Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 110 + 111 – Valentine’s Day ❣️

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Hermione Granger finally got to leave the Hospital Wing, de-whiskered, and tail-less, completely fur-free, at the beginning of February.

On her first evening back in Gryffindor Tower, Harry threw the book onto her lap.

"We found this in Myrtle's bathroom-"

Harry was immediately cut off by the energetic girl, "Why were you in Myrtle's bathroom?" she asked sharply, while looking at Lucifer.

".....She flooded a hallway. Anyway, someone tried to dispose of this book, although there is nothing inside," Lucifer explained to her, defending why he was around Myrtle.

"Oooh, maybe it has hidden powers?" Hermione asked enthusiastically, taking the diary and looking at it very closely.

"???" Lucifer couldn't help but notice her quick mood swings, then just looked down at his work.

"If it has any, then it's hiding them very well," Ron said, while reading a quidditch book, "Maybe it's shy? I don't know why you don't chuck it, Harry?"

"I wish I knew why someone did chuck it," he responded back with a snarky comment.

"I wouldn't mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts as well," Lucifer said as he worked on homework he had neglected.

Ron was babbling on about some ways he could've gotten the award, but Hermione had a different idea in mind, "What?" Ron asked when they were quiet.

"Well, the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago, wasn't it?" Harry asked, "That's what Malfoy said."

"Hang on," Lucifer looked up from his work, "You two never told me what you got out of Malfoy. The Chamber was opened fifty years ago?"

"Yeah... sorry with all that happened with Hermione, it kind of slipped our minds," Harry said with a look of guilt.

"It's fine, but I knew it wasn't Malfoy from the start, it also explains something else," Lucifer said thoughtfully.

"What's that?" Hermione asked him, flipping through diary pages.

"Asking Binns about it was a waste of time. Of course he wouldn't know anything about it if it happened Fifty Years ago. He barely knows what goes on outside of his classroom. We should've asked a different teacher..." Lucifer said with a regretful look.

"So, Malfoy revealed about the chamber being opened Fifty Years ago," he reaffirmed Harry's words.

"Yeah..." Ron said slowly.

"And this diary is fifty years old," Hermione said, tapping it excitedly.

"So?" Ron was slow as ever.

"Oh, Ronald, wake up!" Hermione snapped at him, "We know the person who opened the Chamber last time was expelled fifty years ago. We know T. M. Riddle got an award for special services to the school fifty years ago.

Well, what if Riddle got his special award for catching the Heir of Slytherin ? His diary would probably tell us everything - where the Chamber is, and how to open it, and what sort of creature lives in it - the person who's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want that lying around, would they?"

"That's a brilliant theory, Hermione," Ron said snarkily, "with just one tiny little flaw. There's nothing written in this diary!"

Hermione pulled her wand out, and before Lucifer could stop her, she tapped the diary three times and said, "Aparecium!"

"Lucifer already tried that," Ron said.

Hermione was undaunted and shoved her hand back into her bag, pulling out a bright red eraser, "It's a Revealer, I got it in Diagon Alley," she said happily.

She rubbed hard on January first, but still, nothing happened.

"I'm telling you, there's nothing to find in there," Ron said irritably, "Riddle just got a diary for Christmas and couldn't be bothered filling it in!"

"How unimaginative you are," Lucifer said with a deep sigh.

'Binns could've also been wrong about the last person who opened it being expelled.

What if Binns got the wrong person?

What if Riddle got the wrong person?

There are too many variables that don't add up...' his thoughts trailed off as he rubbed his eyes, frustrated.


The next day, they managed to find Riddle's name on an old Medal for Magical Merit, and on a list of old Head Boys, "He sounds like Percy," Ron said, wrinkling his nose in disgust, "Prefect, Head Boy... probably top of every class-"

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Hermione said, Lucifer standing there with them, knowing for a fact that he was top of every class most likely, except for maybe Herbology.

Neville had a real knack for the class.

She glanced over at Lucifer, but he seemed undisturbed.


The sun had now begun to shine weakly on Hogwarts again, but the cold air remained.

