Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0492 Trust

In the world of Muggles, London is equally a renowned international metropolis.

It was ten o'clock at night, and the metropolis was alive with a vitality that seemed to contradict the late hour, as nightlife for the lively Muggle youth who live in this urban jungle was yet in its infancy.

The city's nightlife was centered around the commercial streets, which were brimming with an almost excessive quantity of activity. The footsteps of excited celebrants appeared to reverberate across every square inch of pavement, their faces displaying a mixture of eagerness and joy. The city was alive with sounds, with the continual buzz of traffic acting as the city's incessant heartbeat, lively discussions interspersed with laughing that rang out like bells.

The night sky was painted in hues that nature never intended by neon lights, which came in a dizzying assortment of colors. These man-made auroras streamed down building facades, bouncing off storefront windows, cafes, and bars. The illumination cast an ethereal light over onlookers' faces, turning mundane features into something nearly magical. Every business on the street turned into a beacon, attracting customers like moths to a flame.

Shining window displays drew in passersby, their merchandise tastefully designed to appeal to the senses and tempt the checkbook. Pubs and bars, from hip cocktail lounges to historic taverns, opened their doors, their warm glow luring patrons in and providing a welcome escape from the nighttime cold. 

Cafes provided a more tranquil setting for anyone looking for some alone time or peaceful conversation in the middle of the bustling city, with their outdoor seating sections heated by strategically placed lighting.

The Muggles glided through this terrain with a smooth ease, their faces aglow with the exhilaration of liberation and the seductive possibilities of the evening ahead.

However, these partygoers had no idea that just a few blocks from the bustling center of Muggle London, another world coexisted with theirs, concealed from view.


The sound was barely discernible above the distant noise of Muggle revelry, slicing through the air like a knife. Suddenly, a spectacular firework appeared on top of a crumbling building. 

The sparks cascaded down in a shower of golden light, briefly illuminating the crumbling brickwork and rusted fire discharges before fading into nothingness.

In a world less saturated with artificial illumination, such a display would have drawn gasps of wonder and craned necks skyward. But here, in the shadow of London's luminous skyline, it passed almost unnoticed. The firework, magical in nature and origin, was lost in the sea of man-made lights that flooded the city, its brief moment of glory overshadowed by the persistent glow of neon.

Even the couple locked in a passionate embrace in the dim crevice of a nearby alley remained oblivious to the spectacle above.

The few feet that separated them marked the edge of their reality; everything else in London, magical or not, was as if it didn't exist.

A figure appeared from the fading flames of the magical firework as the last of its sparks vanished into the soiled night sky. On the rooftop, Bryan appeared, his entrance as abrupt and spectacular as the fireworks that had before him. Sharp and vigilant, his eyes surveyed his surroundings with the trained efficiency of someone used to being on guard all the time.

The street below was a far cry from the colorful Muggle thoroughfares that were only a few blocks away. There was utter devastation. The worn-out and cracked pavement was peppered with weeds that continued to poke through the concrete, seeming like nature's silent protest against urban growth.

A solitary red telephone booth stood guard on the corner, its paint peeling and faded, a relic of a bygone era. The booth swayed slightly in the chill wind that whipped through the empty street, the glass panels rattling in their frames like chattering teeth.

A soft sigh of relief escaped Bryan's lips, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. His hand moved almost unconsciously to stroke the warm, feathered head of Fawkes perched on his shoulder.

The act of long-distance Apparition, while second nature to a wizard of his caliber, was not without its toll. Although for Bryan, as long as it wasn't across national borders, this kind of consumption usually wasn't a big problem. However, even he cannot completely negate the drain on his magical reserves and physical stamina.

He silently acknowledged the advantages of traveling via phoenix. Fawkes' ability to traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye, unhindered by most wizarding spatial sealing magic, was a gift beyond measure. In times like these, when every second counted and conventional magic might fail, having Fawkes as an ally could mean the difference between success and catastrophic failure.

But there was no time to dwell on such thoughts. The night was young, but time was of the essence. Bryan took out his wand and inscribed silvery-white marks in the space beneath the light-polluted night sky. A black and white-winged serpent leaped out from the marks, slithering in front of Bryan.

After being injected with several strands of bright silver mist, the serpent spread its wings and plunged towards the ground like a stream of light, penetrating the surface without causing the slightest ripple.

