Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Book

Chapter 37 Does Your Family Raise Dragons?

Chapter 37 Does Your Family Raise Dragons?

"Neville, can you lend me your toad?" Hermione took a deep breath and said courageously.

Neville was taken aback, but carefully handed the toad to Hermione.

After Hermione took the toad, her little face was full of nervousness. It was the first time she had come into contact with this kind of creature. Then she took a deep breath, tremblingly moved the toad to the tip of her nose, to smell it.

Are you so brave?
David smiled unconsciously, Hermione was a bit like when Newt first taught him magic.

Suddenly Foley moved, and his skin touched the tip of Hermione's nose.

Hermione screamed, and instantly flinched back, opened her hands, and threw Foley to the ground.

"Do you remember its smell?" David bent down and grabbed Foley, who was trying to escape again.

Hermione shook her head in frustration. She was so nervous just now that she didn't remember much.

"Then I'll hold it in my hand and you can smell it again, okay?" David said.

Hermione nodded.

David held Foley between his two hands to keep him from moving, and Hermione carefully moved closer to sniffing.

"I seem to remember!" After a while, Hermione said happily.

"Okay, then you can take a closer look at what it looks like, and then build it in your mind." David opened his hand so that Hermione could see clearly.

After looking around a few times, Hermione closed her eyes and thought for a while, then she opened them and said, "I think I can do it."

"Okay." David exchanged Foley for Neville, "Neville, can you follow me to learn too? Then you can find Foley by yourself in the future."

"Ah!" Neville was taken aback, he was a little unconfident, "Can I?"

"Yes, don't worry, I will teach you." David said.

Seeing Neville nodded, David took out his wand, "Recall the smell and shape of Foley in his mind."

After seeing Hermione and the others nodding, David went on to say, "The spell is to reveal, and then the wand gently draws a small circle in the air."

A pale golden mist rose from between David's staff, forming a toad on the ground.

The mist from Hermione's staff dissipated as soon as they reunited, but Neville didn't produce any mist immediately.

"Neville, take it easy, don't be so nervous, the shaking of your hands can be reduced," David said.

"Hermione, you didn't build the shape of the toad in your mind, so it dissipated as soon as it took shape, you are thinking about it."

Neville and Hermione nodded and started practicing again, and after a few times, they both succeeded.

Moreover, the toad transformed by Neville was more solid, because he was much more familiar with Foley, and the image he constructed in his mind was clearer.

For the next time, Hermione and Neville both practiced happily in the cubicle. David lay on the chair eating snacks and watched the scenery passing by the window. He spoke to the two of them a few times in the middle, but They didn't want to talk to him very much, as if they were back to the beginning.

With the sound of the train and the sound of the train, the sky gradually darkened, and the sun was still half hanging on the side of the mountain, and the surrounding clouds were reflected dark red by it.

David looked over from a distance and felt that those clouds looked a bit like Zouwu.

"The train will be arriving soon, first graders, please change into your school uniforms." A voice came from the corridor, and David could hear him trying to lower his voice to make his voice more mature and serious .

"In addition." The man continued: "Your salutes are placed in the car, and someone will deliver them to your dormitory later."

Then there was the same voice a little further away, and it looked like he was going to shout all over the train.

"Neville, let's go out and let Hermione change into her school uniform." David got up and said.

Neville nodded, followed David to the door, and closed the door.

David leaned against the corridor, and had just spoken a few words to Neville when he heard the door slam open.

"You go and change it." Hermione said, her hair hadn't been done yet, and some hair on the side was hanging on her forehead. She stood in the corridor and straightened it casually.

"Oh, my school uniform is still in my suitcase," said Neville suddenly as he walked into the cubicle.

"Do you remember that cubicle you made earlier?" David asked, thinking that Neville had probably forgotten.

"Probably remember." Neville was troubled. After scratching his head, he pointed to the other side of the carriage and said, "It should be over there. I'll go and look for it."

After finishing speaking, Neville held his toad to the side of the carriage, and looked from compartment to compartment.

"Neville, wait a moment, after you change into your school uniform, you can come here to find us." David shouted.

"Okay." Neville replied, and continued to search anxiously, feeling that the speed of the train had slowed down.

After David changed his clothes, he and Hermione stood in the corridor and waited for Neville in case he couldn't find him when he came back.

After a while, there was a creaking sound outside, the train stopped, and a dark and small platform appeared outside the window.

"Did you say Neville found his cubicle?" Hermione asked, as all the students in the cubicle poured out, but she still didn't see Neville.

"Should have found it." David said while avoiding the students who were about to get off the bus.

After a while, there was no one in the hallway.

"Let's go down, Neville may not be able to find us, so he went down, let's go down and look for it." David had just led Hermione out of the car when he heard Hagrid's shout.

"This is where the first-years come. All the first-years come here." Hagrid led a big lamp, standing in the middle of a group of young wizards, his bulk was particularly obvious.

"David!" Hagrid exclaimed in surprise.

David waved to him.

Hagrid squeezed away those little wizards and walked to his side. David hugged his thigh, "This is Hermione, Hermione Granger." David introduced.

"Hello!" Hagrid said with a smile, then he glanced around furtively, then squatted down and approached David softly: "David, is it true that Newt didn't raise fire dragons in his magic space? I heard People say he seems to have a Ukrainian iron belly? Can you show me?"

But this soft sound was for a giant like him. There was a loud thunder in David's ear. Most of the young wizards around looked over. Their eyes were full of expectations. A fire dragon is really attractive to wizards of this age. The ones are too big.

David quickly took a step back, away from Hagrid, and he responded loudly: "Hagrid! You can't talk nonsense, it is illegal to raise a dragon without permission! You don't mean to want to raise a dragon, do you?"

The eyes of the little wizards around turned to Hagrid again, and David stood beside him and breathed a sigh of relief.

There are no dragons in Newt's magic space, David can be sure, but there are other animals that cannot be fed!
If these little wizards take it seriously, if they go back and talk about it, and their parents tell the Ministry of Magic again, it will be cool.

Although he will not enter Azkaban, he will be fined a lot of money.

The current Minister of Magic, Fudge, loves Galleons very much. I heard that the Malfoy family is often caught by him and punished by him, and it is not serious, with hundreds of Galleons each time.

Hagrid hastily covered David's face with his hands, preventing him from continuing.

"No, nothing." The lamp in Hagrid's hand was rattled by him, and then he lightly reproached David, "Why are you so loud!"

Hagrid gave David a glare as he left.

"Is there really a dragon in your house?" Hermione asked expectantly from the side.

"No, definitely not!" David rubbed his temples, he felt a little pain in his brain.

 Please recommend tickets, please collect, thank you everyone, hope to have a good time!

(End of this chapter)

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