Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 118 – Race with Spiders

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


"We're friends of Hagrid's" Harry spoke quickly and loudly.

The smaller Acromantula clicked rapidly.

Aragog turned back around, "Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before..."

Lucifer slowly stood up, "Hagrid is in trouble and he sent us here to get him help."

"Help? What help could I possibly offer to you?" Aragog asked him.

"Well," Harry said from the ground, "They think Hagrid has been setting loose a... a... something on students. They've taken him to Azkaban because of it."

Aragog clicked his pincers angrily, and all around the hollow, the sound was echoed by the smaller spiders, "But that was years ago... years and years ago... that's why they made him leave the school... They believed that was the monster that dwells in what they call the Chamber of Secrets. They thought Hagrid had opened it and set me free."

"No... you didn't come from the Chamber... Acromantula are native to Borneo," Lucifer said knowledgeably.

"Intelligent you are, boy. It is true, I was born in a far away land, likely the one you mentioned. A traveler had given me to Hagrid when I was but an egg. He was only a boy when he took care of me, hidden in a cupboard in the castle, being fed scraps from the table..." Aragog seemed like he was reminiscing happy memories, "Hagrid is my friend and a good man."

"Of that we have no doubt. He's one of the nicest men, I know," Harry said in a respectful tone.

"It's true, when I was discovered and blamed for the death of a girl, Hagrid protected me. He let me go so that I could thrive here in the forest. He even found me a wife, Mosag, and around you are all of my children. Hagrid is a good man," Aragog said proudly.

"And you never harmed a human because of Hagrid?" Lucifer asked him.

"Exactly. It was my instinct, but out of respect for the man who cared for me, I have never harmed a human. The body of the girl who died was discovered in a bathroom. I never saw the outside of the cupboard I grew up in. Our kind like the dark and the quiet..."

"Do you know what did kill that girl?" Lucifer asked next, but that made Aragog angry.

"The thing that lives in the Castle is an ancient creature that we spiders fear above all others. Well do I remember how I pleaded with Hagrid to let me go when I sensed it moving about the Castle," the large spider said.

'If it's moving about the Castle... how is it doing it? And the girl... I think I know who it was.'

"What is the creature?" Harry asked in an urgent tone.

"We do not speak of it!" Aragog said fiercely, "We do not name it! I never even told Hagrid what the creature was called, even though he asked me many times."

They all decided that it was better to not press their luck, "Well, thank you for all your help, we'll just go now..."

"Go? I think not..." Aragog said slowly.


"My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command, but I can't deny them flesh when it so willingly walks into our midst..."

"But if we die here, then we can't help Hagrid," Lucifer tried to reason with the old spider.

"That is not my concern... Hagrid will live even if he's in Azkaban... good bye, friends of Hagrid," Aragog said and retreated back into his domed web.

The Acromantula began to swarm the three of them and Fang, who was hunkered down near Lucifer.

Who himself felt a surge of anger at the betrayal of Aragog. His eyes glowed red and he raised his hand, bringing his palm down onto the forest floor.

All of the spiders that were within a two meter radius of them were blasted back forcefully, letting out shrieks of pain.

Suddenly, a loud, droning sound of a car horn could be heard heading in their direction.

Blazing headlights forced spiders aside as it drove towards them.

It opened its doors and they all scrambled in, Lucifer tossing Fang into the back seat.

He pulled his wand out, his surge of anger subsiding and he aimed it at the nearest spider, "Arania Exumai!" It was blasted backwards farther than the spiders hit with the area of effect attack Lucifer used.

They piled into the car and it drove them towards the exit of the forest.

The Acromantula were fast, however, and tried several times to get in the car, both Lucifer and Harry kept them at bay.

“Thank Merlin that's over..." Ron said as he laid his head back.

"You jinxed it! You had to bloody jinx it!” Lucifer wanted to smash his face at the moment.

Because, hundreds of spiders became visible as they climbed to the top of a small hill.

Thousands of eyes landed on the car that was stationary in the middle of the Forest.

“DRIVE!!!” Harry yelled from the back seat.

Ron pushed his foot down onto the pedal this time and the car flew past the trees.

This wasn't enough as the spiders were gaining on them.

"Uh oh!" Ron complained.

In front of them was a giant wall of spiders, getting bigger by the second as they climbed on top of each other.

"Get us in the air!" Lucifer ordered the  scared-looking boy, who just didn't seem to move.

Ron tried his best to get the car airborne.

They eventually did and were then safe from the spiders. Fang was whimpering in the back seat, but Lucifer was comforting him.

They soon made it out of the forest and back near Hagrid's house.

They all got out of the car and Fang jumped up on Lucifer, thanking him for keeping him safe.

Ron ran over to the side and began violently vomiting in Hagrid's pumpkin patch, "Follow the Spiders..." Ron said weakly, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, "I'll never forgive Hagrid for this, we are lucky to be alive."

"I bet Hagrid never thought Aragog would've hurt his friends, no matter how much Lucifer tried to reason with him," Harry said, sighing.

"That's Hagrid's problem," Ron said, quite peeved, "he always thinks monsters aren't as bad as they are made out to be. Well look where that's got him, a cell in Azkaban!" Ron kicked the ground angrily, "What was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out? I'd like to know."

"That Hagrid is innocent," Lucifer said, walking up to them with Fang, "That he never opened the Chamber, and that this Tom Riddle fella lied to you, Potter.”

They went back to the hut and retrieved the Cloak, Lucifer telling Fang to try and get some sleep.

They returned to the Castle and managed to reach the safety of the Gryffindor Common Room, heading up to their dorm room.

Ron flopped on his bed, not even bothering to undress.

Lucifer sat on the edge of his bed, racking his brain like he was about to play a game of billiards, 'The Monster is something the Spiders are afraid of... above all others. The Monster petrifies its victims. It's able to move about the Castle... without anyone knowing,' he sighed in frustration.

'Hermione... she must have figured it out, and she saw it before me... I should've gone with her, she'd not be petrified if I had...' before Harry and Ron fell asleep, he spoke to them both, “That girl that Aragog said died in a bathroom...”

Harry looked at him, "Yeah, I think I know who it is as well."

"What are you on about?" Ron asked, looking at them both.

"Think about it, what if she never left?" Lucifer asked him.

"You don't mean..." Ron trailed off for a second, "not Moaning Myrtle ?"


Author's Note

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