Having completed this, Bryan put away his wand. He strolled on the rooftop of the dilapidated building, facing the Muggle commercial street that was as bright as day. His gaze penetrated through the obstructions of wall after wall, staring at those laughing and chattering faces, falling into a long silence.

Fawkes tilted its head, its pure gem-like eyes clearly reflecting the faint aloneness that appeared on the young face. Fawkes seemed accustomed to this expression, letting out a melodious cry and gently caressing Bryan's slightly cold cheek with its side face.


The explosive sound of Apparition tore through the night's illusory tranquility. In the deserted street below, Sirius materialized out of thin air, his body tense with anxiety and alertness.

No sooner had Sirius appeared than his head spun frantically, eyes scanning the empty street with urgency. To Bryan's mild surprise, he wasn't alone. Tonks stood beside him.

"I'm up here—" Bryan called out, his voice pitched to carry clearly to the street below without echoing off the surrounding buildings. The words, infused with a touch of magic, reached Sirius and Tonks with perfect clarity, as if Bryan were standing right beside them.

Two more cracks split the air in rapid succession, and suddenly Sirius and Tonks were on the rooftop, their faces etched with worry and determination.

"Bryan!" Sirius exclaimed, rushing to his side.

Being an Auror was indeed a grueling job. Bryan noticed that Sirius, who rushed to his side, had become thinner than he was a month ago, and his skin color had returned to the wind-beaten, sun-tanned look from when the two of them were at sea.

After glancing in surprise at Fawkes perched on Bryan's shoulder, Sirius composed himself focusing on the matter at hand.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius asked urgently, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Why didn't you come directly to the Ministry? We need to hurry. Scrimgeour has already gone to report the situation to Fudge. If they beat us to it, then Remus—"

Sirius's words trailed off, but the fear in his grey eyes spoke volumes. His rapid breathing and the slight tremor in his hands showed the depth of his concern.

No one present knows the horrors of Azkaban better than him, and the thought of Remus facing that same fate was clearly tearing him apart. If Remus were to be detained in that nightmarish prison, it could very well be the end of him!

"Hmm—" Bryan hummed in a steady voice, His calm demeanor seemed to have a stabilizing effect on Sirius. "First, tell me the details. Why did Remus end up in your hands? Was it a coincidence or—"

"It was completely accidental!" Sirius interjected, his voice carrying a mix of disbelief and frustration. Having weathered many storms, Sirius quickly stabilized his emotions. He fell silent for a few seconds, organizing his thoughts, then spoke rapidly,

"Recently, several well-known companies have experienced break-ins. Nothing was stolen, which is odd in itself. Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing would be handled by regular Enforcement Squads or Hit Wizards. It's hardly the sort of case that would warrant Auror involvement. But these aren't normal circumstances."

Sirius's face darkened as he continued, " These companies, they've got connections in high places. They put pressure on Fudge, demanding that he investigate the truth quickly. You know how Fudge is - always more concerned with appearances and placating the wealthy than with actual justice.

So, Fudge had Scrimgeour send us out. One group was assigned to investigate the break-ins, trying to piece together what happened and why. Another group, my group, was sent to stake out potential targets, hoping to catch the perpetrators."

Sirius paused, his expression growing even more troubled. "Tonight, Tonks, Kingsley, Dawlish, and I were assigned to guard Floo-Pow, one of the companies that had not been hit before. And then, unexpectedly..." His voice trailed off, the implication clear. None of them had expected to encounter Remus under such circumstances.

"I don't understand!" Tonks interjected, her face full of confusion and concern. "Does this mean that Remus was behind all the previous incidents? Why would he do such a thing? He... surely wasn't stealing anything, right? Those companies that contacted the Ministry have already said they didn't lose anything. So, he... he was investigating something, wasn't he?"

Sirius shot a quick glance at Bryan, whose face remained impassive. Needless to say, Remus must have been acting on Bryan's orders, investigating the true controlling families behind these corporate giants. Such people are often exceptionally cunning, adept at concealing their identities.

"We'll discuss this matter later—" Bryan interjected smoothly, making a calming gesture towards Tonks. Turning back to Sirius, he asked the most pressing question, "What's Remus's current situation?"

Sirius's response was immediate and grim. "He's being held in the cells at the Auror Office. There was a confrontation. He fought with Dawlish and Kingsley. When he was brought to the Ministry, he was still unconscious!"

