Harry Potter: S*x Oriented Hogwarts

Chapter 55

Warning - Lucifer, the Devil is Billions of years old. 

Hermione with multiple personalities, her character's real age during sexual intercourse is 18+

(Hermione - Blessed by Amenadiel, time works differently for her, she has already surpassed age of 18+)


After her morning breakfast, both Hermione and Lucifer started to get ready in their respective dorms, and marched towards the Great Hall.

They made it down before most others and she had also brought down her Herbology book to do a bit of reading on the Tentacula.

Hermione knew it hated her, and she wanted to know why?

A while later during breakfast, Harry and Ron both made it down and sat across from them, "You both going to be doing more homework today?" Ron asked them.

"No, I had planned to, but I'm going to take the day off," she said without telling them why.

"Hermione, are you feeling okay?" Harry asked her.

"I feel normal, why?" She looked up from her book.

"You never skip doing homework, unless you absolutely have to..." Ron said, stopping the piling of food on his plate to look at her.

"Well, it's just for one day," she shrugged.

Harry noticed that Lucifer kept looking up for the Owl Post to arrive. A few minutes later, it did show up and he was all smiles.

Harry looked up and saw Rowena fly in. She was carrying a small package and hovered for a moment in front of Hermione, dropping the small package where it wouldn't hit anything.

She then landed in front of Lucifer, who pushed a plate towards her that's not his, or anyone's that Harry saw.

"What's this?" She looked over at
Lucifer who glanced over at her from watching Rowena eat.

"Open it and find out," he smiled at her.

She did just that and gasped upon opening the box, "Lucifer... you... why... this... wh-wha..." anyone nearby was now looking their way.

"I think you completely broke her," Ron commented.

"Do you like it?" He asked her, hoping she wasn't wishing he hadn't gotten it for her.

"Lucifer... you didn't have to get me anything... especially something like this," she said, pulling out a Silver Teardrop Necklace with a thin Silvery thread and a Marquise Cut Blue Gemstone set in the center.

"I wanted to. I missed your birthday last year, so I hope this is worth two birthdays, Hermione,” That's all Lucifer said in the defense.

She turned to him and embraced him, tears falling down her face.

Several students from the other House tables looked on in amusement.

Hermione pulled back after a moment and handed it to him, "Could you attach this around my neck, please?"

"Of course," he took the necklace and tied it around her neck.

"I feel so rotten," It's just Hermione is pouting now, Lucifer gulped and wondered if she didn't like his presents, “You give me this gorgeous necklace for my birthday and all I gave to you was a lousy blow-job, in the morning.....” she whispered taboo stuff like that, in Lucifer's ears, while he was eating breakfast of his own.

With a chuckle, he informed her, “No damn way, it was lousy......”

Hermione's face began to glow and she said, "That may be, it's just you also gave me that Mirror on Christmas last year, and I only gave you a book....”

“It was one of the best presents I receiv-”

“Let me finish, I think I should start making it up to you.”

At that time, Lucifer didn't know what kind of dangerous things Hermione was implying at.

During History of Magic's Class, she chose the last bench to sit on, directly in the corner, away from most  people's gaze.

The brunette witch smiled wickedly as she slid off of her bench and knelt in front of Lucifer, perfectly hiding her figure under the desk, it was covered by wood from 3 sides, only the boy was sweating profusely.

If they were to find out....but, also very excited.

“Happy Birthday to you," Hermione sang in a low voice, as she started to undo his trousers, celebrating even Lucifer's own, to give him a return gift.

Happy Birthday to you,” she continued and pulled his cock, out into the open air. “Happy Birthday, dear Lucifer”

She then popped his organ into her mouth and hummed the rest of the song.

Hermione had to repeat the tune several times before he climaxed.

The naughty witch, even made a show to Lucifer of presenting his seed in her mouth before swallowing it.

“That is the best present,” Lucifer also reaffirmed.

For the entire day, Hermione was the most blissful he had ever seen her.


With October came a hype only a few people ever truly appreciated.

