Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 176 Come out, Norwegian Ridgeback!

Chapter 176 Come out, Norwegian Ridgeback!
The acromantulas wandered back and forth in despair, with clicking sounds one after another.

The basilisk spittled and moved slowly, like stretching before a good meal.

As the basilisk approached the gate, its eyes finally showed their power.

A few spiders that were too late to close their eyes wailed and fell to the ground.

Some acromantulas with more active minds sensed something was wrong. The big monster inside the gate seemed to be more terrifying?
Under the coercion of the basilisk in the secret room, the panicked spiders led a large army and rushed toward the one blocking the cave.

Very clever!

David had earlier ordered the summoned basilisk to block the acromantulas.

Now without his command, the summoned basilisk stepped forward to fight the fleeing spider.

It's just that its eyes don't have the power of a real basilisk, and the progress of killing enemies is much slower.

Some cunning, dexterous spiders slipped out from its side.

Looks like it's not enough.
David's wand pointed forward: "Come out, Norwegian Ridgeback!"

The huge Norwegian Ridgeback came out at the top of the hall, raised its head high and roared loudly, as if responding to David's second illness.

David nodded in satisfaction, and continued, "Norwegian Ridgeback, use Longyan to kill them in one fell swoop!"

The Norwegian Ridgeback flapped its huge bat-like wings vigorously, roaring all the way above the acromantulas flying over.

The scorching dragon flames spewed out from its mouth, and the spiders below tried their best to avoid them, but the basilisks in front and behind had already greatly oppressed their space for movement, and the attack range of the dragon flames was huge, and their power was also great. Not small.

After a while, there were many spiders emitting black smoke, lying on the ground and turning into a piece of coke.

The desire for life made the acromantula overcome some inner fears, and they crazily charged at the defense line of the summoned basilisk.

Under waves of continuous attacks, the summoned basilisk's scales broke open one after another.

Fortunately, they can't attack magically, so they can't cause any harm to David.

But the action of summoning the basilisk was much slower, and it was about to be submerged in the sea of ​​giant eight-eyed spiders.

David was a little puzzled in his heart earlier. The other summoned animals all have their own unique skills. For example, the Norwegian Ridgeback can breathe fire, and the horse-shaped water monster can transform.

But the basilisk is a fool, it doesn't know anything except flicking its tail and opening its mouth to bite.

Could it be because I forced the basilisk to recognize it?

David shook his head helplessly, and just as he was about to let the Norwegian Ridgeback come to rescue him, he saw the basilisk in the chamber desperately forcing and summoning the spiders around the basilisk, and crawling to its vicinity.

This is?

David asked the Norwegian Ridgeback to change its strategy and let it fly around the two basilisks in order to cover the basilisks.

David also wanted to see what the chamber basilisk was up to.

After the attacks were all gathered in one area, the direction towards the secret room was empty.

Some acromantulas had an idea, and hurriedly crawled towards David like a clever ghost.

In order to prevent them from delaying his observation, David summoned a three-headed dog with his backhand and guarded the door.

The chamber basilisk crawled to the side of the summoned basilisk and stuck to it.

After a while, the eyes of the summoned basilisk became active, and the bright yellow color spread from the center of the pupil to the surroundings, and gradually spread to cover the entire eyeball.

The surrounding spiders accidentally caught a glimpse of its eyes, and immediately lost their life.

Can you do this?

David couldn't help but widen his eyes. He didn't expect that the two of them leaned together, and the eyes of the basilisk he summoned had magic power.

Although David didn't quite understand what happened, it didn't affect him commanding the basilisk to hunt and kill the acromantulas around him.

After the eyes have magic power, the surrounding spiders are completely invincible.

In a short while their dead bodies filled the area outside the gate.

It's a pity that a few spiders slipped away in the chaos, but they can't affect the overall situation.

In the course of the battle, David also discovered something.

When the basilisk's eyes are looking at one's own personnel, the light inside will quickly weaken, thus losing its magic power and will not harm its own personnel.

This is fully demonstrated when the two basilisks look at each other.

