Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 172 Attack, Stone Snake!

Chapter 172 Attack, Stone Snake!

"David, what are we waiting for here?"

Hermione stood close to David, the hazy mist around her, and the giant snake wrapped around the stone pillar made her whisper in her heart.

"Little animals inside."

David looked around, preparing to call out the Norwegian Ridgeback to send him up. Climbing would definitely be impossible.

But just as he made a move, the green snake that had been in his pocket all this time sneaked out, along the robe to the ground.

"what is this?"

Hermione was startled when she saw the green snake on the ground, but she gradually calmed down when she saw that David didn't move.

"The little pet I found there." David thought of a little after speaking, and immediately squatted down, switching the language to snakemouth, "Can you wake up the giant snake on the rock wall?"

The green snake wagged its tail and meandered towards the statue.

Just as a thought of disliking its slow speed rose in David's heart, the speed of the green snake instantly increased, pulling out an afterimage of the green snake in the air.

At the end, David couldn't even see the afterimage.

After about half a minute, Salazar's body began to shake slightly, and some small stones fell into the surrounding pool.

"Don't be afraid, what I want to find is here."

Calming Hermione's nervousness, David looked towards the statue's gaping mouth.

Snakes of different sizes, connected head to tail by stone snakes, scrambled down from the statue.

Hermione couldn't help but grabbed David's sleeve tightly.

When the giant snakes on the surrounding stone pillars saw their companions come out to move around, they were also a little excited, twisting their bodies one after another, trying to climb down.

But their size is really too big, almost the same as the basilisk guarding the entrance of the giant arachnid's cave, and they are not needed for hunting tree monkey frogs.

"go back."

David threw his head back and hissed.

The giant snake that had climbed halfway shook its head unhappily, but still followed David's order, rewound around the stone pillar, and became a lifelike statue.

"Are they so obedient?" Hermione glanced curiously, then stared down at David and said, "If I also learn Parseltongue, will they listen to me?"

"It's possible."

David smiled and said that the reason why he was able to order these stone snakes was because of those little green snakes.

At that time, let the green snake give Hermione some authority.

"Okay, I'll go back to school!" Hermione said confidently to herself.

"Harry has a notebook, written by Professor Dumbledore, you can read more."

David first climbed up a large snake's basilisk, then reached out and pulled Hermione up.

The basilisks lined up and slowly crawled along the route that David followed the basilisks to the Forbidden Forest.

"Be careful, there is movement over there, and there are quite a few of them."

Just a little deeper into the Forbidden Forest, David heard Professor McGonagall's warning coming from ahead.

Did they also know that the tree monkey frog had mutated?

David let the group of stone snakes crawl over slowly, and when Professor McGonagall's groan was just visible, he shouted: "Professor McGonagall, take it easy, it's me."

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, and the curse pointing forward hung down.

Professor Flitwick and Bane were standing by her side, Snape was not there, probably still fighting the acromantula in the office.

"these are?"

Professor McGonagall looked at the group of snakes brought by David in amazement, and she wondered where they came from.

The statues in Hogwarts can also be moved with spells, but that is a means to protect the school at a critical moment, and it cannot be used privately under normal circumstances, which disappointed Professor McGonagall very much.

David slid off the stone snake's head and said with a smile: "They are the legacy of Salazar Slytherin. When I went to the chamber of secrets last time, he thought I was a material that could be made, so he sent them to me. Gave it to me."

Professor McGonagall nodded and asked expectantly, "Can others direct them?"

"Maybe not, you need to get their approval."

Davy could not understand Professor McGonagall's little thoughts, and said quickly.

"Oh, okay." Professor McGonagall suddenly felt that the stone snakes in front of him were nothing more than that, and said in a light tone, "You let them come here to deal with those tree monkey frogs?"

"Well, they have too many forests, and their ferocious nature has been amplified a lot. They don't have any natural enemies yet. It's not a good thing for them to stay."

"Hagrid always likes to raise some weird things." Professor McGonagall shook his head helplessly, and continued, "Then I will leave the matter here to you, and we will go back first."

