Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

037 Professorship

The last day of January happened to fall on a beautiful weekend. The weather was exceptionally pleasant, with the bright sunshine illuminating the Hogwarts grounds at around eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Its golden rays danced on the surface of the sparkling lake, reflecting a mesmerizing play of light. Along the tranquil lake bank, the row of willow trees sprouted fresh buds, their delicate green leaves unfurling with the promise of spring. The lush green lawn swayed gently in the breeze, as if welcoming the arrival of a new season. The air was filled with the quiet and comfortable essence of the passing years, carrying a sense of serenity and rejuvenation.

On the Quidditch field, the teams from the four major houses, distinguished by their distinct uniforms of varying styles and colors, appeared simultaneously. After engaging in some challenging and occasionally intense negotiations, they each staked their claim on a corner of the field and began practicing their team's tactics. However, mindful of safeguarding their core strategies, only the resolute and focused Hufflepuff team revealed their true level, while the other three teams concealed their abilities, leaving their opponents guessing in anticipation.

It took Bryan two days to finally adjust his biological clock to the new schedule. Standing by the window, he gazed out at the vibrant sight of Hogwarts. The soft gray strands of his hair were gently tousled by the breeze, adding to his rare moment of contentment. In that tranquil moment, he made a resolution. Henceforth, any commission that required him to work night shifts continuously would come with a non-negotiable condition—a fee that was 20% higher than the prevailing market price.

As Bryan strolled through the castle, he encountered curious gazes from the little wizards he passed. Almost everyone knew him as the investigator sent by the school board, whose nocturnal habits resembled those of a bat. It was a well-known fact that he rarely made appearances during the day, making sightings of him in daylight rarer than spotting a troll roaming the castle corridors.

In the auditorium, the students who had risen late from their slumber scattered themselves sparsely across the seats. At the staff table, three esteemed professors—Flitwick, Sprout, and Snape—sat together, engaged in hushed conversation. Their eyes lit up with surprise as they spotted Bryan approaching. Professor Flitwick, unable to contain his excitement, promptly stood up from his stool and extended his congratulations.

"We were just discussing you," he revealed, his voice laced with enthusiasm.

Flitwick lowered his voice, leaning in closer. "We have received some gratifying news from Minerva," he shared, his words tinged with excitement. "Bryan, we firmly believe that you are more than qualified for this job."

"The condition, however, is that you reveal your true level," Professor Sprout added, adjusting the patched and dusty hat atop her head. A playful smile graced her lips as she continued, "Of course, even if you were to show just one-thousandth of your strength, it would far surpass that show-off's exaggerated claims."

Bryan responded to their compliments with a kind and appreciative smile. Modestly, he acknowledged, "Education is an expansive and profound field. Possessing knowledge oneself is one thing, but effectively imparting it to young wizards is an entirely different skill. Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout, your wealth of experience far surpasses mine."

Bryan's skillful compliment elicited genuine delight from the two professors. Flitwick turned his head towards Snape, who pretended to be unfamiliar with Bryan, and flashed a mischievous smile.

"I'm afraid Severus will be quite disappointed," he remarked playfully. "I've lost count of how many times he has failed in the competition for this teaching position. And now, to lose to his favorite student~~~Maybe Severus is used to this kind of defeat?" Professor Sprout chimed in, her magic knife slicing through the air, causing Bryan to burst into laughter as he savored his toast.

A dark scowl descended upon Snape's face, and he emitted a soft, disdainful snort. "There's nothing to be proud of in being the professor of this course, Bryan. If you manage to safely step down from this teaching position, that alone would be considered an accomplishment."

Bryan's smile remained unwavering as he responded, "Just because there are things you can't do doesn't mean I can't, Professor." His words further deepened the frown on Snape's face, adding a layer of satisfaction to Bryan's countenance.

After a relaxed and joyous breakfast, everyone dispersed, making plans to meet up for a drink or two at the Three Broomsticks when time allowed. Bryan, however, didn't return to his quarters. Instead, he headed straight for Professor McGonagall's office. The meeting had been scheduled in advance, so her lack of surprise at his arrival was expected.

"Oh, thank God you're finally here!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, her lips slightly pursed. Evidently, the absence of trouble from the heir to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets had improved her mood and complexion compared to the Christmas holidays.

"I must express my gratitude to you, Bryan. There are several older students who have always dreamt of becoming Aurors after graduating. You see, becoming an Auror requires a minimum of five NEWTS certificates, including Defense Against the Dark Arts. If they were to continue following Gilderoy's teaching methods, their dreams would be shattered prematurely!" Professor McGonagall's tone carried a mix of appreciation and concern.

Bryan responded with a wry smile, his voice tinged with self-deprecation. "I can only do my best, Professor McGonagall. But please don't expect too much from me. I've never been particularly skilled at exams, let alone helping young wizards pass theirs. And if there are any leads regarding the Chamber of Secrets incident, I will prioritize addressing them."

"We have all witnessed your capabilities, Bryan," Professor McGonagall stated, lifting her chin slightly. Her tone revealed a touch of displeasure. "You really need to shed some of your excessive modesty. As for the Chamber of Secrets, well, I can no longer concern myself with it. Let Headmaster Dumbledore take the reins. He should also do something serious."

Bryan could only respond with a bittersweet smile, realizing that his words would have little impact.

"Now, regarding the division of work between you and Gilderoy, I have a suggestion," Professor McGonagall said, her tone shifting to one of seriousness. "The most pressing matter is to provide assistance to the students in the fifth and seventh grades. They are on the verge of facing the two most important exams of their lives, which will shape their futures. Bryan, I hope you can split the workload with Gilderoy, with him overseeing the teaching below the fifth grade while you take charge of the fifth to seventh grades."

Bryan contemplated the proposal for a moment, choosing to withhold a clear answer. Professor McGonagall's allocation plan seemed reasonable, but it contradicted his original intention for accepting the teaching position. After all, what would be the purpose of his efforts if he only ended up assisting a few individuals from the protagonist group?

"I believe it would be best for me to discuss this matter with Professor Lockhart first, Professor McGonagall," Bryan finally replied, leaving his response open-ended.

With that, Bryan left Professor McGonagall's office and headed directly to Professor Lockhart's quarters. Time was of the essence; he needed to finalize the details that morning and spend the afternoon and evening preparing. Though his motivations for becoming a professor might not have been entirely pure, he had no intention of simply idling by and allowing his reputation to suffer the same fate as Professor Lockhart's.

As Bryan made his way, he couldn't help but find himself pondering the enigma that was Gilderoy Lockhart. What teaching method could receive unanimous "good reviews" from all the professors and most of the young wizards at Hogwarts? Even Professor McGonagall and Principal Dumbledore had put aside their reservations and asked him to "come forward." The answer to this mystery intrigued Bryan, motivating him to find out more, With a sense of curiosity and determination, Bryan came to the door of Professor Lockhart's quarters.

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