Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 19

The following morning again, when Harry went to see him, he told him that Malfoy had stopped by, asking Madam Pomfrey if he could borrow one of Ron's books, he also threatened to tell Pomfrey what really bit him, while giving an evil laugh. 

"Don't worry, it'll be over at midnight this Saturday, and we can put Norbert and Malfoy far out of our minds then," He said, which improved Ron's mood a bit.

It sank immediately, "Oh no! The book Malfoy took... it had the letter to Charlie in it! He's going to know that we are getting rid of Norbert!"

Before Harry could react, Madam Pomfrey came over and made him leave, saying he was causing Ron distress. 

Harry didn't argue and decided to just leave.

After explaining everything to his other two friends. Harry spoke up, "It's too late to change the plan now. We haven't got any time to send another Owl to Charlie and this could be our only chance to rid ourselves of Norbert. We'll have to risk it, and we do have the Cloak, Malfoy doesn't know about that."

Before classes had a chance to start, they went to see Hagrid to tell him about the Letter from Charlie. 

But, found Fang the Boarhound sitting outside with a bandaged tail. Lucifer knelt down, scratched and patted the dog, who was wagging his tail, despite the pain it was causing him.

Hermione was secretly looking jealous and hoped that, it didn't show on her face. 

"That Dragon has to go..." he said, feeling sympathetic for the boarhound.

Hagrid opened the window to speak to them, "I won't let you in," he puffed, "Norbert's at a tricky stage - nothin' I can't handle!"

Harry and Hermione told him about Charlie's letter, which caused his eyes to be filled with tears, but that also could've been because Norbert had just bitten him on the leg.

"Argh! It's all right, he just got me in the boot - jus' playin' he's only a baby after all."

That baby then banged its tail on the wall, causing the windows to rattle, and Fang began to shake in fear, 

"Only a baby... only a dangerous, vicious, fanged baby..." Hermione stood up and walked back to the Castle with Harry and Lucifer.

Saturday really couldn't arrive soon enough.


When Saturday finally arrived, Harry found it hard to feel sorry for Hagrid after all the things they had to worry about with the Dragon, Norbert. 

It was a dangerous creature, and he could see why it was illegal to own one.

Lucifer was sulking, because Hagrid refused his beautiful offer to buy the dragon.

Even though he offered him 1000 galleons for her. Hermione was clearly enjoying his new face. 

It was a very dark and cloudy night. 

They were a little late in arriving at Hagrid's as they had to wait for Peeves to be finished playing tennis against the wall. 

When they arrived, Hagrid had Norbert packed and ready in a large crate, "He's got lots o' rats an' some brandy fer the journey," he spoke in a muffled voice, "an' I packed his teddy bear in case he gets lonely."

Lucifer knew that to not be the case when he heard a very distinct sound of fabric being torn, and only imagined the head getting ripped off.

"Bye-bye, Norbert!" Hagrid sobbed as Harry and Hermione covered the crate with the Cloak. 

The three of them then stepped underneath it themselves. 

They had a rather easy time carrying it, in large part to Lucifer.

"Mummy will never forget you!" They heard Hagrid say just before they got out of earshot, and carried Norbert all the way up to the Astronomy Tower and awaited Charlie's friends. 

On their way up there, they encountered Malfoy getting reprimanded by Professor McGonagall, who had a tartan dressing-gown and a hairnet, had Malfoy by the ear, "Detention! And Fifty Points from Slytherin! Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you-"

"You don't understand, Professor! Harry Potter is coming-he's got a dragon with him!" Draco Malfoy tried his best to let the Professor know what was going to happen.

It may have been the truth, but there was little reason for McGonagall to believe him.

"What utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies! Come on - I shall see Professor Snape about you, Mr. Malfoy!" She dragged him out of their sight.

They had made their way up to Tower and Hermione was in high spirits, "Malfoy's got detention! I could sing right now!"

"Don't, we don't wanna give away our position," Lucifer advised her, which only made the girl frown cutely.

Norbert had begun thrashing about in the crate, obviously hating this mini space. 

After, waiting for Ten minutes, Four Broomsticks appeared in the sky. 

Charlie's friends were a wild bunch, but that must've made them easy to get along with. 

They showed them the harness designed for Norbert, for suspending him between them, at least she wouldn't be cramped in a small box the entire journey.

Norbert was finally going... going...and gone.

Harry and Hermione walked ahead of Lucifer, who had remembered to grab the damn cloak, talking about how much of a weight just lifted off their shoulders. 

There was nothing that could spoil their happiness.

But, Lucifer saw someone coming towards them. So, he didn't have many options left, and reluctantly put the invisibility cloak on himself. 