After Professor McGonagall took two steps towards the castle, he stopped and turned to look at the stone snake behind David: "Miss Granger, aren't you planning to go back with me?"

Hermione sank, and moved out from behind Stone Snake with a sad face.

Before she knew what she was here for, she saw Professor McGonagall.

You must know that students are strictly prohibited from coming to the forest now, so she has hit the gun.

"Hermione is here to help me!"

David quickly said that if Hermione and Professor McGonagall were punished when they went back, then he would...
"Really?" Professor McGonagall raised his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and didn't care too much, "Then you have to protect her."

"Come on, Professor Flitwick, let's go back."

Professor Flitwick nodded, and said to the two of David to be safe, and he trotted away after Professor McGonagall.

"It scared me to death just now."

After the two professors walked away, Hermione patted her chest vigorously and said.

"I didn't expect Professor McGonagall to be here, I thought they hadn't found out yet." David gave Hermione an apologetic look, turned to look at Bain and said, "Bain, you can go and inform your Companions? Otherwise, it would be bad to hurt them."

"Of course." Bain looked at the densely packed stone snakes behind David, nodded in satisfaction, left a sentence "I knew you could find a way.", and ran towards the distance with his horse's hooves.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the basilisk," David said.

"it is good!"

Hermione nodded happily. She had been collecting information about the basilisk in books before, but she hadn't actually seen what it looked like.

On the way close to the cave of the acromantia, some daring tree monkey frogs swung from the trees in the distance, trying to attack the two of David.

But as soon as they got a firm foothold in the trees around David, several stone snakes rushed up and bit down on the terrified eyes of the tree monkey frog.

With their bean-sized heads, they couldn't even figure out why these lifeless guys moved.

Although stone snakes can kill tree monkey frogs, the corpses cannot be disposed of. After all, they are just a pile of stones and have no digestion ability.

David let them hold in his mouth, ready to be sent to the acromantula's cave for disposal.

It's like a natural litter box in there.

The tree monkey frogs who hadn't approached in the distance were also terrified. They understood that the person in front of them seemed to be their nemesis and they couldn't get close.

There was no harassment from the tree monkey frog, and nothing happened along the way. David and Hermione chatted happily and soon arrived around the basilisk.

At this time it was eating, and there was a pile of raw meat in front of it, which David had asked the house-elves in Hogwarts to prepare for it.

Although the basilisk eats a lot, its digestion ability is not strong, and it can last for about a week after one meal.

"It looks strange."

Hermione moved slowly. Although the basilisk's eyes were blindfolded, its ferocious head and huge body were still daunting.

"It's okay, it's very good, you can pet it." David suggested to Hermione.

"Let me try."

Hermione took a deep breath and approached the basilisk carefully, her palms gently touching the basilisk's scales.

She immediately felt a biting cold, and the heat from the sun was dispelled without a trace.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, or it has its own effect, Hermione suddenly felt that it would be nice to have such a pet in the hot weather.

Gradually, the food in front of the basilisk became less and less, and Hermione's fear of the basilisk became less and less. She even followed David to climb onto the back of the basilisk.

At this time, a thick horn sounded in the distance.

"what happened?"

Hermione jumped up from the basilisk's back, touched her wand and said nervously.

"It should be that the horsemen are all ready." David issued an order to the surrounding stone snakes when the second horn sounded, "Go, kill those guys who just attacked us, but you can't kill irrelevant people." animal."

The Stone Snake spat out gray and white letters, silently crossed the obstacles on the ground, and ran towards the surroundings like a well-trained assassin.

After about a few minutes, the forest suddenly became noisy. Countless birds flew from the forest, circling and screaming in the air.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear some panicked and ugly screams.

After a few more minutes, the circling birds quieted down, and they slowly sank back into the trees.

Because they discovered that the guys who swim silently not only won't hurt them, but also help them kill those annoying guys.

This makes them very popular.

"They're back."

