Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0467 Actions (Large Chapter)

"Stand aside, Watson!" Moody growled in a low voice, his magical eye fixed intently on Bryan. "I need to teach this despicable little brat a lesson!"

Like ripples on a lake disturbed by a gentle breeze, Bryan narrowed his eyes slightly. His reaction wasn't to Moody's rude words, but to that magical eye. As an accomplished alchemist, Bryan could see that this special eye had intricate magical runes etched inside, constantly pulsing with magic to detect the surroundings and relay information back to its user.

While ordinary wizards might find this eye quite frightening, for Bryan—who possessed an incredibly powerful innate ability to sense magic, whose perception of magic can even be comparable to sight—it felt like someone was examining him with a magnifying glass pressed against his face, trying to peel away his clothes. One can imagine how uncomfortable this sensation was.

"Help, Professor Watson!" Draco peeked out from behind Bryan. It was clear that he had been truly frightened by Moody's fierce and unreasonable behavior. His face was pale, and tears were welling up in his eyes. "This madman wants to kill me!"


Suddenly, a thumb-thick rope shot out from the tip of Moody's wand. After leaving the wand, this agile rope coiled itself, gathering strength, then lunged forward, aiming to loop around Draco's neck and drag him out from behind Bryan.

Bryan, who had been turning his head to look at Draco, didn't even glance back. He casually waved his wand behind him. Before the young wizards pouring out of the entrance hall could see what had happened, Professor Moody's conjured rope had already dissipated into a wisp of black smoke, scattered by the wind.

"I'm sure you understand," Bryan said, turning back to face Moody, "that this has gone beyond the scope of a joke, Professor Moody."

"Oh, are you going to shield this despicable little wretch, Watson?"

Bryan's warning didn't deter Moody; if anything, it seemed to enrage him further. Moody stepped over the threshold, onto the top of the marble staircase, pointing his wand at Bryan and Draco as he snarled, "I'd like to see how you plan to stop—"

Bryan's face finally darkened. He stood still, his wrist twirling deftly. Then, a red orb of light the size of a Bludger, crackling with crimson electricity, erupted from his wand tip. It swiftly flew to hover above the middle of the marble staircase!

"Oh, that spell!" Angelina from the Gryffindor Quidditch team gasped, covering her mouth, from among the spectators inside the doorway.

Moody's magical eye quivered violently. Suddenly, the surface of the floating red orb rippled, and then—

Recognizing the imminent threat, Moody reacted with the speed and precision that had kept him alive through countless dark wizard encounters. He swung his wand in a horizontal arc, conjuring a shield of countless red sparks that glittered like shattered stars in the air before him. But this was only a prelude to the true attack.

The orb unleashed its fury. Beam after beam of intense scarlet light erupted from its surface, each one powerful enough to rival the most potent stunning spells. They slammed into Moody's hastily erected defenses with relentless force. Though he managed to block these searing lances of magical energy, it didn't mean he could easily absorb the impact of the spells!

Bang, bang, bang!

The young wizards hiding in the entrance hall watched as Moody continuously waved his wand to block the successive beams of red light. However, the powerful force still pushed him back step by step, forcibly driving him back into the entrance hall!

"What are you doing?!" A surprised voice suddenly came from the staircase on one side of the entrance hall. It was Professor McGonagall, carrying a few books, looking astonished at the unfolding scene.


At the sound of Professor McGonagall's voice, Bryan's concentration broke. The floating orb vanished in an instant, leaving behind only a faint afterimage in the eyes of those who had been watching it too closely. Moody, no longer under assault, sagged against the grand doorframe. His breathing was labored, chest heaving beneath his travel-worn cloak. The scars on his face seemed even more noticeable as his face twitched repeatedly, whether from exertion or barely contained rage, it was hard to tell.

Professor McGonagall recovered quickly from her initial shock and hurried down the stairs. In her haste, she nearly lost her footing. It was only the unexpected presence of Colin Creevey and his ever-present camera that saved her from a nasty fall. Using his neck to steady herself, Professor McGonagall regained her balance.

