Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 50

The next day, they were moving towards the Great hall. 

Harry, and Lucifer couldn't help but notice Hermione opening her mouth  letting out weird 'ooh' and 'aah' types of noises. 

It looked as if, she was in pain while making each front step. 

To be a little polite, Lucifer even asked her if she was alright. 

But, Hermione just stared at his face with an empty look, for a complete 1 minute before replying.....

That, she just slept on the wrong side of the bed, and hit her backside a bit, but there is nothing to worry about. 

Giving that kind of non-sensical response, Hermione quickly moved towards the Entrance of the Great Hall, not even dared to look back. 

"Potter," Lucifer brought Harry's attention to him.


"When are Quidditch Tryouts?"

"I dunno, you could ask Wood, why?" Harry asked uneasily.

"I'd like to try for a reserve seeker?"

"I don't mind, but yeah, I would definitely ask Wood. I'm sure he'd be thrilled at having a Reserve Seeker in the event I can't play," Harry smiled at him.

"Alright, now I need a Broom... good thing I ordered one just before I left the Leaky Cauldron," Lucifer said with a smirk, "I wanted it to be a surprise to everyone, so I chose to have it shipped to Hogwarts sometime during the first week, could be here tomorrow."

"You're that confident in getting Reserve Seeker?" Hermione had now finally gained courage to open her mouth, look at his face, especially after she realised Lucifer didn't listen to her, in the Diagon Alley, just as she previously thought. 

"I am. I was able to keep up with the Snitch at every game last year. I think I've got a great shot," Lucifer just smiled at her. 

"What broom did you get?" Was all Ron cared about.

"What do you think I got?"

"Did you get the latest broom? A Nimbus Two- Thousand and One?" Ron asked excitedly.

"No, they may be faster, but the handling is not that great. I got a Two-Thousand," he said as they made it to their next class with RavenClaws, which happened to be History of Magic.

"Nice choice," Harry said with a cheeky grin.

Lucifer nodded as Professor Binns, the only Ghost Professor, floated through the wall and hovered in place before his sleep-inducing voice droned on for an hour.

It was so damn boring, that Lucifer couldn't help it, and put his head down, trying to pass the day. 

Eyes blinked, there's something under his desk, Lucifer never put any stuff there, what he did found is a...

"Who gave you that?!" Before, he could even properly look at the item, Hermione directly snatched it from his palm, in a quick manner, and looked over suspiciously at her deskmate. 

"A flower?" It was the only response, Lucifer could give back, not even able to hold the stem for 1 second, before it was just gone. 

"No, look there are weird symbols on it, that I don't understand!" Hermione had enough brains to at least, move the flower towards Lucifer, so he could also take a peek, at what's being, "I don't think it's Greece, either...."

'Lucifer Morningstar?'

"I swear, if it's that Greengrass again?!" Hermione is really furious, even poked a little hole, in her History of Magic's textbook, with the quill, she was using. 

If the engraved Sigil data is correct, Lucifer could also make out the question of his arrival?


Who is this person? Lucifer checked his memory, but he doesn't remember any 2nd year student wi- 

Luna A. Lovegood.....

"Can I take a....Thanks," Hermione had a nasty look on her face, but Lucifer didn't pay much attention.

'Garden, near the Black Lake' 

10.00 pm 


Without further ado, Lucifer left his dorm at the same time, completing the mission, before Hermione paid her usual night visit. 

Looking for a certain Platinum-blonde hair, very easy to find, because it was already night, Luna's hair could be seen from.....

But, he noticed her braids were a little dirty, somewhat disheveled, Lucifer could see....it reached almost waist height.

He didn't try to hide his footsteps, even deliberately making slightly loud noises, as to not scare the girl away. 

Lucifer noticed that she was still wearing clothes with butterbeer corks and radish jewelry, looking at the sky, trying to find something beyond. 

"You come here every day, right?" he asked, with a very tender voice. 

"I don't think my other self will be able to cleanse the book...." Luna's sweet voice, reached his ears, while having a dreamy look on her face. 

".....you know, who I am, don't you, Luna Lovegood?"

"I am Anael's daughter"

"Those cloudy eyes....I have no doubts left... You're the fir-"

"No, I was conceived after she turned human..."

"Right, that explains the word 'Other self...."

