Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0473 Magical Constructs

The pristine white expanse of Bryan's Spiritual World hung in expectant silence. Despite his clear instruction to begin practicing, not a single young wizard moved a muscle. They stood, rooted to the spot, their eyes fixed on Bryan with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. The air was thick with unasked questions, each student waiting for further guidance on how to proceed in this alien environment.

Observing their hesitation, Bryan shook his head helplessly, a small sigh escaping his lips. His purple eyes swept across the room, taking in each face, before finally settling on Cedric Diggory, the oldest student present. Cedric stood tall among his peers, his chiseled features marked by a quiet confidence that set him apart. After a moment's contemplation, weighing the merits of his decision, Bryan beckoned to Cedric with a motion of his hand.

"Come here, Mr. Diggory,"

Cedric Diggory was a tall, lanky young man, his frame nearly matching Bryan's height. Yet, as he approached Bryan, He seemed to shrink, his broad shoulders were hunched slightly, and he lowered his head in an unconscious display of nervousness.

"Tell me, Mr. Diggory," Bryan began, "of the spells I just mentioned - the Disarming Charm, Stunning Spell, Petrification Curse, and Impediment Jinx - how many can you perform?"

Cedric's brow furrowed slightly as he considered the question. As a sixth-year student, he had encountered these spells numerous times in both Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. He had a solid grasp of their theory and had practiced them extensively. However, unsure of Professor Watson's intentions and not wanting to appear boastful, he answered with careful honesty.

"I can perform all of them, Professor," Cedric replied, his voice steady despite his inner uncertainty.

From her position among the other students, Hermione raised an eyebrow, her mind already at work. These spells, while foundational, weren't particularly difficult for someone of their level. She, too, had mastered them all, a fact that both filled her with pride and made her wonder about the purpose of Professor Watson.

"Very good," Bryan nodded, a hint of approval in his voice. With a casual flick of his fingers, the four spell constructs that had been floating nearby suddenly separated. Each construct moved to a position approximately fifty feet apart, creating a wide square formation in the endless white space.

Bryan stepped aside, revealing to Cedric a particularly vibrant construct - a complex, prismatic shape that pulsed with a deep, rich red energy. The color was reminiscent of the spell light produced by a successfully cast Stunning Spell in the physical world.

"This," Bryan explained, his voice taking on a more formal, instructional tone, "is the standard magical construct for the Stunning Spell, Mr. Diggory." He gestured towards the glowing red structure. "I want you to step forward and cast Stupefy at it."

With that, Bryan crossed his arms and moved further to the side, giving Cedric a clear line of sight to the construct. His unusual purple eyes gleamed with keen interest, like a scientist about to witness a crucial experiment. "Let's see how well you've truly mastered the Stunning Spell,"

Cedric stood still for a moment, confusion evident in the slight furrow of his brow. He was still grappling with the surreal nature of their current situation. Nonetheless, he followed the order, reaching into his robes to pull out his wand. As his fingers closed around the familiar wood, a new wave of bewilderment washed over him. Hadn't Professor Watson explicitly told them that their bodies were just manifested thoughts in this Spiritual World? If that were true, how was it possible for his wand to be here?'

However, Cedric quickly realized that now was not the time to dwell on such metaphysical questions. He glanced back at his watching classmates, their faces a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. He took a deep breath, attempting to calm the nerves that fluttered in his stomach. It was a strange sensation, feeling nervous in a body that wasn't truly there. Out of habit, he wiped his palm on his robe, though logically he knew no real sweat could exist in this illusory world.

Steeling himself, Cedric's gaze hardened with determination.

"Stupefy!" Cedric's voice rang out, clear and strong, echoing in the vast whiteness of the World.

As he spoke the incantation, Cedric's wrist made a sharp, precise flick followed by a forceful forward thrust - the standard wand movement for the Stunning Spell. However, what happened next was anything but standard.

Instead of the expected jet of red light that would normally erupt from his wand tip, a miniature red prismatic structure materialized at the end of his wand as he completed the gesture. This structure, glowing with light, bore a striking resemblance to the larger construct Professor Watson had designated as the standard form of the Stunning Spell.

No sooner had this miniature construct formed than it was drawn towards Bryan's larger one, as if pulled by an invisible force. As it neared, it began to merge with the standard construct, causing a visible tremor to run through the larger structure. The air seemed to vibrate with magical energy, creating a low, thrumming sound that the students could feel in their bones.