I have blocked its eyes for so long, but I have really wronged it.

Put away the summoned animals around, order the basilisk to hide the magic power in its eyes.

David opened his eyes and walked to the basilisk, touched its jaw to express his apology.

Returning the basilisk to Salazar's mouth, David checked around.

Hadn't the acromantula on the ground died under the gaze of the basilisk, and it was still steaming.

Even if it was burned into coke by the Norwegian Ridgeback, the useful parts of its body also died of use value.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have called the Norwegian Ridgeback out.
David pursed his lips and followed the pipe back to the girls' bathroom.

After he was ready, he called Fred and George to come and tidy up the things that could be sold from the acromant spider's body, and let them make a small profit by the way, improving the environment of their home.

Ron's wand has been broken for a long time, but he has no money to replace it, and David can't help him directly, so this happens to be an opportunity.

"David!" The moment David appeared, Myrtle exclaimed immediately and flew up, circling him a few times, "Are you not injured?"

"No, I'm fine!" David replied.

"That's good." Myrtle reassured, and continued, "I heard a lot of noise outside today, so I flew out to have a look. There were all kinds of animals outside the castle, and many of them ran into the castle. , I went to look at other places, but unfortunately I didn't find you, but I was worried."

David smiled at her: "Thank you for your concern, Hermione and the others are hiding in the basement classroom!"

"I said! It's good that none of you are injured."

"What happened to the animals outside the castle?" David asked.

Myrtle tilted her head and thought for a while: "When I left, many of them were locked up by the professors. Now that it's been so long, it should be almost done."

Then I have to go back as soon as possible
Saying goodbye to Myrtle, David disappeared and strode towards where Hermione and the others were.

As he approached, David saw many students coming out from a distance, cheering and chatting loudly.

McGonagall and the rest of the professors are maintaining order, asking them to return to their dormitories as soon as possible, and the house elves will send them dinner to their dormitories.

Professor Snape wasn't there, so he probably went back to his office to study the red gas, after all, that was the key to solving Hogwarts' plight.

David stepped lightly, leaning against the wall carefully avoiding the crowd, and slowly moved towards the stairs.

By the time he got there, the crowd on the stairs had become bustling, and he easily walked around them and walked to Hermione's classroom.

Hermione, Neville, Harry, and Ron were still standing beside David's model, chatting enthusiastically.

But from the glances they would glance at the door from time to time, it was clear that their hearts were not so peaceful.

Fred and George hadn't left yet, and they were fighting in full swing with a set of wizard chess that they didn't know where they came from.

"Why hasn't David come yet? We'll be the only ones left here soon. The professor will come down to check." Ron muttered worriedly.

Harry scratched his hair: "David isn't in danger, is he?"

"Of course not!" Hermione raised her eyebrows and said firmly, "He should be back soon."

"Can you make room for me?"

David walked carefully around them while they were talking, but tried several times, but couldn't get past his model's position. They were covering too well.

The bodies of Harry and the others trembled, and they were obviously terrified, but after hearing David's voice, their faces were overjoyed, and Harry and Ron stood up quickly, and provided David with a perfect dish line of defense.

David hid in, and while showing his figure, he restored the model to its original shape.

"How are you doing?" Hermione asked quietly.

"Although the process was tortuous, the result is not bad."

"What the hell did you do?"

Ron asked curiously, and while they'd been providing cover, they'd been in the dark until now.

David showed a mysterious smile and said: "Let's go back and talk about it, I have found a chance for you to get rich this time."

"Get rich?" Ron's voice couldn't help but grow louder. Among them, he was the only one who lacked the most money.

Fred and George, who were playing chess, were also attracted. They rolled up the chessboard, put their hands on the table, and came to David's side.

"We seem to have heard someone talking about King Galleon." Fred said with his arm around David's shoulder.

George pushed Ron away and put his arm around David's other shoulder: "You can't leave us, my dear David."

"Of course, you are great contributors, and you will never be forgotten." David said with a smile, "Let's go back, or Professor McGonagall will come down to invite us later."