After hastily apologizing to Colin, McGonagall roughly pushed through the crowd to Moody's side. She first examined Moody's entire body, ensuring he hadn't lost any more body parts, then took a deep breath.

When she spoke, her voice quavered with barely contained anger, a tone that her students knew all too well as a prelude to serious consequences. "Bryan, and Alastor, please tell me what exactly you two are doing!"

"He tried to kill me!" Before either of the combatants could respond, Draco quick-witted as ever, immediately darted out from behind Bryan. His pale face was in manufactured innocence as he jabbed an accusing finger at Moody. "It's this madman! Professor Watson was only defending me!"

"You're talking nonsense, Malfoy!" Ron yelled, straining his voice. "You attacked Harry first!"

The entrance hall began to fall into chaos once more as students from different houses began to take sides, their voices rising in accusations and defenses.

"Silence, all of you!" Professor McGonagall's face was ashen. She glanced at Bryan and Alastor, who were still staring at each other, breathed heavily a few times, then fixed her gaze on Hermione. "Alright, Miss Granger, you saw everything, didn't you? Explain what happened!"

Ron quickly and discreetly jabbed Hermione's arm, earning himself an angry glare from Professor McGonagall!

With so many witnesses to the events, Hermione couldn't possibly cover for anyone. She recounted the incident from start to finish in full detail.

"The first day of school hasn't even ended, and this happens!" Professor McGonagall fumed. "Slytherin loses twenty points. Mr. Malfoy, two days of detention. I'll inform Severus to handle your punishment!"

Harry barely had time to feel relieved and happy before he noticed Professor McGonagall turning her gaze on him. His heart sank immediately.

"The same goes for you, Mr. Potter!"

After announcing his punishment, she looked at the growing crowd of students in the entrance hall and sternly added, "Everyone, go eat! Don't stand around here!"

No one dared to defy Professor McGonagall when she was this angry. The young wizards scattered in a flurry, including Harry and his friends, as well as Draco, who slunk dejectedly into the Great Hall after a nod from Bryan.

"Professor Moody!" With the entrance hall finally cleared, Professor McGonagall stared at the now-recovered Moody, her lips pressed tightly together. "Regarding your use of magic to attack a student—"

"It was just Transfiguration. I thought a good scare would teach that despicable, dirty little brat a lesson—" Moody said dismissively.

"Transfiguration or not—" Professor McGonagall said wearily, "If we believe a student's behavior needs punishment, we can deduct points or assign detention, or report to the Head of their House. I'm sure Dumbledore must have told you this—"

"Perhaps—" Moody pulled out his flask from his waist, took several large gulps, and grunted. Then he looked warily at Bryan, who was coming up the marble staircase, as if still expecting Bryan to raise his wand and hit him with something nasty.

Professor McGonagall, sensing the lingering hostility, turned her attention to Bryan.

"And Bryan—" Professor McGonagall frowned, seemingly pondering how to reprimand him. But after some thought, she apparently couldn't find much to criticize him for. "Next time, you should at least try to understand the situation first, and then be a bit gentler, Bryan. Professor Moody is your colleague, not a dark wizard you need to deal with—"

"Regarding the latter point, I reserve my judgment—" Bryan said coolly.

He didn't care much about how that Draco had started trouble with Harry and his friends again; they always found reasons to create conflicts with each other. But there were some things he had to point out.

"You might still retain some habits from your professional days, Professor Moody, but I must point out that not everyone enjoys being scrutinized by a magical eye. Furthermore, as the Head of Hogwarts Student Safety Office, I'm not entirely satisfied with your explanation for actively attacking Draco Malfoy. I believe it's necessary for me to observe your daily classes. If the content doesn't meet my satisfaction, I don't rule out the possibility of requesting your departure from Hogwarts."

"Are you threa—" Moody's face contorted with anger. He instinctively wanted to retaliate, but for some reason, facing Bryan Watson's expressionless face, he stopped mid-sentence. Finally, he grudgingly muttered the word 'Welcome' before turning and leaving abruptly.