Cedric turned back to Professor Watson, his expression a mixture of confusion and awe. He opened his mouth to speak, to ask what had just happened, but before he could utter a word, the construct's trembling ceased abruptly. In the sudden silence that followed, a cold, emotionless voice - unmistakably Professor Watson's, yet devoid of its usual warmth - emanated from the now-still construct:

"Stunning Spell Magical construct completion: 87%.

Spell assessment: Effective.

Deficiencies: Magical power input above optimal range. Casting gesture deviation: 7%."


A collective gasp rippled through the ethereal Spiritual World.

Cedric standing few feet away from the construct, was completely dumbfounded. He gawked at the standard magical construct that was systematically critiquing his spellcasting and his heart was in turmoil!

But the spectacle wasn't over yet. As the systematic evaluation concluded, the magical construct suddenly emitted a plume of shimmering, silver-blue smoke. To everyone's utter astonishment, this ethereal smoke began to coalesce, taking on a more defined shape. Within moments, it had formed the distinct outline of a hand grasping a wand.

This smoky add-on then began to move demonstrating the standard casting motion for the Stunning Spell.

"Do you understand now?" Bryan's voice cut through the stunned silence. He turned his head slightly, focusing on Cedric with a penetrating gaze. The captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, usually so composed and admired for his handsome appearance, stood transfixed. His eyes never left the smoky hands that were demonstrating the standard casting motion, his expression one of utter amazement.

Cedric was so shocked that he couldn't even form words. He simply nodded blankly, his mind racing to process what he had just witnessed. "How did he come up with this method?" The question echoed in his thoughts; a sentiment shared by many of his classmates.

The silence that had fallen over the group suddenly shattered as excited chatter erupted among the young wizards. Their eyes were wide with wonder, their voices overlapping in a cacophony of awe and speculation.

"If Professor Flitwick knew about this-" one voice exclaimed, trailing off.

"And Professor McGonagall!" another chimed in.

"Brilliant!" This sentiment was echoed by many, the single word encapsulating their collective admiration for the innovative teaching method they had just witnessed.

The young wizards stared at Professor Watson with newfound respect and fervent admiration.

Hermione, her mind working at lightning speed to process this new information, suddenly grabbed Harry's arm. Her fingers trembled with excitement as she spoke, her voice hushed but intense. "Professor Watson infused his thoughts into the magical construct!" she exclaimed, her brown eyes shining with the thrill of understanding. "Don't you see, Harry? It's just like the Sorting Hat!"

It was an apt comparison, and those who heard Hermione's words had a moment of collective realization. The Sorting Hat is said to contain the thoughts and wisdom of the four founders. It could peer into the minds of students, sorting them into the houses that best suited their personalities and potentials. The magical construct before them seemed to employ the same principle, analyzing and critiquing their spellwork with intelligence.

In that moment, Bryan's status in the young wizards' eyes soared to new heights, nearly reaching that of Hogwarts' revered founding four.

Bryan, however, seemed awkward with their adoring gazes. 

"Okay, If you understand the principle, then let's begin in earnest. Choose the spell you want to try, form an orderly line, and after receiving feedback, find a place to practice and correct your mistakes. When you believe you've improved, you can request a re-evaluation. Remember, to achieve nonverbal casting, you need to reach at least 95% proficiency with the spell."

The moment Bryan finished speaking, a palpable wave of enthusiasm swept through the group. The young wizards' excitement was almost frightening in its intensity. All thirty of them surged towards the four spell constructs, each eager to test their best spells against this revolutionary evaluation system.

Arguments quickly broke out as students jostled for position, their voices rising in a chaotic ruckus. Bryan was forced to step in, establishing some basic rules to maintain order and ensure everyone got a fair chance. His presence quickly calmed the frenzy, though the air still buzzed with barely contained excitement.

Harry, unsurprisingly, chose the Disarming Charm. It was the spell he felt most confident with. He was keen to see how well he had truly mastered this signature spell of his.

Hermione made a beeline for the Stunning Spell queue. Her decision was due to two reasons: firstly, she wanted to compare her performance to Cedric Diggory's, and secondly, she saw the Stunning Spell as a crucial offensive tool worth mastering to the highest degree. As she waited for her turn, she mentally reviewed every detail of the spell's theory and execution.