Inside the castle, the mood had grown more hopeful.

There had been no more attacks since those on Justin and Nick, and Madam Pomfrey was pleased to report that the Mandrakes were becoming moody and secretive, meaning they were fast leaving childhood.

"The moment their acne clears up, they'll be ready for repotting again," Harry heard her telling Filch kindly one afternoon, "and after that, it won't be long until we're cutting them up and stewing them. You'll have Mrs. Norris back in no time."

Ernie Macmillan of Hufflepuff wasn't taking to the cheerful view of the Heir of Slytherin not attacking anymore.

He was still convinced that Harry was the guilty one, that he had 'given himself away' at the Dueling Club.

Peeves also wasn't helping, singing and dancing anytime he saw Harry.

Gilderoy Lockhart, on the other hand, seemed to think he himself made the attacks stop.

The four of them overheard him telling Professor McGonagall so while the Gryffindor's were lining up for Transfiguration, "I don't think there'll be any more trouble, Minerva," he said, tapping his nose knowingly and winking.

McGonagall looked unamused as always, "I think the Chamber has been locked for good this time. The culprit must have known it was only a matter of time before I caught him. Rather sensible to stop now, before I came down hard on him.

"Yeah, sure..." Hermione muttered under her breath as she banged her head repeatedly on Lucifer's shared desk with her.

"You know, what the school needs now is a morale-booster. Wash away the memories of last term! I won't say any more just now but I think I know just the thing!" He tapped his nose again and strode off in jovial spirits.

His idea became perfectly clear at Breakfast time on February 14th.


The first thing Hermione registered upon awakening was the warmth of her boyfriend's arms around her and the puffs of air against her temple where he burrowed his nose into her curls.

She smiled; his octopus-like tendencies never failed to amuse her.

Falling asleep with him wasn't something she planned on doing the previous night.

Lucifer got held up at the Quidditch practice, and she was exhausted after her own day of classes, so she must have dozed off in his bed, waiting.

She couldn't wait to give another exciting news, about Madam Pomfrey giving her a key to use a private room behind the Head Dorms.

For taking care of her urges at night, one condition she mustn't let others know about this, especially Professor McGonagall.

She was ever so grateful towards the matron for understanding her problems.

Hermione took a peek around her; the soft stream of early sunrise poured into the dorm room-it was still quite some time before waking hours to get ready for class.

She leaned her head back to take a better look at the sleeping beauty beside her.

Lucifer's black hair was illuminated by the sun, lips parted as almost inaudible snores filled the space between them.

His face was devoid of any kind of stress signs he typically sported during the day, ever since cases of petrifying had started.

Hermione lifted her hand to push away the few locks shielding his eyes but jolted him in the process.

He didn't wake but murmured something indistinguishable and tightened his hold on her, bringing her even closer to his body.

One of his legs was wedged between hers and his movement caused her to slide up his muscular thigh.

Hermione stiffened, the silk of her sleep shorts did nothing to hinder the friction, amplifying it instead.

He was almost brushing her core and heat began building up in the pit of her stomach and between her legs.

Hermione bit her lip. Should she wake him? Would he wake if she increased the pressure? Would he mind?

She didn't want to do it without his consent, especially feeling guilty after what she did because of her being a Half-kneazle.

Trying to get out of his embrace without alerting him would be next to impossible and, truth be told, she didn't want that.

Hermione never felt as safe and protected as she did with Lucifer's arms around her.

She tried regulating her breathing but all her efforts were in vain because Lucifer decided to shift his position once again, bringing the thigh between her legs higher up.

It slid up right against her centre and she let out a tiny whimper, grabbing at his shoulder and hitching her leg over his hip.

Hermione craned her neck to check if he's woken up; save for a little furrow between his brows, he was still fast asleep.

A pang of empathy shot through her at seeing her boyfriend this exhausted but it didn't help her current predicament.

What with her getting hot and bothered while said boyfriend was none the wiser.

The growing fire in her belly made her arch her back further and it was enough for her clothed clit to come into direct contact with the hard muscle underneath.

The silk provided much needed friction and another whimper escaped her.