"Can I ever see her again?" Luna's now become quite dejected, even Lucifer now felt bad, looking at her sad expression. 

It's really heart-breaking. 

"This....you must know, how it all works, right? Laws can't be brok-"



The next morning, Lucifer went and found Oliver Wood, Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Keeper. 

Oliver was optimistic about it, saying that having a reserve was always useful. 

He would let him try out for the team the following week. 

Not many people were interested in the Quidditch Team lately, so he was happy to have someone at least want to show up for the tryouts. 

He would have to do it in front of the whole team, but Lucifer didn't have any problem in doing so.

Throughout the rest of the week, Harry had spent time avoiding Lockhart.

He also tried to avoid Colin, but he seemed to have Harry's entire schedule memorized. 

Colin seemed to have the biggest thrill just saying, "All right, Harry?" At least a half-dozen times a day.

He always looked like he'd faint, though, when Harry would respond with, "Hello, Colin," no matter how exasperated or tired Harry sounded.

It was starting to annoy Harry just how often he saw Colin Creevey. 

He wasn't ever going to say anything, but good lord was it grating on the ears.

What made Lucifer even more annoyed than milk kid was that he had been accidentally awoken when Oliver Wood woke Harry up for some early Quidditch Practice. "Could you talk any quieter, Wood?"

"Sorry, Lucifer. If you make a Reserve Seeker, you'll have to get up this early as well," he informed.

"And I won't complain when I do become a Reserve Seeker," he said and glared at Oliver, "but I'm not yet," Lucifer's voice was laced with venom.

"Might as well come down and at least watch the Practice, then," was all Oliver Wood said before leaving.

Lucifer sighed and got dressed to go down to the Field and watch Gryffindor Practice. 

He sat in the stands with heavy eyes, waiting for them to arrive on the field. 

He was waiting for so long, even Ron showed up there. 

Only, Hermione was kind enough to bring him some toast and marmalade too, which he promptly thanked her for, "What are you doing down here so early?" She asked him.

"Wood accidentally woke me up and said I should come down here to watch the practice since I was already awake," Lucifer said, rubbing his eyes, "I haven't even seen them yet..."

"There they come now," Ron pointed to the team as they came out onto the field. "Aren't you finished yet?" Ron called over to him with a smirk.

"Haven't even started..." Harry looked their way, hungrily eyeing the toast and marmalade. "Wood's been teaching us new moves."

They saw Harry mount his broomstick and kick at the ground, soaring high into the sky. 

From off to the side, the three of them heard Colin's camera clicking as he snapped photos of Harry, "I swear he must have put a tracker on Potter," Lucifer said, with an exasperated sigh, "Caught him in a bathroom on Tuesday...."

"He is a bit overbearing, isn't he?" Hermione asked aloud to him. 

But then, Several people, decked in Slytherin green robes, emerged from the entrance way with broomsticks clutched in their hands. 

Leading the squad was the ogre of a student, Marcus Flint.

"I don't believe it!" Wood raged. "I booked the pitch for today! We'll see about this!"

Wood dived to the ground in outrage and didn't even take the time to take his leg over the broom before he swaddled over to the Slytherin team. 

Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle at the look of Wood with the broomstick between his legs shouting at the enemy team as he flew down to join them, "He sure has priorities....."

"I am going down!" said Ron, looking partially worried, partially annoyed.

"Give it a minute." but as they watched the rest of the Gryffindor team landed around the conversation seemed to be getting more intense.

Lucifer sighed heavily again, this day just keeps getting worse, "Come on then," he said as he got to his feet.

But, Ron already sped ahead of them.

"Plenty of room for all of us, Wood." Flint replied as he winked at the three female Chasers. They looked straight at him with disgust written all over their faces. There were no girls on the Slytherin team, only brutes who looked like they were cross breeds from an ogre and a mountain troll.

"But I booked the pitch!" Wood said. "I booked it!"

"Ah," Flint began coolly. "But I've got a specially signed note here from Professor Snape." He pulled out the note and gave it to Wood who read it out for everyone to hear.

"I, Professor S. Snape, give the Slytherin team permission to practise today on the Quidditch pitch, owing to the need to train their new Seeker. You've got a new Seeker? Where?"

The Slytherin team split apart to reveal a smirking, pale, blonde haired second year. 

Draco Malfoy.

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