"Alastor was invited by Albus, Bryan. We should at least try to be friendly—" While McGonagall clearly sided more with Bryan on the matter at hand, she still felt compelled to say this.

"I've already taken that into consideration, Professor McGonagall—" Bryan spread his hands, feigning innocence.



The duel between Professor Watson and Professor Moody took place in the entrance hall before dinner. Many young wizards witnessed the battle, while those who missed the spectacle learned about it during dinner discussions.

Students were no longer concerned about what caused the conflict between the two professors, but rather became fascinated by the duel itself. Undoubtedly, Professor Watson emerged victorious, which surprised no one. Given his numerous impressive performances over the past two years, it would have been astonishing if he had lost in a confrontation with someone else.

Professor Moody was absent from the staff table, leading some to believe he was too embarrassed to show his face after losing to Professor Watson. However, Neville, who had just returned from a breathless run around the Quidditch pitch, informed everyone that Moody was patrolling the school grounds.

"No wonder Dad speaks so highly of Professor Moody—" Ron exclaimed to those around him, "You know what I mean, right?"

"Everyone knows what you mean, ickle Ronniekins," George said kindly.

Harry sat with his head down, staring intently at the patterns on his silver goblet, lost in thought.

"What's on your mind, Harry??" Hermione, noticing Harry's somber mood, asked quietly. " Are you still thinking about Professor Watson helping Malfoy?"

"I don't understand—" Harry began, as if a floodgate had opened, "Did you hear what that Skeeter woman from the Daily Prophet said? The Ministry still believes Bertha Jorkins is just missing, but how can that be? They've already caught that woman Cliodna with Professor Watson's help, haven't they? If they'd interrogated her properly, they should know that Voldemort killed her.

Hermione's eyes widened at the mention of the Voldemort's name, but she didn't interrupt.

"And they're still claiming that Cliodna and those masked wizards are working together," Harry continued, his voice rising slightly with each word. "But it's obvious they don't even know each other! Even if the Ministry's got it all wrong, Professor Watson knows everything. He has to. So why isn't he-"

"Oh, shut up, Harry!" Hermione, who had been listening patiently, suddenly interrupted, looking nervously towards the front of the Great Hall. "Professor Watson is coming this way!"

"Alastor has fought evil his entire life, and as you can see, he has suffered much persecution in this long struggle, Bryan—" Dumbledore was saying. Though no one had reported to him about the earlier incident in the entrance hall, he seemed to know everything upon arriving at the Great Hall from his office. He patiently consoled Bryan.

"He has a low tolerance for certain behaviors. Of course, his use of magic to discipline young wizards was indeed inappropriate, but that doesn't mean he lacks control over his emotions or is unstable, as you might think."

"Heh, our beloved Headmaster has always been very accommodating of those with special talents—" Snape, who had overheard these comments, sneered from the side.

Bryan didn't speak, but looked at Professor Snape with slight surprise.

"But be careful, Bryan. That madman considers everyone a Dark wizard except Dumbledore. Your good reputation means nothing to him. He might even demand to search your office and luggage next—"

"What? Has Professor Moody made such a request of you?" Bryan asked, somewhat astonished.

Snape's sallow face darkened further, his lips pressing into a thin line that practically disappeared. Dumbledore, who apparently already knew about this, didn't seem particularly surprised. He only looked at Professor Snape with a hint of apology.

"I've already emphasized to Alastor that you are trustworthy, Severus."

"Oh, how honored I am to have earned your trust, Headmaster Dumbledore," Snape said coldly.

Neither Bryan nor Professor Snape would change their personal opinions of Mad-Eye Moody based on Dumbledore's words. Dumbledore knew this well and, after sighing helplessly, said no more.

The atmosphere at the staff table was a bit stiff. Bryan, disliking such an environment, wiped his mouth with a napkin and left his seat. Instead of returning to his office, he walked down to the Gryffindor table.