At this time, only a few of them were left inside the professor, and there were not many people in the corridor outside.

Talking and smiling up the stairs, Professor McGonagall just walked over.

She wanted to check to see if there were any students in the underground classroom who hadn't come out yet.

"Professor McGonagall, have those animals been dealt with?" David asked first.

"It's been dealt with." Professor McGonagall said with a tired expression. Her hair, which was usually neatly combed, was fluttering in a mess. "Most of them were locked in cages by us, and a small number fled back to the forest. here, but they are no longer a threat, we will lock them up later.”

"Thank you, Professor," David said.

"It's good that you're fine." The tiredness on Professor McGonagall's face dissipated a lot, showing a kind smile, "Are there any students down here?"

"No more, when we came up, it was already the last few."

"Okay then, go back and rest, and I'll ask the house elves to bring you food later."

"Thank you, you should rest early too."

After saying goodbye to Professor McGonagall, David and Harry walked to the Gryffindor lounge.

Only a few students stayed below to chat, and the others basically returned to their dormitories.

David and the others thoughtful of the corner they often do.

Fred immediately said: "Tell me, David, what opportunity have you found for us to make money?"

George also had the same urgent look on his face. Their research on time prank products has hit a bottleneck, and they don't have enough money.

Although they usually save enough and some people buy their products, it is still difficult to maintain their research expenses.

David waved his hand to let them not be too anxious, and then told them about the acromantula.

"You mean to say that we only need to remove the parts of the acromantula now, and we can get a large sum of Galleons?" George said with his eyes shining.

Ron also became excited, as if he had seen a brand new wand and waved at him again.

"Yes, let's take a rest today, and we will go there early in the morning tomorrow."

Seeing that Fred and the others were about to move, David quickly said that he didn't want to be busy in that dark and humid place at night.

"Okay." Fred immediately became emotional as soon as he lost his temper. He said to David, "You are our savior. We are still worrying about Jin Gallon."

Speaking of which, Fred and George looked at each other, and said to David: "We two have decided that we will share half of the proceeds from the sale of our products with you, and you will be our boss from now on."

David waved his hands again and again, saying no, he wasn't short of money, and he didn't use the Galleons that Tom in the tavern sent him.

After Fred's reminder, Ron realized that the acromant was solved by David alone, and they just followed to pick up some ready-made things, so they also persuaded them.

David sighed helplessly, and finally agreed with them that Fred and George's harvest would belong to them, but David would be given [-]% of the proceeds from the sale of goods in the future.

Except for the Galleon needed to buy the wand, Ron needs to share the rest of the proceeds with David equally.

Both Harry and Neville split equally with David.

As for Hermione, she shook her head in disgust and gave up the business. After all, she was the only baby girl in her family, and she would not treat her badly when it came to money.

After finishing the business, David and the others started chatting.

The hour hand points to the position of six, and the sun dyes the sky red.

A house elf appeared next to David and the others with a puff, and several plates filled with meals flew beside him.

Seeing David sitting on the chair, the house elf's big eyes were filled with surprise. He didn't expect to meet their good friend here.

"Mr. Scamander," said the house-elf cheerfully, walking up to David.

"Oh, long time no see!" David said with a smile, after thinking about it, he hadn't been to the kitchen for a long time.

"You haven't come for a long time." The house elf distributed the food to Harry and the others, but he took David's share, "We can make the food you told us last time." Alright, I'll go get it to you right now, you can try it to see if what we've done is right."

David raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, the house elf disappeared instantly.

"What did you tell them to sit?" Hermione asked as she ate, she was already hungry.

"Small steamed buns." David said with high spirits, "a food from China that I was lucky enough to eat."

"Xiaolongbao?" Hermione and the others looked at each other, not knowing what David was talking about.

"You'll know later." David was also full of anticipation for the food that was coming soon.

 Thank you for the reward of Zuma who can't play, hope to have fun! !

  It has been updated continuously for [-] days, it is not easy.
(End of this chapter)

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