost in it.
After Lockhart came back, he resigned from the newspaper. He buried the wizard's story in his heart and concentrated on studying memory magic at home.

After he perfected the magic, Lockhart returned to that place, found the wizard again, and perfectly erased the memory of his strange life experience.

After returning, after Lockhart's hard work for a period of time, "Break with the Female Ghost" was widely welcomed and responded enthusiastically once it was published.

Lockhart also became one of the most popular writers, and more and more people began to admire and cheer for him.

Having tasted the sweetness, Lockhart began to search for those unknown heroes all over the world, and took their stories for himself.

Soon he was accumulating a string of achievements: Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, five-time Wizards Weekly Award for Most Charming Smile.

Lockhart's career began to peak and entered a period of vigorous development.

But behind all these are buried poor people who have lost their memories.

Lockhart woke up from the memory, with bitterness on the corner of his mouth: "Vanity and laziness are like two crazy demons. I lost myself as early as when I stepped on the Hogwarts train."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Dumbledore said to the door: "Come in directly, Harry."

"You already knew about my deceit?"

Lockhart turned to look at Dumbledore, who had withdrawn his wand and lifted the spell on him as soon as Dumbledore entered.

"Yes, two of my friends happened to do the same thing as the characters in your book, so I went to visit them."

"then why do you want to"

Lockhart stared at Dumbledore, he didn't finish his words, he already understood Dumbledore's intention.

With his ability, as long as he is put in this school for a period of time, he will show his true colors.

And the ultimate goal of all this is.
Lockhart turned to look at Harry, who had just entered.

Harry was a little at a loss and stood against the door. He was still practicing Parseltongue in the dormitory, but suddenly a small plane flew over and asked him to come to Lockhart's office.

Harry quietly lip-synced to David, asking him what the hell was going on.

"You asked me to come because of Harry?"

Lockhart rolled his eyes.

"It's one of the reasons, Professor Lockhart, would you like to tell Harry your story?" Dumbledore asked.

Lockhart said with a sneer: "Of course, but... I have a small condition."

"What?" Dumbledore asked.

"After I've told Harry my story, will you let me go safely without informing the Ministry?"

When Lockhart spoke, his expression was anxious, mixed with eagerness. If the Ministry of Magic found out about his crimes, he would definitely be sent to Azkaban, which is not a place for people to stay alone.

After Dumbledore listened, he looked at Lockhart and said, "I think before sending you to Azkaban, you should return your story to those whose memories you erased."

Lockhart raised his head in surprise: "You agreed? You didn't notify the Ministry of Magic? Will you let me go?"

"No, no, it's not to let you go, but to heal those who were hurt by you. After all, it is very difficult for others to find them except you." Dumbledore said, "As for whether to send you to and dementor later?" If you are a blame partner, it depends on whether the people you hurt can forgive you."

Lockhart felt joy in his heart, as long as he didn't go to Azkaban, he could talk about anything, and as long as he left this school, he could escape Dumbledore's control. He made so much money, he could hide it anywhere Get up and spend the rest of your life in peace.

Lockhart bowed to Dumbledore and said sincerely: "Professor, don't worry, I will do my best to heal them."

Dumbledore nodded: "Can you speak now?"

Lockhart asked, "Harry, would you like to hear my story?"

Harry nodded in bewilderment, he still didn't understand what was going on.

Lockhart had a look of embarrassment on his face, after all, his past was not a heroic story worthy of praise.

After Lockhart finished speaking, Harry stared at Dumbledore and then at David, he was a little dazed by the amount of information.

Professor Lockhart is a liar?
A liar recruited by Dumbledore himself?
At the end, Lockhart patted Harry on the shoulder and said: "Harry, being famous early is not a good thing. I hope you don't let the flowers of vanity and evil spread in your heart like me. The last thing I'll teach you as a professor."

"Do you understand why I asked Professor Lockhart to tell you this story?" Dumbledore looked at Harry.

Harry lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said, "I understand."

"Is there anything else you need my help with?"

Lockhart's eyes shifted to Dumbledore, his tone flattering.

Dumbledore said, "Can you give me that diary?"

"Of course, that's not mine."

Lockhart walked to a cabinet in the corner of the room, groped in it for a while, and pulled out a small black wooden box.

"I was going to put it here and I just left, but this kid stopped me."

Lockhart raised an eyebrow at David, his eyes lingering on the box.

"The time of owning it should be the happiest time since I graduated. It is the first time that I have won the recognition of so many people by relying on my own efforts. It's just a pity that it seems to have bad intentions."

Lockhart handed the box to Dumbledore, not sure if what he said was true.

After Dumbledore opened Harry to check it, he looked at Harry with a smile: "Harry, can you go back first? We should return this room to Professor Lockhart."

Harry nodded, took two steps in a daze, and turned to look at David.

Dumbledore waved at Harry: "I still have something to do with David, he may come back later."

 Thank you for the reward if you want to try the sledgehammer in my hand, hope you have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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