A flicker of something similar to malice passed across Sirius's features as he added, " But I managed to check his injuries when they first brought him in, it's mostly impact trauma, nothing too serious. He'll have a hell of a headache when he wakes up, but there shouldn't be any lasting damage."

Sirius's expression darkened further as he continued. "Scrimgeour won't let me anywhere near the cells now. My relationship with Remus is no secret in the department, and Scrimgeour probably fears I might try to release Remus secretly. And Dawlish," he practically spitted the name, "that git has always been hostile towards me. He's keeping a very close eye on my movements."

"Dawlish has always thought that the dark wizard who released Fiendfyre at Grimmauld Place during last year's mission was you," Tonks chimed in, her eyes darting nervously between Sirius and Bryan. There was a plea in her voice as she turned to Bryan, "You can get Remus out, right, Bryan?"

"Don't worry—" Bryan's response was accompanied by a reassuring smile. "Remus won't have any problems. But right now, the most important thing is that we need time."

"Time?" Sirius repeated, his brow furrowing in confusion. "What do you need us to do, Bryan?"

Bryan's mind was clearly working at lightning speed, formulating and discarding plans in rapid succession. "You just said that when Remus was brought into the Ministry, he was unconscious, right?" he asked, waiting for Sirius's confirming nod before continuing. "You only need to help me do one thing, which is to find an opportunity as soon as possible to pass a message to Remus, telling him to maintain a state of unclear consciousness."

Bryan's gaze swept over both Sirius and Tonks, ensuring they understand the importance of his words. "I suggest you ask Kingsley for help. He has a good relationship with Dumbledore and won't refuse your request. Besides, I guess Dumbledore has probably already given him instructions to assist if a situation like this were to arise."

Looking at the two attentive listeners, Bryan paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "According to the law, even suspects have the right to request treatment for their injuries before cooperating with any investigation. You can help Remus apply to go to St. Mungo's for treatment first. No matter what, make sure he buys me two to three days of time."

Sirius's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of confusion and concern etched on his face. "You're not planning to intervene now?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. The idea of leaving Remus in Ministry custody, even for a short time, clearly unsettled him.

"I need to make some preparations—" Bryan explained, his hand moving to stroke Fawkes' head, signaling it to get ready,

"If I go to the Ministry now, it would be equivalent to using force to coerce the Ministry into releasing Remus, Although Fudge might eventually give in, it would still be a very unwise choice. I have a better way to handle this problem."

As he spoke, Fawkes spread its magnificent wings, the feathers glowing with fire. The air around them began to shimmer, distorting like heat waves rising from sun-baked asphalt. Bryan's form started to blur, the edges of his silhouette becoming indistinct against the backdrop of the night sky.

Sirius and Tonks watched in awe as brilliant flames engulfed Bryan and Fawkes. For a brief moment, the rooftop was bathed in golden light, as if the sun itself had momentarily risen in the middle of the night. Then, as quickly as it appeared, the fire dissipated, leaving behind nothing but a faint scorch mark on the weathered rooftop.

Watching the space where Bryan had stood mere moments ago, Sirius let out a heavy sigh. His shoulders slumped slightly, the weight of the situation seemingly pressing down on him. He turned to Tonks, his grey eyes reflecting a mix of determination and concern.

"Let's go," he said, his voice gruff with suppressed emotion. "We need to get back to the Ministry quickly. I can't get near the cells now without arousing suspicion, so you'll have to find an excuse to call Kingsley out. Have him help convey Bryan's message to Remus."

Tonks nodded, her usually vibrant hair turning mousy brown, reflecting her serious mood. As they prepared to Apparate, she hesitated for a moment, gnawing on her lower lip in a gesture of worry. "Do you think Bryan has a way to rescue Remus?"

She continued, her words tumbling out in a rush, "Yeah, I know Bryan is very capable, but he won't do anything reckless, right? Dumbledore wouldn't allow him to do that, would he? The last thing we need is for Bryan to end up in trouble too."

Sirius didn't respond immediately. His gaze was fixed on the spot where Bryan had vanished, as if he could still see the afterimage of the phoenix fire. The silence stretched between them, filled only by the distant sounds of Muggle London and the whisper of the wind across the rooftop.

When Sirius finally spoke, his voice was filled with quiet confidence.

"Don't worry, Bryan is a trustworthy person. I believe he can definitely rescue Remus, and he'll do it in a way that won't cause more problems down the line."

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