Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 101 – Cat Problems

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Hermione remained in the Hospital Wing for several weeks. 

There was a flurry of rumors about her disappearance when the rest of the school arrived back from their Christmas holidays, because of course everyone thought that she had been attacked. 

So many students had filed past the Hospital Wing to try and get a glimpse of her to see why she was in there, but Lucifer had already asked Madam Pomfrey to put up the privacy curtain, anticipating a human's natural curiosity.

Lucifer visited her every second of his spare time, letting her know he was there for her and that she wouldn't go through this unfortunate incident alone, and he brought her their homework from each day, which she was second most appreciative of, first being him reading books for her. 



Hermione sat there, waiting to hear what her family would say. They sat in silence for what was probably only about thirty seconds, but they were the longest seconds of her life. 

Waiting for them to pass judgment on her. Would they think her a freak? Would they disown the monster she had become? 

Would they insist that she stop coming home from school during holidays? 

Just kick her out?

The anxiety-driven thoughts were driven from her head just as quickly when her mum spoke up finally, looking at Hermione's face through the mirror.

“Your ears look lovely dear,” with just those five words, Hermione relaxed immensely, feeling a tension she hadn't known she carried slip away, “Is your tail the same colour?”

Hermione's head bounced up and down, “Yes, I would show you, but  removing my tail out is difficult in this skirt,” it would also have been embarrassing, the high waist meant that the only way her tail could go was down. 

This was fine most of the time, but if she got happy or angry her tail tended to shoot up, and that was the last thing she wanted while in a skirt.

“So, pumpkin, you mentioned a few other changes in your letters before using the mirror to contact us...I think me and your mum need to hear them all,” the joking was over and they were back to the main topic.

“Well...you know about the ears and tail. After a while, they will disappear, I am drinking the potions which Madam Pomfrey is giving me...but the taste in food has changed a little, I like fish, chicken, milk and cheese more now....”

Both her Mum, and Grandpa nodded along; the cheese part was new to them but Hermione had already mentioned in her letters about how her taste in food had changed. 

Mr. Granger had already added a few tins of different types of fish to the shopping when he picked up the groceries a few days ago. 

“Since I am part feline, and cats are adults when they turn 8....so, yeah....Madam Pompfrey said I could be passed as an adult in the Wizarding World. I also understand cats better. I just seem to know what they are trying to tell me,” Hermione hesitated for a second, thinking about something else, before saying, “that's it.”

Both of Hermione's family members looked at each other, silently debating whether to push. 

One of the letters they had gotten from Hermione's Head of House had mentioned their pumpkin was now taking a potion once a month to manage some other aspect of her transformation. 

Her mother, who had a suspicion just what it might be about, and was just about to suggest waiting when her father-in-law spoke up.

“Hermione we know there's more. Your Professor mentioned a potion you now need to take. Now tell us everything,” he usually wasn’t this harsh, but Wendell needed to fill up a gap for their lost son, was naturally more concerned for his grand-daughter. 

And to help her, he needed to know what the problem was.

Hermione sat in her seat fidgeting nervously. 

It wasn't that she was keeping it from both, just that she didn't want to talk about such things with her Grandpa.

It had been bad enough when Lucifer had asked about the potion, but she could tell him to drop it and he would listen. 

She knew that he was still worried about her, but Lucifer had relaxed a lot when she promised him it was nothing dangerous.

And it really wasn't, but how do you tell your boyfriend that the potion you are taking is to stop you from losing control and tearing his underwear every day?

She definitely wasn’t ready to have that conversation with Lucifer, it's already getting quite difficult to control herself.

Besides, she really didn't want to make Lucifer force to have sex with her in this state. 

And Hermione really wasn’t ready to talk to her grandpa either, “Um…grandpa, it’s...”

She was trying to work out a way to phrase things when her mother came to her rescue, “Hermione, is this a mother-daughter discussion?”

Hermione blushed, nodded and suddenly found a bit of an empty wrapper in her lap very interesting.

So interesting that she missed that her grandfather was just as suddenly interested in one of the pictures moving on the wall, behind her. 

Her mother smiled at her daughter's shyness; it brought back memories of her husband's first date. 

The discussion moved on swiftly; the talk about the potion was postponed until later when the two Granger women could talk alone. 

They asked about Hermione's classes, and how she had done on her tests. 


Hermione had just finished getting ready for bed and was about to go brush her teeth (she may have skipped the odd day here and there at Hogwarts but she knew that she wouldn't get away with her talk with Mum).

Whose face started to become visible in Hermione's mirror, surprisingly carrying two large bowls of what looked to be chocolate caramel swirl ice cream.

“Got time for a girly chat?” Hermione eyed the bowls of her own personal ice cream nirvana suspiciously, her mother didn’t usually indulge in such unhealthy treats, “...I think I could maybe find some time.”

Pointing her wand over the top, she was able to teleport her side of the bowl over. 

The two of them sat cross-legged on their respective beds, each holding a bowl but the older of the two still holding onto the spoons, “So...fun questions first. It's boyfriend Lucifer now, not best friend Lucifer, right?” 

Her mum asked, grinning as she handed over Hermione's spoon. 

A smile came over Hermione's face as she remembered that happy moment, “....yeah...” 

She even stopped talking for a bit, tasting a sample of the ice cream and gave a slight moan of pleasure, “Go on”

“....Madam Pomfrey asked me to make a decision on something. She asked if I wanted to keep the cat eyes or change them back to normal. I chose to change them back; you always said my eyes are like grandma's so I wanted to keep them.”

“Anyway, to change them back I needed to take a potion every morning for six days. That's fine as I was already taking a lot of potions, so what's one more? Only...this one had a noticeable side effect, which lasted for several days.”

“While my eyes were changing my vision was slightly blurry. I could see well enough to know if someone was there, or to walk to the bathroom and back, but I couldn't read, which you know was a huge problem for me.”

“I was a little upset about that particular thing, and then Lucifer turned up about an hour later. It was Saturday, and he had some of my favourite books with him. I told him that I couldn't read them because my eyes were being fixed, and that he may as well take them away. 

“He looked at me for a few seconds and I couldn't see the look on his face, but I just knew he had that smirk of his on that face, then he just sat down in the chair next to me and pulled out my copy of 'The Hobbit' and started reading it out loud to me.”

Hermione paused to take another mouthful of ice cream and her mum jumped in, “So let me get this straight; you were stuck without your books for a week and Lucifer just started reading them to you?”

Hermione nodded slowly, her mouth still full of ice cream, “Oh god, the poor boy is doomed. Only you would find love through reading, Kitten!”

Hermione giggled, then continued on after swallowing her bite, “Well after about five hours in that chair I realized Lucifer had to be uncomfortable...so”, she paused for a second wondering how her mother would take it, “I...I moved him up onto the bed with me...” 

Seeing her mother beginning to smirk, she powered on with her tale.


Author's Note

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