Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Ch 90 – Violation of Curfew

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


Fighting the grogginess, Hermione blinked open her eyes. It took her a few seconds to figure out where she was.

Lucifer's hand limply covered her pubis, and she could hear him breathing deeply into her hair.

'What time is it? Should I leave? Is he going to be upset that we slept so long?'

Hermione had been hot and sweaty when they fell asleep on top of the blankets, but now she was freezing, her nipples like icicles.

Not wanting to wake him, she carefully burrowed back into his body for warmth.

His cock stirred against her bum, which sparked her imagination and re-ignited the pilot light in her sex.

Smiling wickedly, she wiggled against him again.

Her cheeks squeezed around the plug.

It felt nice now, shifting around as she made a small circle with her hips.

Making sure not to jar him, Hermione slowly worked her bum against his cock until he was almost completely hard.

Her grin grew, and she wondered how much longer he'd sleep.

"Don't start something you can't finish, Hermione," he said, startling her.

"I'm sorry, sir," Hermione said, not sounding sorry at all. "I wanted to fuck you awake."

His lip twitched. "How considerate of you." Idly playing his fingers along the edge of her triangle of fur, Lucifer curled his body into her heat. "It's just past one. I believe you are in violation of your curfew," he said, sliding his hand up her stomach to her chest.

Calloused fingertips glided featherlight over her breasts, pointedly avoiding her nipples.

She grinned. "I guess you'll have to punish me again, sir."

Smirking into her hair, Lucifer let his hand wander around to her bum. "Very well, get over my knee."

Hermione looked at him over her shoulder. "Really?"

He rolled away, leaving her back cold, and sat up against the pillows. Her stomach jumped in excitement.

Biting her lip, she stared at him for a second longer before scrambling around and lying across his lap.

Lucifer saw the heat in her glance and shook his head in amusement as she spread her body over his thighs.

He'd never spanked her naked before. 'This should be interesting.'

His hand smoothed over her round rump, surveying the damage from earlier.

Nice. He twisted the base of her plug so the dragon wasn't sideways.

She sighed contentedly and wiggled the curve of her hip into his semi-soft prick.

Lucifer brought his hand down with a playful slap on her left cheek.

A soft groan erupted from her lips, a lovely blending of frustration and need.

He slapped the other side a little harder.

Each hit grew in intensity. By the time he got to twelve, she was panting.

He stopped and rubbed her pink cheeks. "Harder?"

She nodded. "Yes, please, sir."

'That's my girl' Lucifer started again-harder, as requested. Her flesh bounced with each blow.

Pink turned to light red. When his hand started to burn, he stopped to rub.

His fingers brushed over her nether lips, just teasing her with the suggestion.

She bucked at the contact, her hip bumping against his cock.

'We have to do this more often.'

Slapping the juncture of her thigh and bottom, he made sure his fingers caught the edge of her pussy.

The sounds she made grew more and more desperate as the minutes passed.

Skimming over her sex again, Lucifer found her excitement had left her lips gently parted in invitation.

He smirked when his fingertips came back slick and shiny.

After rubbing off her wetness into one red cheek, he resumed the spanking.

She immediately began whimpering and wiggling, kicking her feet anxiously against the bed.

"P-Please, sir, may I touch myself?!"

"No, I don't want you to come yet. I want to talk to you first."

'Talk? Now?' Balling up her fists, Hermione hissed through her teeth. "Yes, sir. What would you like to talk about?"

Lucifer was impressed she didn't argue or whine. As he spoke, he rubbed her bum in reward. "Are you happy with our arrangement here?"

She peered over her shoulder at him. "Yes, sir."

"Would you like it to continue?"

"Yes, of course I would." 'What's he trying to get at?'

Her face scrunched in confusion.

Lucifer stared at his hands as he squeezed her warm cheek. "I have given it a thought about your...."

Hermione gave him a funny look. "My what? Where are you going with this?"

Sighing, he looked at her, but didn't open to respond back.

Her mouth twitched at the absurdity of his lack of words, "Please talk to me..."

"I'm not kind, Hermione. If you don't like to spend your time with me, that would be understandable."

"You're talking very funny, of course I want to spend all my time with you!"

"Dammit, girl," Lucifer growled. "I'm saying I am ready to be your boyfriend, and want you to be with me. Is that so hard to understand?"

'Holy crap!' Hermione just stared back at him blankly, without giving a response. She really didn't expect him to give an answer to her confession this early.

Lucifer felt his stomach sink as she turned away.

She had changed her mind, and was rejecting him.

He'd blown the one good thing.

'I shouldn't have said anything.'

But the girl didn't leave or reject him.

She just sat up and straddled his lap, her hands cupping his face as she looked in his eyes.

Hermione smiled, "Does that mean, you won't look at anybody else, or even think about others?" her fingers lightly grazed his neck, while saying.

His eyebrows rose in surprise, at her sudden change in tone, with a dominant hint, "Yes, but I won't be any more pleasant in your late night teachings, just because we're seeing each other."

"I don't expect you to be a different person. What fun would you be then?"

Her lips touched the side of his mouth, and Lucifer sighed, relieved she'd gone along with his idea, "Mine" Hermione whispered in a low voice.

He turned his head and returned her kiss. It'd been so long since he'd really wanted to kiss anyone from deep inside.

The softness of her lips and tongue distracted him like nothing else.

Lucifer finally pulled away, needing to breathe. "Come on, it's bath time."


"Yeah, last time I kicked you out. So, if you want to do now," he said with an indifferent shrug.

"Are you completely mad? Of course I want to!" she exclaimed, bounding off his lap.

Withholding his own smile, Lucifer got out of bed and led her by the hand to the bathroom, his eyes glowed red, while staring on side wall, a door became visible.

Hermione's eyes widened in astonishment, before she could ask him for an explanation, "I have been working on this for a while...."

"Do you really think, I would use the same bathroom as children?"

She snorted in disbelief, and entered inside, while noticing the moment she did, the exit became invisible.

"No wonder... that's a really awesome display of magic."

Turning on the tap in the tub, he tested the water, then plugged the drain and waited for it to fill.

"Just wait a bit more, I will make a separate room altogether...."

Hermione stood anxiously to the side.

It was a big claw-footed tub, but the faucet came out in the middle so one could sit at either end.

She stared at the glossy white expanse filling with water, imagining what she'd like to do to him in there.

Lucifer tipped back his head and met her eyes. "I'll put in something for your muscles. I don't want you sore and begging for help from Patil tomorrow."

"Will it heal my bum?" she asked nervously.

He smirked and dumped some blue powder into the churning water. "Probably. But I can leave some marks on you later if you'd like."

Blushing, Hermione smiled, glad she didn't have to explain.

"If you want something that will last, I should use the cane."

Her nose scrunched in distaste. "I don't know if I need them to last that long."

Lucifer had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at her. "I won't do it as hard. You were being punished last time. This is an entirely different situation."

Looking unsure, she studied his face. "If I don't like it, will you stop?"

'You won't ask me to stop.' "Yes."

'You'll beg me for more.'

Hermione nodded hesitantly, "Okay."

Clasping her chin with his hand, Lucifer bent down and kissed her again, growling when her tongue tapped at his lips.

He sucked her questing muscle into his mouth before releasing her.


Author's Note

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