Halloween, Skeletons, Scary Creatures, Scary Movies.

Muggles got to enjoy a lot of things in the month of October that was as of now looked at as odd and bizarre to be done outside the month of spookiness.

For Wizard kind, the scares were still there, the skeletons, Halloween, but the main thing to look forward to at Hogwarts was the Halloween Feast that came on October Thirty-First, every year.

This year, however, a damp chill spread over the grounds and into the Castle.

It kept Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse, busy because of a sudden rise in colds among the students and staff.

Her Pepperup Potions worked instantly, though it did leave the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterwards.

One Ginger-haired Gryffindor student, Ginny Weasley, was bullied into taking some by her older brother, Percy.

She had been looking pale and was told to go to Madam Pomfrey, but Lucifer had noticed that she was starting to look pale by the end of September, before the Cold Cases rose.

It was amusing, though, after she did take the potion, because the steam that came out of her ears and up from under her vivid hair gave everyone the impression that her whole head was on fire.

Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake actually rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid's Pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds, which was impressive, for sure.

Lucifer's broom had ended up arriving a week late, which irked him greatly.

He asked Harry if he could borrow his Nimbus for the tryout, since they would have essentially the same Broom, just his was going to be brand new.

He had read in the catalogue he bought his Nimbus in, that next year in May, they were coming out with a new model for competitive consumer purchase, the Firebolt.

If Lucifer could've waited, he would've just bought that.

He thankfully did make the team with ease, since he was unopposed, but his skill at chasing after the Snitch once it was released was unparalleled.

At least, when it was just him.

He would make sure to keep his skills up, but his studies came first, and he made sure Oliver understood that.

And to be sure that Oliver did, he went to Professor McGonagall and asked her to make sure Wood understood.

He did join them for a practice session and noticed that Katie Bell was being a bit more friendly towards him than usual.

Lucifer immediately regretted going to the practice session, but not because of Katie.

The training took place out in the rain, and it was storming, to add to the danger.

He ducked out a bit early in the cover of darkness as he had homework he needed to get done.

This was one more time he was thankful to know, his power levels are now started to go back to their previous state.

Just with a small wave of his right palm, aimed at the muddy shoes, they become clean, he did the same with his robes.

During the attack of Troll, Lucifer used it before, only to get body pain later at night, looking at this now, he didn't have any problem doing it.

With a smile on his face, he walked up to Gryffindor Tower, walking at a faster pace than usual.

When he arrived in the Common Room, Hermione was there, working on a paper, probably their Potions paper Snape assigned them. He walked up to her, "Busy as ever?"

"Yeah, did practice end already?" She asked him, noticing how tired he looked. Lucifer smiled when he saw the necklace around her neck.

"No, I cut it short, it should end in about an hour. I'm going for a shower, then I'll be back down to get my homework done too," he said, disappearing up the Boy's staircase.

Hermione watched him leave and licked her lips hungrily.

She sighed and turned back to her homework. She needed to give it a rest; her yearning for eating him, was proving unhealthy and she needed to stop, focus on what was important.

That being her studies.

Unknown to her, Neville who just came back after having a questioning with Professor McGonagall, entered through the Gryffindor's Portrait hole, and saw Hermione's creepy facial expression, while looking at Lucifer's back.

He was never more scared in his life, but somehow able to gain courage to open lips while trembling, “H-Hermione, y-you have a detention with Professor M-McGonagall?!” he yelled, dropping his slip, and ran upstairs towards the boy's dorm.

“Huh? I'm sorry, Can you please repeat that Nevi-” Only, the said child just made a sprint, in fright.

“.....” Hermione, she decided to pick up the small paper, while Neville just threw it on the ground, her face turned ugly after reading it.


Author's Note

To Read 32+ Advanced Chapters, please visit my Patreon.

Link - patreon.com/SmutDxddy

It is also mentioned in the bio.

Bonus Up to Chapter 115 has already been posted there.

(3rd-year has started on Patreon!)

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