Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

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Since the details of Monday afternoon's Defense Against the Dark Arts class were widely circulated, in the next few days, inside and outside the castle, there was only one topic, and that was Bryan Watson.

According to Cho Chang of Ravenclaw, at dinner that day, after Professor Flitwick heard about the levitating spell that Professor Watson showed, he rushed into Professor Watson's office without saying a word, and stayed there for a full four hours.

Fred and George also confirmed the reliability of the news. It was past one o'clock in the middle of the night. The two of them were adventuring in the castle. When they passed the third floor, they happened to meet Professor Flitwick dragging his exhausted body, panting, leaving Professor Watson's office. There was still a contented smile on his rosy cheeks.


Ron stood on the sofa in the lounge and controlled the goose feather that had been picked out of the sofa cushion, with a strange expression in his mouth. He roared, "Let you see my Empowered 'Levitation Charm'!"

As he spoke, he quickly shook the repaired wand, just like Professor Watson did that day, pointing the wand straight at the sky. Then everyone nearby saw the feather floating above Ron's head wobble, crawling towards the ceiling at a speed not much faster than a snail, and finally disappearing in the brilliant candlelight.

Harry sat with his hand on the copy of 'Flying with the Cannons' that Ron had given him over the Christmas holidays and hiccupped happily after seeing this.

Ever since Professor Watson repaired Ron's wand in Defense Against the Dark Arts class and gave Ron his first bonus of the semester, Ron completely forgot that Professor Watson used wonderful alchemy props to monitor all the little wizard's unhappiness, making him a loyal fan.

To be honest, the stupid thing Ron is doing now has happened many times in the castle. Malfoy once reviewed the Levitation Charm on a wooden stick in Transfiguration class, hoping that it would fly over and pierce Harry's eyes. He was then deducted twenty points by the angry Professor McGonagall.

It had to be said that Professor Watson was extremely impressive in class,, and even Harry himself secretly gestured with his wand in the dormitory when no one was around.

"If I can practice like Professor Watson!"

Ron jumped off the sofa cushion, looked at the chandelier above his head, and murmured in a sleepy tone, "Hmph, let's see who dares to underestimate me again, I will first poke a thousand needle holes in Percy's ass with a feather, and then poke two big holes in Malfoy's face."

"If you really want to do all of this, Ron—"

wrote across the table Hermione, who was drawing, said in an impatient tone, "Then you should sit down and study the spell model of the Enhanced 'Levitation Charm' seriously with me, instead of gesticulating!"

"Oh, what a nuisance, why did you just can't say something that I can do, Hermione."

Ron, who fell from dream to reality, immediately hung his face dissatisfied.

"It's difficult, Hermione?!"

Harry blinked his emerald eyes and asked playfully. In the days without attacks in the Chamber of Secrets and without Lockhart, he seemed happy every day.

"It's more difficult than ever, Harry. You can't imagine what Professor Watson did to the Levitation Charm. To be honest, I even thought it was an after-school homework for Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other, since they knew Hermione, it was the first time that they heard Hermione express dissatisfaction with the homework of any class so clearly.

"...It took me four full days to figure out that the 'Canri' in 'Canrady Leviosa' is taken from the ancient rune, 'Curilad Canri' - Titan Blade, put in this spell, it means 'sharp' and 'indestructible'!"

"Ancient runes can, but isn't that a course that only starts in the third grade?"

Neville, who was eavesdropping on the side, listened and turned his head and said anxiously.

"Well said, Neville!"

Hermione crossed her arms angrily, but her eyes were not sure to leave the parchment spread out on the table, the spell model that was drawn messily.

"And the pronunciation of the word 'Wingardium' is a ring in the spell model of the Levitation spell structure, its function is to limit the input of magic power, thereby weakening the effect of the Levitation Charm, so Professor Watson canceled it!"

"That is to say!"

Ron's eyes lit up and he moved closer to Hermione, pretending to be himself. Can understand complex spell models on paper.

"Can you use the Upgraded 'Levitation Charm'?!"

"It's not that simple, Ron!"

Hermione's wand thudded on the table as she exclaimed, "It's not that simple, Ron! I may have deciphered Professor Watson's thought process behind the spell transformation, but it doesn't mean I possess the ability to perform it. I lack the precise control over magic power and the skill to seamlessly combine two parts under increased magical energy input—a formidable composite spell!"

Harry, Ron, and Neville looked at each other, and they all suddenly felt lonely in their two years of magic learning!


Looking at the restless Hermione, Harry hesitantly comforted, "It doesn't matter if you can't use it, you have always been the best one in the first and second grades. So far, no one else can figure out Professor Watson's 'Upgraded' Levitation Charm!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't use it. What are you talking about, Harry!"

Hermione stared at Harry in surprise, as if Harry had said something as shocking as being expelled from school. "This is our homework!"


Neville rubbed his two chubby hands together, looking even more disturbed, "Professor Watson's exact words were—you can try to study this spell, and if anyone succeeds, I'll give him twenty points."

"Oh, Neville!" Hermione looked very upset. "We can't just be lazy because of a potential loophole in Professor Watson's homework!"

"Don't pay attention to her, Neville. Our Miss Perfection has a great dream of becoming a 'Grand Magus'!"

The Weasley brothers, who had just been selling big dung eggs in the crowd, walked over shoulder to shoulder, and brought along their good friend, the Quidditch commentator, Lee Jordan.

Hermione immediately hugged a large pile of reference books on the table angrily, grabbed her research results, and walked to the girls' dormitory without looking back.

"You shouldn't have annoyed her—"

Ron looked at his two brothers and shrugged innocently, "you made Harry and me have to do our Potions homework by ourselves—"

"Oh, sorry, are you okay!"

Hermione, who was running up the spiral staircase, accidentally knocked into someone due to her speed, and the book in her arms fell to the ground.

"No, it's nothing!"

Ginny, who looked a little abnormal, tightly clutched her bulging pockets. After getting up from the ground, she didn't care much about who hit her and ran away quickly with her head down. Hermione was left alone at the foot of the stairs , looking at Ginny's panicked back with a furrowed brow, filled with concern.

Inside the dimly lit dormitory, Parvati and Lavender sat on the same bed, giggling secretly as they admired a signed photo of Professor Lockhart. Their conversation soon shifted to comparing the handsomeness of Professor Watson and Professor Lockhart, and discussing which second-year witches had received love letters.

Hermione, eavesdropping on their conversation for a while, felt a sense of boredom creeping in. The magical lamp at the head of the bed cast Hermione's slender back onto the wall opposite the bed. Lost in thought, Hermione stared at the dark silhouette, reflecting on the Weasley twins' jokes and Ron's apparent indifference when he left. For some unknown reason, she suddenly felt that the nights in early spring were colder than the harshest winter.

Clutching her robe tightly, Hermione's beautiful brown eyes became misty as tears welled up. She gazed out the window at the faint glimmer of stars, contemplating the words that resonated within her lonely heart: "The strong are always lonely."

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