Hermione was getting wetter by the second, lost in the movements, fucking herself on his thigh.

The seam of her shorts slid against her clit with every motion but it was not enough to satiate the need inside her core.

She almost sobbed and, in the wake of chasing her pleasure, noticed neither the change in Lucifer's breathing nor the tightening of his hold on her until his shh, darling broke her out of her trance.

She startled, eyes flying up to find the dark black rapidly getting clearer.

Sharper. His lips stretched into a lazy smirk as he assessed everything, "Having fun without me?"

If she wasn't already resembling a tomato at being caught, she would surely blush at his words.

"Well, technically it wasn't witho-ah!" Hermione yelped as one of his hands came down to pinch her arse cheek, "Lucifer!"

"Swot," came his eloquent response as his hand settled on her hip, "You were in the middle of something before I interrupted you so rudely."

He pushed her down on his thigh, simultaneously moving it up to rub against her and she mewled, the heady feeling of impending orgasm taking over again.

"It was-" The growing hardness in his boxers distracted her, a hot, insistent pressure pushing against her but Lucifer paid it no mind, focused on her pleasure, "It was rather rude."

He laughed and groaned, then pressed his other hand against the small of her back, lips landing on her cheek, his words a little disjointed, "Arch your back a bit more...that's it, pet, can feel-so wonderfully wet..."

Hermione pushed her forehead into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent, and rolled her hips as he pulled back and leaned down to suck on her nipple through the silk of her camisole.

Hermione clawed at his shoulders, trying to get closer to his mouth.

The throbbing in her clit was getting nearly unbearable.

"Come on, pet," Lucifer teared himself away from her nipple and breathed against her lips, "Come for me, like a good girl I know you are."

He slipped his hand around her backside and into her shorts.

The cold metal of his ring made her hiss as Lucifer gripped her arse and pressed her down harder.

Then his fingers trailed lower, down to her entrance, slipping through her wetness.

Her own hoarse cry and his quiet fucking hell was all she heard before he pushed two fingers inside her.

The angle didn't let him get too deep but the stretch was so good it made her almost delirious with pleasure.

Hermione was ready to cry when his fingers slipped out of her but he shushed her gently and moved them up, to the tight ring of her arsehole, circling it lightly and coating it in her arousal.

Tipping forward with a stuttered breath, Hermione cried out when he pushed the tip of his finger against her-barely entering her, but it was enough to send her over the edge with a shout, "Fuck!"

She shuddered, clutching at her boyfriend's arms tighter, chest pressed against his.

The ringing in her ears was blocking out any sounds around her, the aftershocks wracked her body.

She was floating.

Lucifer cradled her in his arms, the rumbling in his chest indicating he was saying something but she was too blissed out to try to understand it.

As the fog of her climax subsided, Hermione became aware of his pulsing length, trapped between them.

She looked up to find him watching her with a mix of amazement and lust.

"If I hadn't told you before, that was the sexiest thing I've ever seen you do," Lucifer said at last, voice husky.

"Using me for your pleasure like that..." He trailed off and she shivered at the intensity of his gaze, knowing he was not talking about the present.

Pushing her to lie back against the pillows, Lucifer shifted to his knees and spread her legs.

Hermione let him rearrange her heavy limbs, unable to look away from the sight of him between her thighs.

Her core tightened at his deliberate movements.

"For the record," he said, pausing to stare at the undoubtedly wet crotch of her sleep shorts, "Feel free to wake me up like that whenever you want."

He leaned down and cupped her cunt, warm material rubbing against her sensitive folds once again.

"Even if I am still asleep, you don't have to ask for my consent every single time...."

Something resembling his name tore out of her throat and Hermione tried to close her legs against his assault.

He was having none of it though, pushing her thighs apart and moving his thumb around until he found her swollen clit.

"But, it doesn't mean I won't punish you though," Lucifer grinned devilishly at her fervent nod.

His lips landed on her knee, teeth nipping at her skin and moving lower as he circled her clit gently, making her cry out, "P-please"

"Happy Valentine's Day," Lucifer added with a smirk and closed his lips around her through the silk.


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