Filch rounded the corner, "Well, well, well," he whispered evilly, "you lot are in a lot of trouble, "

Hermione felt tears form in her eyes as they both marched straight down to Professor McGonagall's office, and she was not happy to see them at all. 

Her nostrils were flaring and she looked ready to send then packing that instant out of Hogwarts. 

Hermione steeled her nerves as best she could to prevent herself from lashing out or breaking down, "I will only ask you once," she said, looking right at both of them , "what reason on Earth could you possibly have to be out of bed? Mr. Filch told me, he found you in the staircase to the Astronomy Tower. That's coincidentally, where I found Mr. Malfoy as well, talking about you Mr. Potter, having a Dragon and that you were taking it to the Astronomy Tower to have it sent off. Is that true?"

Hermione, quick on her feet, saw no reason to lie, "....It is true, Professor."

Her words floored all three of them "There was a Dragon?" McGonagall asked slowly.

"No, it was something I said, knowing that Malfoy was listening, to get him in trouble. I came to the Astronomy Tower to have a laugh at him getting Detention... it was foolish on my part, I won't deny it," Harry said, spinning a very convincing story.

Draco tried to correct the story, but McGonagall was more believing in Potter's tale, obviously favouring her own house, "You can stop trying, Mr. Malfoy, I know the friction that exists between you and Mr Potter here. As you can see, he is nowhere to be found, so why should I believe your tale over his?" 

Malfoy was at a loss for words and just glared at Potter in response, that's all he could do now, "However, Mr. Potter, your tale has also gotten Mr Longbottom in trouble. I have already sent him back to bed, with Fifty Points from Gryffindor and a Detention. 

For your actions, Mr Potter and Miss. Granger, I will be taking 100 points off from Gryffindor and giving you Detention as well." 

Hermione felt her head pound for a moment. 

She single-handedly lost the most points for Gryffindor throughout the whole year. 

"Both of you return to your beds," Professor McGonagall said, before looking at the girl again, "I've expected better from you Ms. Granger, but I am thoroughly disappointed."

Hermione didn't look her in the eye as she walked by. 

She was honestly ashamed of herself for letting this happen.

Losing 150 points will put Gryffindor in the last place.

In one night, the chances of them winning the House Cup were directly ruined.

When they both returned to the Common Room, Harry directly went towards the stairs, while looking down.

Lucifer wasn't here either, probably gone asleep too. To be honest, he thought it was, Hermione's own fault for letting her guard down. 

Besides, he still didn't forget, her evil laughter, when Hagrid refused to sell Norbert, he was actually just holding a small grudge. 

"....." Hermione, she also went to her bed honestly, while doing her best to ignore her stomach's rumbling. 


When the morning came, any Gryffindor that passed the hour-glasses with the recorded House Points in them thought they were broken, as they noticed 150 Points reduced from just overnight. 

Then the story of how that happened spread like wildfire. 

Students already knew, who the Great Harry Potter was, and knew exactly who to direct their blame towards.

Even Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were angry with both of them, because Gryffindor being bumped out of First Place meant that Slytherin is going to win again.

Only, Hermione was used to this behaviour, in her previous school, that's why she wasn't that affected.

And, Harry Potter, who was on the Gryffindor's Quidditch team, the boy who earned so many points....

Everywhere he went, people didn't even bother quieting their voices when he was close. 

Harry could swear they actually talked louder, just to make sure he heard them clearly. 

He took it all without ever breaking the look on his face, but Hermione could tell it was seriously bothering him.

She, of course, tried to console him, "It's really your fault Harry, to let the guard down," and then smiled at him. 

"..." Harry, who didn't feel any comfort at all, just became even more sullen instead.

Some people, also tried to encourage Lucifer by tapping his back, to help, and score more points like before. 

"....." Hermione, who was standing beside him, knew this boy was definitely laughing inside, most likely at her.

Even their match of scoring points, got drowned in the black lake.

Neville, of course, was also picked on, but, because the points were half of what they both cost them, the prodding was lessened, but not by a whole lot.

Harry kept mainly to himself. 

While he noticed Hermione was not that bothered by their hateful gestures, and only stood near Lucifer, to make sure, these people didn't cross the line, which was already very small, to be honest.

Only, Harry came rushing in one evening and told them all some bad news, "Quirrell's given in to Snape...I overheard him in an empty classroom. It was fragmented from what I could hear, but no doubt he gave in."

"Great... we should definitely go to Dumbledore, this time!" Hermione yelled at his face, she didn't want to roam around late at night, and then cause trouble. 

"But, we don't have any proof to share, though," Harry reminded her. 

And, Hermione really couldn't dispute that. 

They had knowledge of things, which eleven year olds, shouldn't have, and there was no way, to explain it.

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