As he passed, the discussions at the table fell silent, as if hit by a Silencing Charm. The young wizards all turned curious gazes towards him.

"May I have a word, Harry?" Bryan said, standing behind Harry.

"Oh, of course, Professor Watson!" Harry scrambled to his feet, nearly knocking over his goblet in his haste.

"And you too, Hermione. I have something to discuss with you as well. Come to my office—" Bryan said then looking at Hermione, who had her head down, pouring gravy over her baked potato trying (and failing) to look as though she hadn't been eavesdropping.

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly gathered her wits and stood up. "Yes, Professor,"

Both Hermione and Harry hurriedly got up and followed Professor Watson towards the entrance hall. Across the table, Ron, realizing he hadn't been invited, disappointedly put down his cutlery and watched the three leave, his cheeks puffing out.

Although it was only September, in Hogwarts, nestled among dark mountains and waters, the wind that wandered through the ancient castle after nightfall already carried the chill of late autumn. Harry and Hermione both got goosebumps as the wind hit them, while the climate change had little effect on powerful wizards like Bryan.

As they walked along the second-floor corridor, Bryan paused briefly, his gaze directed towards the spacious grounds. He narrowed his eyes for a few seconds before moving on.

"Professor Moody," Harry whispered to Hermione, pointing towards a limping figure barely visible in the dim light spilling from Hagrid's hut. "He's still patrolling?"

They were already familiar with Professor Watson's office. Upon reaching the office, Harry and Hermione made their way to the familiar sofa without being told. Professor Watson, rather than taking his usual seat behind the desk, joined them on the sofa.

"It's like this—" Bryan looked at Harry. "This afternoon, I met with Sirius in Hogsmeade."

Harry's eyes immediately widened with anticipation.

Bryan sank into the soft sofa and smiled, "He came for two main reasons. First, he wanted me to convey his apologies regarding the argument you two had during the summer holidays."

"Why couldn't he tell me himself?" Harry said indignantly.

"Haha, I didn't ask—" Bryan chuckled meaningfully at Harry, whose expression showed the unique rebelliousness of adolescence. "But I suppose it's for the same reason you're unwilling to apologize to him directly."

Harry's face turned bright red, pretending not to notice Hermione covering her mouth to stifle a laugh. He quickly changed the subject, "What's the second thing, Professor Watson?"

"The second matter actually doesn't concern you, but considering Sirius is your godfather, I think you have the right to know—" Bryan's smile faded as he spoke calmly, "Sirius has decided to join the Ministry and become an Auror. You know what Aurors are, don't you, Harry? Professor Moody was one before he retired."

Harry nodded instinctively, but when he truly realized what he had heard, his mouth fell open in shock, gasping for air.

"Sirius... an Auror? But... how? Why would he want to do that?"

"It's not that surprising. Sirius is a capable adult wizard with exceptional magical skills. Now that he's cleared his name, it's only natural for him to seek out a way to put his skills to use and find his place in the wizarding world once more. Think about Headmaster Dumbledore—he's still working at over a hundred and ten years old."

"But—" Harry closed his open mouth, his emerald eyes glimmering with worry in the yellow lamplight.

Aurors were tasked with combating Dark wizards, and Harry had a firsthand understanding of how dangerous this job could be from Professor Moody's condition. Sirius wasn't like Professor Watson or Professor Dumbledore, who could handle any situation. On the night of the Quidditch final, when those three masked wizards appeared in their box, Sirius had struggled to deal with them. In fact, if Cliodna hadn't helped him, he might have met with misfortune that night!

Harry suddenly felt an urgent need to return to his dormitory and write to Sirius, advising him to reconsider carefully. But even as this thought formed, another part of him argued that if this was truly what Sirius wanted, Harry should offer his full support.

These two thoughts battled in Harry's mind, leaving him unable to decide for the moment.

Sensing Harry's inner turmoil, Bryan didn't press the issue further. Instead, he turned his attention to Hermione, who had been listening to the exchange with rapt attention.

"Hermione, I wanted to ask you about the progress of everyone's training?"

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