Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 72 – Avoiding him ~Light NSFW~

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Friday was upon her. Hermione’d beaten his little test.

All she had to do was survive Transfiguration, Double Potions that day, and she was home free.

But, remembering Potions.

On that cursed Wednesday.

She was brewing antidotes, and Lucifer spent an inordinate amount of time beside her, muttering what lewd stuff he's going to with her on Friday,
while she worked.

It was nerve-wracking.

When she asked him to check her antidote, before handing it over to Professor Snape, Lucifer surreptitiously stroked her finger and whispered, “You really don't look so good, had a Long night?”

Hermione wanted to punch him in the face. Smug bastard.

There was no way to retaliate in the middle of class. (Well, no way that wouldn’t lose her a score of house points.)

She just had to play the game, follow his rules, and make it to Friday.

Which she did, even got a plan to pass the last one.

Don't sit with him, the whole day!

Don't even talk!

Hermione knew that bastard could deliberately pull a trick on her, making her lose a winning test.

It was a necessary sacrifice in her opinion.


Lucifer woke up Friday morning with a raging hard-on.

It’s the third one this week....

Rubbing his face, he tried to erase the lingering images of his dream. It had a similar theme every night.

Although each dream featured Hermione in a new role, like some kind of bookworm burlesque show, the general idea was more than clear—fuck her.

Fisting his hand over his cock, he considered her offer.

Surprisingly, he had few reservations.

She could do as she pleased with her body.

The only thing that made him hesitate was regret. He’d known regret in his life, Eve....not being able to convince her about leaving Silver City.

Leaving both of them....well.

Now, he didn’t want to wind up one of hers.

But on the flip side of that coin was a possibility. Her response Friday night had been better than he could have ever dreamed.

There was a strong chance about working better together sexually.

Rolling out of bed with a groan, Lucifer headed to the shower to finish off his dream.

Since he always woke up earlier than his roommates, the bathroom was no problem.

Lucifer didn't have to wait for an hour like Dean, who always came last in their Toilet game, shouting rules needed to be changed or what not.

The water started with a muffled roar, and he stood under the hot spray, letting the heat drain away the stiffness in his back.

As Lucifer stroked his cock, scenes from the past week floated through his head: the way she blushed when she met his eyes, the way she stared at his crotch in class instead of taking her lectures, the growing desperation on her face during night, leaving small bite marks on his cock as each day passed.

Hermione was a steady stream of amusement.

He’d seen both the excitement and raw passion in her eyes.

It was hard not to laugh when he’d brushed her finger “accidentally” and asked how her night had been.

Hermione’d looked as though she wanted to smack him. He wasn’t fooled by her anger.

That was sexual frustration at its finest.

When Lucifer got her alone today's night, it would be explosive.

He intended to get one last squirm out of her before she came to him for relief.

Picturing her kneeling before him with that infernal mouth of hers open and waiting, he came violently all over the wall of the shower, his grunt drowned out by the rushing water.

Resting his forehead on the damp tile, Lucifer waited for his breathing to slow as he plotted the day’s entertainment.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hermione came out of the bathroom (once again grateful for the privacy charms she had been learning ) to find an owl...No, Rowena pecking at her window. 

She took the scroll from her foot, with a confused look and recognized Lucifer's tiny scrawl.

Wear your plug in class today. — LM


And tonight.

'He can’t be serious.' She read the note again. 'If he's trying to humiliate me? It’s definitely working!'

The thought of walking the hallways with her bum stoppered made her extremely nervous. 'W-what if someone noticed?'

'Who? Were you planning on displaying our charms for all to see this morning?'

'No one will know. But us.'

'And him.'

'Aaaargh' Hermione growled inside her head, to separate her thoughts.

'If I do it, I’ll have to wear it for breakfast and Transfiguration; I don’t have time to come back here to change before Potions....'

It made her extremely nervous.

What if he started to talk perverted again?

'I better stay away from him today!'

'But, why am I getting so excited? Did he know this is how I’d react? Does he want to drive me insane, or is he just trying to embarrass me?'

Or is it both?'

'What if he just wants to see if I’ll do anything he says? No, wait, what if he decides not to sleep with me because I refused?!'

That tore it. Hermione got the plug out of her bedside table and trudged to the bathroom with a determined growl.


Lucifer kept one eye trained on the door of the Great Hall, anticipating her entrance.

He’d know by her face if she had put it in yet.

Tucking into his breakfast, he listened distractedly as Percy squeaked on about some article he’d read in Charms Quarterly.

Lucifer paused with his fork halfway to his plate when he saw her bushy, brown head bustle through the door.

She kept her eyes on the floor as she made her way....'Um, what is Hermione doing?'

Lucifer raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner, when he saw Hermione not sitting on her usual spot beside him.

But, he could tell by the way she walked—she already had it in.

His cock sprang to life.

Hermione sat down very hesitantly, a  couple of seats down the Gryffindor table, with a look of carnal heat flashing across her features when her bum hit the bench.

Lucifer almost choked on his eggs.

The flush in her cheeks deepened as she glanced at him from her seat, ignoring the curious gazes from onlookers and glared.

He couldn’t wait for Transfiguration that day. 

It promised to be exceptional.

Only for Hermione to leave the Gryffindor breakfast table, first before every other student.

Which forced Lucifer to also stand up, and enter the Transfiguration class room, but Hermione was nowhere to be seen.

She came just before the bell rang,
adopted her previous technique, choosing the last desk behind, to sit on.

Again, gaining quite surprised looks from many students, even Professor McGonagall looking very curious about her unusual behaviour.

But, Hermione is a top honour student, directly focused on her teacher's lecture, not giving a single fuck about other people.


Author's Note

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