Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

049 Hagrid’s 8-eyed Spider

Bryan, with an air of confidence, moved through the hallowed corridors of Hogwarts Castle, his reputation soaring among the students. As he passed, a hushed reverence followed him, and eyes filled with awe and admiration followed his every step. It was as though he had ascended above even the esteemed Professors McGonagall and Snape with his recent victory over Fred and George in class.

One particular incident had left a lasting impression on the students' minds. When Bryan entered the sixth-floor prefects' bathroom, an almost magical silence enveloped the spacious room. The heads of the prefects clustered together, their usual authoritative demeanor giving way to fear and trepidation. They dared not disturb Bryan during his grooming process, as the mere presence of the young wizard commanded such respect that it felt sacrilegious to intrude.

Only after Bryan sighed in resignation and departed, having completed his sanitary needs, did the vibrant atmosphere return to the bathroom. Whispers and murmurs filled the air once more as the students puzzled over why Bryan chose the prefects' bathroom instead of the more exclusive facilities reserved for the professors.

Oliver Wood, his head adorned with a pile of colorful bubbles from the enchanted bath, submerged himself in the water, still trembling from the encounter. He turned to Percy, who had been observing Bryan with reverence from the beginning, and voiced the question that lingered in everyone's mind.

"Why doesn't Professor Watson use the professors' dedicated bathroom?"

The question hung in the air like a tangible mystery, and the students eagerly awaited an answer. They couldn't fathom why Bryan, with his prestigious status, would opt for the prefects' bathroom instead of the more luxurious and exclusive facilities reserved for the revered Hogwarts staff.

In truth, Bryan's actions were not driven by a desire to flaunt his status or make a statement. He simply had no knowledge of the professors' dedicated bathroom's existence. Professor McGonagall, who had meticulously arranged his office and living quarters, had somehow neglected to mention it to him. Even the discovery of the sixth-floor prefects' bathroom had been a fortuitous accident during Bryan's time as a student.

As the evening wore on and the clock struck eight, Bryan, now clad in clean wizard robes, found himself standing before the intricately carved door of Dumbledore's office. With a slight trepidation in his heart, he knocked and entered, meeting Dumbledore's welcoming gaze.

"It seems this is your first visit to my office on your own accord since you came back to Hogwarts, isn't it, Bryan?" Dumbledore observed, resting his hands under his chin and smiling cautiously. His bright blue eyes radiated both warmth and wisdom, putting Bryan somewhat at ease.

Bryan couldn't help but think, "If I had nothing to do, why would I keep wandering around you?" In truth, he was an inherently insecure individual, and despite his elevated status, he saw Dumbledore as the only wizard in Hogwarts who posed a threat to his life. Thus, he felt compelled to maintain some distance and guard against any potential conflicts.

"Well, Headmaster Dumbledore..." Bryan began, exchanging a few pleasantries before slowly revealing the purpose of his visit. He shared his ambitious plan to introduce the young wizards to various magical creatures based on their proficiency levels, starting in March. Seeking Dumbledore's opinion on the matter, Bryan hoped for his support and guidance.

"You are the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Bryan, and thus, you have complete autonomy in this matter," Dumbledore replied, his face adorned with a warm smile, displaying his open-mindedness and trust in Bryan's abilities.

However, Bryan's expression seemed slightly unnatural, and he cleared his throat, covering his slight nervousness. "The issue is, I believe it would be beneficial to consult with you beforehand regarding the creatures I plan for them to encounter."

Dumbledore, who had initially listened with casual interest, could no longer maintain his relaxed demeanor. Frowning in distress, he recognized the radical and potentially dangerous nature of Bryan's plan.

"Bryan, this is a daring and perilous endeavor. You must understand that young wizards have their limitations. Have you thoroughly considered the potential risks and consequences of your decision?"

"Talents cannot be nurtured comfortably in a cradle, Headmaster Dumbledore. While I acknowledge the limitations of young wizards, I believe that courage and determination in the face of danger are particularly important for their growth. If we wish to see tangible progress, some level of risk is acceptable," Bryan replied, his voice filled with unwavering conviction.

Dumbledore, a shrewd and experienced individual shaped by the unfortunate events of his century, approached every situation with caution and care. But even he recognized the need for decisive action.

"I will discuss this matter with Professor McGonagall. I believe she will understand your intentions. However, to ensure nothing unexpected occurs, I suggest you have Professor Snape accompany you during your classes. He can provide guidance and assistance, and I trust his judgment," Dumbledore suggested, seeking to strike a balance between support and caution.
Relieved, Bryan expressed his gratitude to Headmaster Dumbledore for his understanding and support. However, Dumbledore hesitated once more before speaking.

"Regarding the mention of Acromantulas, I suggest you first discuss this matter with Hagrid," he advised.

Bryan was taken aback but quickly regained his composure. "Are you suggesting that Hagrid keeps Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest?"

Confirming Bryan's assumption, Dumbledore nodded. Amusement mingled with surprise in Bryan's expression.

"I've heard of Hagrid's fondness for large and dangerous magical creatures since my school days. However, I never imagined he would consider Acromantulas, creatures known for their hostility towards wizards, as pets. It is truly astonishing!"

"Perhaps it is Hagrid's pure and untainted heart that allows him to enjoy the favor of those fascinating creatures who share our world," Dumbledore mused, his voice filled with wisdom. He smiled at Bryan, saying, "However, he has paid a considerable price for such affections."

An hour later, Bryan emerged from Dumbledore's office, his steps heavy as he stood before the stone monster guarding the entrance. The torches lining the walls cast flickering light on his slightly furrowed brow, lending a serious and solemn air to his expression.

Initially, Bryan had merely sought Dumbledore's advice on the magical creatures for his classes. Little did he expect to receive such valuable information. He had long been aware of Hagrid's expulsion from Hogwarts but never knew the precise reason. Now, he discovered that Hagrid's encounter with the Acromantula during his fifth year had led to his expulsion. To Bryan's astonishment, this incident was somehow connected to the Chamber of Secrets and Voldemort himself. The pieces began to fall into place, and Bryan's eyes glimmered with realization.

Dumbledore had not explicitly stated it, but his implications were clear. Fifty years ago, Hagrid had not been the one to open the Chamber of Secrets. Instead, it was likely Tom Riddle, who had reported Hagrid to the authorities.

Bryan's thoughts raced, and he considered the significance of this revelation. Voldemort, a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and Hagrid's expulsion due to the Acromantula incident. It made sense, and Bryan even speculated on a closer connection between Voldemort and Salazar Slytherin beyond shared ideological beliefs. The rumors circulating within the castle about Harry Potter's blood connection to Slytherin suddenly took on new meaning.

"The possibility of Parseltongue being an innate talent that awakens differently from others is small. It is likely a hidden power within the bloodline. Could Potter and Voldemort also be related?" Bryan pondered, deep in thought.

Dumbledore possessed more knowledge than he shared, but for various reasons, he had not disclosed everything to Bryan. And in that moment, Bryan felt grateful for the secrets kept from him. He preferred not to be drawn further into the complicated web of events.

"Regardless, I must speak with Hagrid," Bryan murmured, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. The light played across his face, illuminating his determination.


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