Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 39

The train pulled into Hogsmeade Station after a while, so Lucifer shook Hermione quite violently.

"Hey, wake up!"

"whereami," Hermione said very groggily as her eyes fluttered open. "Oh hey Lucifer, are we going on another trip?"

"In a manner of speaking, " Lucifer laughed as she rubbed her eyes, "We're at Hogsmeade, there is also sorting and the welcome feast."

Hermione groaned before lifting herself up off Lucifer's shoulder and straightening her robes as the train finally stopped. 

They immediately heard after stepping off the train, "Firs' Years! Firs' Years, over here!" Hagrid saw them and waved his big palm.

They both waved back and moved towards the carriages. 

It was Lucifer's first time seeing them, and he had heard they were charmed to pull themselves, so he was confused when he saw a horse looking creature in front of each carriage.

"スレイプニール" Lucifer muttered under his breath, that caused Hermione to look at him weirdly, "Uh..what...did you just say?" she asked, her eyebrows raised a bit. 


"No, I don't speak that language...can you please translate?" Hermione shook her head, not understanding even a word, Lucifer was saying. 

"...I thought the carriages were supposed to pull themselves?" Lucifer asked, no one in particular, but because Hermione was already paying attention to his mouth, she responded in kind.

"You are just talking crazy, again. They do pull themselves!" she gave him an odd look.

"No, there are Winged, Skeletal looking Horses, pulling them," he carefully walked over and placed his hand on it, stroking its body, "come over here, Hermione."

"You really look silly doing that," She laughed a bit, covering her mouth with her fingers.

"I'm serious, come over here," Lucifer urged and she sighed, walking over to him. 

He grabbed her hand and guided it up to the Horse.

Hermione gave a shuddering gasp when her hand felt something that she couldn't see, and quickly withdrew her hand, "What the hell was that?!"

"I don't know what it's called, it just looks very similar to Sleipnirs," Lucifer said, his mind is even more curious than before.

They quickly boarded the Strange Carriage and were taken up to the Hogwarts Castle, "A shame for people who have to miss riding the Carriages," Hermione voiced her negative opinions about Harry, and Ron for going astray.

"I wonder why they were in that car to begin with?....Do you think they weren't even able to get on Platform
9 3/4?" Lucifer asked her.

"I'm not sure. I've never read anything that says the barrier closes, but I don't guess that means it can't."

"There is also, why the other Weasley's were able to make it through. It wasn't Eleven o'clock when they came through, there was still about four minutes from the moment we went through and it should only take someone no more than five seconds to cross the barrier..." Hermione was going in circles in her head, trying to figure out why they missed the train. 

"I guess we'll just have to ask them when they get here," Lucifer said as the Carriage came to a halt. 

They disembarked and made their way up to Hogwarts Castle, towards the Great Hall to await the Sorting.

It was as magnificent as Lucifer remembered. The sky above them mirrored the weather outside, showing a clear starry night, and the four long house tables sat steadily filling with students. 

At the far end, in front of Dumbledore's chair, sat the 4-legged stool. 

Neville went off to join Dean and Seamus whilst Hermione and Lucifer moved towards the far end nearest the teachers, "Why are we sitting here?" she asked, confused. 

"Making space for Ginny, if she joins Gryffindor...."

"Ugh! You are so annoying, Hmph!" She couldn't help but growl in jealousy, when Lucifer mentioned another girl's name. 

"I was just being polite...."

"There's no need for that!"

And, just like that, Hermione started to bicker with Lucifer again, not being happy in the slightest. 

He tried to change the topic, when her face started to look grumpy, noticing 3 seats at the table were just empty, "Maybe there's been an incident with the first years?" Lucifer asked, moving his gaze upwards. 

"What....I think Ginny's brother got expell-" but Hermione was stopped from answering as the door swung open.

The long line of first years slowly crept in behind Professor McGonagall. 

Both of them spotted Ginny at once, the flaming red hair causing her to stand out like a beacon. 

She looked nervous but not as terrified as her fellow first years, glancing around nervously and smiled when she caught Lucifer's eye.

"tsk...." Hermione bit her tongue, when she saw this. 

Walking alongside Ginny, was a very dreamy looking girl with Platinum blonde hair and rather large cloudy eyes. 

She seemed to be wearing a very odd earring.

"Is that a cork?" Hermione whispered to the boy, sitting beside her. 

"Those eyes....Anael?" Lucifer replied, squinting at the blonde girl, she was giving him a familiar vibe.

"Why's she looking here too? Hey, Lucifer..."

"She can't be a Nephilim, right?"

"???" Hermione's mood is now really getting worse by the second, because Lucifer is also now looking quite dazed. 

"Do you both know each other?" her tone wasn't even cheerful any more, only laced with pure venom, Hermione's cheeks hollowed out in anger. 

But, now McGonagall led them all to the front of the room and placed the sorting hat down on the four- legged stool just as Hagrid sidled in through the door at the back and made his way across to his seat. 

He waved at Lucifer and Hermione again, only to just be ignored this time. 

'Glamourous is not a word
That people use for me 
But don't let that fool you, as most Will eat their words, you see.

You can keep your witch hats pointy, Your fedoras black and slick

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
I'll cut them to the quick. 

There's nothing you can hide from me I can read your mind 
So try me on and I will tell you 
What I therein find. 

You may do well in Gryffindor, 
Where courage is respected 
Their bravery and daring
Are only to be expected. 

Or perhaps it is in Hufflepuff, 
You'll find your real friends 
Where hard work and loyalty 
Are the beginning and the end. 

You might belong in Ravenclaw, 
If you possess and value wit Intelligence, knowledge, learning- That's the place for it! 

Or perhaps it will be Slytherin, 
That will form your truest home 
Their cunning and ambition 
Lends them great renown.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

Don't get your knickers in a knot! 
I've Sorted many, I'll Sort you 
I'll give it all I've got!'

The Great Hall rang with applause as the Sorting Hat finished its song.

"That's a different song to last year," Hermione whispered, trying her best to divert Lucifer's gaze from the Platinum-blonde haired.

But, he just nodded with an absent-minded look.


All students, now also went quiet as Professor McGonagall unfurled her scroll and began reading names. 

Slowly the line dwindled. 

Student after student being sent to their respective tables. The pale blonde girl next to Ginny, who was apparently called Luna Lovegood, was sorted into Ravenclaw. 

"Phew....I'm glad, she wasn't here"

Only, to Hermione's huge disappointment, a while later, it was Ginny's turn. 

The Sorting hat barely touched her head, when it called


"Just why...."

Hermione groaned in frustration, while the rest of the table clapped as Ginny made her way over, beaming, and glided into the seat that Lucifer had saved across from them with a mouthed 'thank you.'

Fred or George also congratulated her, whom Hermione still couldn't distinguish apart. 

Ginny was all smiles until she realized neither Harry or Ron were there. 


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