Neville, his round face etched with determination, had initially headed for the Petrification Curse. It was the only spell of the four that he felt truly confident with, thanks to countless hours of practice. However, he arrived too late, finding the line already long with eager students. With a resigned sigh, he reluctantly joined Hermione in the Stunning Spell queue, his confidence already beginning to waver.

"Stupefy!" Hermione's clear, crisp voice rang out when her turn came. The red prismatic structure of her spell construct shot from her wand tip, quickly merging with the standard construct. There was a moment of tense silence before Professor Watson's ghostly voice spoke again:

"Stunning Spell Magical construct completion: 92%.

Spell assessment: Effective.

Deficiencies: Magical power input below optimal range. Casting gesture deviation: 3%.

Suggestions: 1. Enhance offensive intent during casting.

2. Repeated practice to build magical stamina.


A fleeting smile of satisfaction crossed Hermione's face before her expression became thoughtful. She walked away from the construct, her mind already dissecting the feedback and formulating a plan for improvement. The fact that she had outperformed Cedric didn't escape her notice, but she was more focused on the areas where she could still improve.

As Neville's turn approached, the anxiety that had been building in his chest reached a crescendo. He gulped audibly, raising his wand with a visibly trembling hand. "Stu-Stupefy!" he stammered, his voice lacking the confidence and clarity of Hermione's attempt.

Having watched the process twice now, Neville's nervousness caused his wand to quiver uncontrollably. The construct that emerged from his wand was misshapen and unstable, barely holding its form as it merged with the standard construct. After a brief, ominous hum, an oppressive silence fell over the area.

When the voice finally spoke, its tone seemed even colder than before:

"Possible Stunning Spell attempt detected.

Magical construct completion: 17%.

Spell assessment: Ineffective.

Deficiencies: Magical power input significantly below optimal range; highly unstable magical supply; casting gesture deviation: 67%.

Suggestions: No specific suggestions available.

Recommend reviewing basic magical theory and wand control exercises."

The harsh assessment hung in the air. From somewhere behind him, Neville heard Draco Malfoy's raucous laughter, His face burning with shame, Neville fled the area with his head bowed low, unable to meet the eyes of his classmates.

Noticing this disheartening result, Bryan's gaze followed Neville's dejected back with a contemplative look.

As the session continued, with students cycling through the constructs and receiving their evaluations, a sudden change rippled through the Spiritual World. Without warning, a sound like breaking glass shattered the air.

In the blink of an eye, the ethereal world dissolved, and the students found themselves back in the familiar surroundings of their Hogwarts classroom. Those who had been slumped over their desks began to stir. Confused murmurs filled the air as they looked around, taking a moment to reorient themselves in physical reality.

Harry, still slightly dazed from the abrupt transition, glanced at the gold watch on his wrist. It was a gift from Professor Watson, one that he always wore.

"Only about 45 minutes have passed," Harry informed Hermione, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and awe.

They had spent what felt like hours in the Spiritual World, practicing and refining their spells under Professor Watson's innovative system. Yet here, in the real world, barely more than half an hour had elapsed. Even though Professor Watson had emphasized this aspect of his magical world, Harry still found the reality of it incredible.

At the front of the classroom, Bryan stood before them, his tall frame slightly hunched as he gently massaged his temples. The strain of maintaining such complex magical world was evident in the slight furrow of his brow and the tightness around his eyes. He looked somewhat fatigued.

Concern welling up inside him, Harry stood up, intending to check on Bryan. However, as soon as he rose from his seat, the world began to spin alarmingly. An overwhelming wave of dizziness struck his senses, causing his vision to blur and his balance to falter. Unable to maintain his footing, Harry collapsed back onto the bench, his legs feeling like jelly beneath him.

"Careful, Mr. Potter," Bryan said with a gentle smile, having noticed Harry's stumble. "Although time was compressed in the Spiritual World, the mental and magical fatigue you experienced there is very real. Everyone, please remain seated and refrain from moving for the moment. You have ten minutes to rest and adjust yourselves."

Bryan inhaled deeply, steadying himself before turning to the still-dazed students. His voice, calm but firm, cut through their confusion. "For the next hour, we're going to engage in a practical exercise—something to get your bodies moving and help dispel the lingering effects of the Spiritual World. We'll be practicing evasive maneuvers... by dodging dungbombs."

A wave of groans and whispers spread across the classroom as the students reacted to this unexpected and unpleasant announcement.

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