Hermione pointed at David's back with her pale fingers.

David turned around and saw that the returning stone snake was crawling towards the mouth of the acromantula's cave with the tree monkey frog in its mouth.

David felt relieved when he saw this, the Stone Snakes should all understand their mission.

"Okay, let's go back," David said.

After all, the sun is now hanging in the sky, crumbling.

"Is it okay to just leave them here?"

Hermione was still a little worried. If these guys wanted to mess around, there shouldn't be any animals in the forest that could stop them.

"It should be fine." David thought for a while, "I gave them an order earlier, let them go back after cleaning up the tree monkey frogs in the forest."

"Then let's come and have a look tomorrow."


David slid off the basilisk's back to the ground, took Hermione after him, and strolled towards the castle.

The basilisk fell asleep again while waiting idly, it was already used to this kind of life.

When they got to the edge of the forest, David and Hermione saw the centaur.

In order not to hinder Stone Snake's mission, they directly moved the camp to a location near the edge of the forest.

David stood on tiptoe and looked through the rough-and-tumble wooden hut for his first glimpse of some young centaurs.

They were carefully guarded in the center by other tall and strong centaurs.

Several centaur patrolling with spears caught a glimpse of David's gaze, and immediately waved their weapons threateningly.

David waved at them, and hurriedly led Hermione away.

Although he got along well with Bain and the other centaurs, the rest of the centaurs were still very wary of him.

This is a historical residual problem, which is not so easy to solve.

It has been a week since the stone snakes have completely dealt with the tree monkey frogs, and Easter is coming.

Professor McGonagall sent everyone a new list of courses. In addition to the original courses, they can choose some they like.

Hermione felt that this was a very important matter, and she gathered David and the others in the Gryffindor lounge.

"If only I could give up Potions."

Harry leaned his head back on the sofa, looking sadly at the ceiling covered with many spider webs.

Neville nodded in agreement.

"Don't think about it, you don't want to get rid of it until the fifth grade, and" David patted Neville on the shoulder and said with a smile, "and Professor Snape can't bear you, otherwise he will spend more time in every class." Some time to figure out exactly how to deduct points from Gryffindor."

Neville elbowed David angrily when he heard what David said.

After getting acquainted with everyone, Neville became a little more confident, and getting along with the Davids was not as timid as before.

"Hermione, why did you check all of them? Isn't the time of these courses conflicting?"

David glanced casually at Hermione's class timetable, noticing that she had signed her name on every subject.

"Professor McGonagall didn't say that we can't take classes with time conflicts." Hermione blinked, "Since she didn't say, I'll take them all. It would be best if I could take them. If not, I wouldn't What will be lost."

you are a little genius
The corners of David's mouth twitched. He knew there was something that would allow Hermione to go through all her lessons.

But that thing is too precious, and there are only a few in the Ministry of Magic. Would they be willing to lend it to a primary school student for class?

Hermione looked back and forth at the watch, and found that nothing was missing, so she folded it squarely and put it in her bag.

"What class are you going to take?" Hermione asked.

"Ancient magic patterns, protection of magical creatures and divination."

David showed Hermione his schedule, and besides the original courses, he only signed his name on these three courses.

"Divination class?"

Hermione was not surprised that Davy would choose Ancient Mageweaves and Protecting Fantastic and Fantastic Creatures.

But when David chose divination, she was a little surprised. After all, David had never revealed that he was interested in this area.

"I asked Fred and George the day before yesterday and they recommended this course to me."

Hearing David's words, Ron and Harry immediately became interested.

David raised his eyebrows at the two of them, and continued: "The two of them said that Trelawney's class is very easy, even if she sleeps in class, she doesn't care much, and after class, you only need to predict some misfortunes randomly. If the encounter is written on paper, you can get a high score, which can be said to be the best choice for fishing."

As soon as David finished speaking, he saw Harry and Ron signing their names on the divination class with great interest. They felt that there was such a good class and they didn't take it, they were simply out of their minds!
(End of this chapter)

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