Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0113 Mysterious Domain

Bryan felt a surge of emotions as he witnessed the amazing 'god war' recorded on the stone wall. The murals depicted the epic struggle between the three powerful wizards and the mysterious witch who wielded the power of death. 

Bryan could not help but empathize with their pain, fear, and courage as he followed their fates through the images. He felt a pang of sadness when he saw the final mural, where the 'death god' and the brave warrior who fought her with his sword were both gone. 

Bryan guessed that they had sacrificed their lives in this battle, leaving behind only Merlin, who stood alone in front of the temple where Bryan was now. Merlin's eyes were fixed on the 'jellyfish' that had gradually faded away since the sixth mural, indicating that something had left the earth after the war. Bryan could sense the heaviness and desolation that surrounded Merlin, even from the simple line drawings. He wondered what Merlin was thinking and feeling at that moment.

Bryan stood in front of the tall stone wall for a long time, silent and thoughtful. He remembered Gryffindor's words when he first entered this secret realm: 'the world is still intact'. He looked at Gryffindor, who was also staring at Merlin's lonely figure with a solemn expression on his square face. Bryan felt a surge of curiosity and asked softly, 

"Is this what you meant by 'the world is still intact', Mr. Gryffindor?"

Bryan probably understood that a long time ago, there seemed to be something on the earth, and the serious chain reaction caused by that war made that thing leave the earth.

He thought about the decline of the wizarding world for one or two thousand years, and how the wizards who were once revered as gods by the Muggles fell into a miserable situation where they had to hide from their enemies and fear for their lives. Bryan had reason to believe that that thing was very important to all wizards, and perhaps to all living beings.

The murals did not explain anything about the witch or the 'death god' who fought against Merlin and his allies. Who was she, and what was her motive? What was her fate after she was defeated? Did Merlin kill her, or did she escape? And what about Merlin himself? Where did he go after this battle? Did he stay in this temple, which was his last refuge? Did he move Avalon Island to this hidden space and live alone until he died of old age or loneliness?

"Something must have happened later, right, Mr. Gryffindor?"

Bryan shook his head slightly and turned his gaze to Gryffindor, who seemed to know more than he let on. He had this guess for a simple reason. Gryffindor had not entered this secret realm by accident. A thousand years ago, he and the other three founders of Hogwarts must have discovered some incredible secrets and planned something together. 

Bryan recalled that when he entered this secret realm, his magic triggered Gryffindor's phantom that was left in the chaotic time sequence. The phantom appeared as if it expected him to be here, implying that their plan had something to do with him.

On the other side, Cliodna's teacher, the prophecy of the previous generation priest of Druidism also involved him in this mystery. Bryan frowned tightly. He felt a strong sense of danger from the conspiracy that shrouded him.

He tried to guess the identity of the witch in the mural. He searched his memory for any clues from Muggle mythology, wizarding books, or Druidic lore. He noticed that she had summoned Avalon Island, which suggested that she had a close connection with Druidism. He also remembered that she had used a dark magic that resembled necromancy, which made her an enemy of life itself. He locked in a name in his heart: Morgan le Fay.

Morgan le Fay was a legendary dark witch who was also known as Morgana or Morgaine. She was said to be the queen of Avalon Island and a powerful enchantress who practiced dark arts. She was an adversary of Merlin and King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, who represented justice and light. She was often portrayed as a goddess of darkness and death in ancient tales.

Bryan vaguely remembered that he had read in a magic book that some people believed that an evil soul was attached to Morgan le Fay, influencing her actions and making her more wicked. When he saw this before, Bryan thought it was nonsense, but now he realized that it might not be completely unfounded.

Gryffindor ignored Bryan who was lost in his thoughts. He had already digested the content of the murals and decided on his next move. He simply turned around and used his silver sword to easily split open the broken wall that blocked his way. He walked towards a direction with a clear purpose: the front hall of the temple, which was exactly where Cliodna was waiting for Bryan.

Bryan felt a surge of disbelief and fear as he saw the scene in front of him. He had to bite his tongue hard to suppress his doubts and calm his nerves. He took a deep breath and followed Gryffindor quickly, hoping that the legendary wizard knew what he was doing. This bizarre secret realm trip was nearing its end, and Bryan had no intention of dying here.

On the way forward, Bryan took out several bottles of magic recovery potion from his pocket and drank them wildly. 

He felt the liquid burning his throat and filling his body with a tingling sensation. His physical ability to accommodate and convert magic was limited. Drinking magic recovery potion so violently brought Bryan a lot of pain, but he clenched his teeth and tried his best to 'digest' the magic in the potion and store it in his 'magic organ'. He knew that he would need every bit of magic he could muster for the upcoming confrontation. Because he had already prepared to 'meet frankly' with that woman, Cliodna, who had lured him into this 'trap'.

Two people came to the wall behind the hall, where a small door was hidden. They could enter the front hall of the temple through that door. But, Gryffindor and Bryan almost stopped at the same time, as if they had hit an invisible wall.

"Chaotic Time Domain–"

Staring at a few steps away, a spherical blurred space that penetrated through the wall, Bryan's eyes showed a strong dread. He could feel the distortion of time and space emanating from the sphere, as if it was tearing apart the fabric of reality.

He guessed that the hall of the temple, behind the wall in front of him, probably contained the 'holy relic' that Cliodna and many modern priests of the Druid religion dreamed of taking back. At the same time, he also understood why they had not been able to do so for so many centuries. The chaotic time domain was a formidable barrier that no ordinary wizard could cross.

Bryan looked at a stone next to his foot, lightly touched it with his wand, and made it levitate. He then flicked his wand and sent the stone flying into the blurred, twisted, bubble-like time domain.


The stone that only entered the dangerous domain by five feet seemed to have gone through thousands of years in the blink of an eye, and turned into countless dust particles. And those dust particles did not float to the ground, but froze in mid-air. After a few breaths, the color gradually faded until they disappeared completely!

Bryan's eyes twitched madly, and he had an urge to curse.

What a joke?!

Did the previous generation priests of the Druid religion make a mistake in divination when they offered sacrifices, or did that woman Cliodna have a problem with her brain that caused her to misjudge his ability?

The power of time was not to be touched. Such a dangerous domain, since they had seen it, why did they think he had the ability to break through it?

Indeed, Godric Gryffindor might have this ability, but Bryan was not confused. The one in front of him was just an illusion recorded by the chaotic time sequence that enveloped Avalon Island. Even if Gryffindor broke through the time barrier a thousand years ago, but after a thousand years, this barrier had been repaired. He would not be stupid enough to hit his head on it and end up with nothing left!

Since he was sure that he didn't have the ability to break through the time domain, Bryan didn't hesitate for long. He turned around and wanted to leave. The main door of the hall should be normal. Otherwise, Cliodna wouldn't be able to enter the temple. He planned to change his direction and enter the front hall. There, he would first beat up that woman badly, and then interrogate her well.

As for Gryffindor's next move, Bryan had also anticipated it. He might be like himself, unable to break through the domain, or he might really defy the power of time and enter the domain.

But the final result should be that he didn't get anything from it. This was certain. Otherwise, why would those guys from the Druid religion still be obsessed with this place for so many centuries?

"Don't be afraid, follow me."

And just as Bryan turned around and was about to leave, a slightly solemn voice from behind made Bryan's pupils tremble violently. His whole body stiffened!


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