Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

058 Unknown


"Just like I told you below -"

The students of Hogwarts were in for a shock today when they found out that their Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class was not going to take place in the spacious and familiar Great Hall. Instead, after giving them a brief and mysterious introduction, Professor Watson led the large and curious crowd of first and second year students to an old and dusty classroom near the headmaster's office on the eighth floor of the castle.

As they reached their destination, they saw Professor Watson standing in front of a heavy oak door that looked like it hadn't been opened for ages. He smiled at the slightly excited and nervous young wizards who were lining up in the narrow corridor, "I used a complex and powerful magic to expand the space inside this classroom a little bit, to make room for the dark creature I prepared for you to deal with."

"What is it, Professor Watson!" A voice rang out from the crowd. It belonged to Wayne Rooney, a second-year Hufflepuff boy who was eager to prove himself. He glanced at Harry Potter, who was also whispering with his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, with an admiring and envious look and asked loudly, "Is it a troll?"

"Sorry, Rooney, I've already said that I don't intend to let anyone know the name of that dark creature in advance. If you want to see it, you'll have to use your own eyes to confirm it. Now, I'm going to tell you the rules of this 'game' –"

Bryan leaned against the oak door with his arms crossed and smiled wickedly, "Two people per group for second year, three people per group for first year, together against the creature inside. Because of the limited time, each group has only ten minutes. If you exceed the time limit or die, you fail."

The crowd began to stir. Many people noticed the special word in Professor Watson's sentence and felt a chill run down their spines. Ron and Harry looked at each other and saw the fear and anxiety in each other's eyes. According to their previous experience with Professor Watson, the creature inside the classroom was probably not something they would enjoy facing.

Malfoy's body was already shaking uncontrollably. He thought of a horrible possibility, but he didn't want to believe it.

"Death." Neville's voice was trembling, as if he would faint at any moment. He clutched his wand tightly in his hand, hoping it would give him some courage.

Fortunately, Hermione was still able to maintain her rationality. She glared at Neville and whispered in a scolding tone, "Professor Watson wouldn't let anyone die, Neville. Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic wouldn't allow it!"

"That's hard to say, Miss Granger," Hearing this sentence, Bryan looked amused. The smile on his lips made many people shudder.

"I've done some unruly things over the years that might scare you all if I told you. I can only say that I don't want to see anyone 'sacrifice heroically' in this trial!"

Then, Bryan waved his wand and a parchment shimmering with red magic appeared in front of him. Bryan looked around the crowd and finally let the magic contract float into Hermione's hands.

"So before you enter this classroom for the trial, you have to sign your name on this magic contract. Miss Granger, please read aloud what's on it."

Hermione took the parchment and eagerly read it. She only glanced at it a few times and her confident expression that nothing would happen disappeared. Her pale pink cheeks gradually turned white as snow, and Harry, Ron and Neville who saw the words on the paper also felt like they were choked by someone and had difficulty breathing. Hermione stared blankly at Professor Watson, trying to confirm whether this was just an April Fool's joke. But Professor Watson's serious eyes gave her the answer. There were already some young wizards behind her who were anxiously urging her. Hermione had to fulfill her duty first.

1. Those who enter the classroom for the trial first, whether successful or failed, must not reveal anything they see inside by any means. Those who do not participate in the trial are also not allowed to inquire.

2. In this trial, each group member has two chances. If they fail in the first round, they are not allowed to consult anyone or look up any information until the end of the second round trial. They are only allowed to discuss with their group members how to pass the trial."

Bryan interrupted Hermione with a smile and said to everyone,

"I set these two rules for the purpose of letting everyone rely on their own and their partners' wisdom to overcome the dark creature inside under absolute unknown circumstances. The most important rule is the third one. Miss Granger, please continue."

Hermione swallowed hard and said in a stiff and trembling voice,

"3. This trial is not mandatory, but those who decide to participate must sign their names on this contract. Signing their names means that they fully understand the risks of this trial. If any personal injury or death occurs during the process, it has nothing to do with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or Professor Bryan Watson of Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

Wow! When Hermione finished reading this rule with a gasp, the seventy or eighty young wizards standing in the corridor immediately burst into an uproar of discussion. In the chaos, Hermione tried to express her opinion,

"This is illegal, Professor. The Ministry of Magic won't recognize this kind of disclaimer!"

Bryan shrugged indifferently, "Let the Ministry of Magic go to hell, Miss Granger. I've already said that I sometimes like to go against the rules!"

"But Dumbledore won't allow it either!" Sophie Roper of Ravenclaw also screamed.

"Then let's go to see Dumbledore , Ahem,"

Bryan stopped in time and changed to a friendly expression, "In fact, Miss Roper, Dumbledore has already approved my 'teaching plan'. Of course, if you think you don't have the courage to overcome the fear of the unknown, you can also choose not to participate. I said, this is not compulsory."

"Is this possible, Harry!" Ron, who was shocked like everyone else, muttered, "Dumbledore. How  could he?"

"I can't answer that question, Ron. I only know one thing!" The pounding heart in his chest made Harry's face red. He couldn't tell himself whether he was afraid or excited about facing the unknown challenge. Anyway, this feeling was not bad!

"Professor Watson might be serious. We'd better take it seriously!"

Hermione was still staring at the parchment, trying to find flaws in the words. From her trembling fingertips, it could be seen that Bryan's series of preparations were very successful.

"You only have two minutes to make a decision." The two minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Bryan turned around and smiled, The four houses of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin had different reactions to Bryan's announcement. Although the fear was the same, most of the Gryffindors who believed in courage had a gleam of eagerness in their eyes. They were ready to face any challenge that came their way.

Hermione was already whispering the spells that might be useful. Neville's round eyes were rolling around, hoping someone could give him some guidance. But everyone was in a state of anxiety and no one could tell him what to do.

The Ravenclaw young wizards were calmer than the other three houses. They were still trying to analyze whether the contract that Professor Watson brought out was just a bluff and had no binding effect. They wanted to use their logic and reason to solve the problem.

The Hufflepuff young wizards were looking at the wind. Their choices might be influenced by the decisions of the other three houses. They valued loyalty and fairness, but they also wanted to avoid unnecessary risks.

The Slytherin young wizards who were best at protecting themselves had some people who were quietly hiding in the back of the crowd. They didn't want to get involved in something that might endanger their lives or reputations. But Malfoy seemed to have made a choice. His dry lips looked at Crabbe and Goyle from time to time. The bulky bodies that he used to despise seemed to be a bit reassuring at this time.

Suddenly, Malfoy thought of something. He raised his hand and asked loudly, "Professor Watson, if I decide to participate, can I choose my own teammates?" Harry and Ron were stunned. Malfoy did ask a good question.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Malfoy," Bryan turned around and smiled playfully, "In order to enhance the interaction between the houses and increase the understanding of each other among the young wizards, I will arrange your teammates according to my own ideas."

He paused for a moment and then continued, "That means you might have to work with someone you don't like or trust very much. But don't worry, Mr. Malfoy. I'm sure you'll find some common ground with your partners when you face a common enemy." He winked at Malfoy and added, "Or maybe not."

Harry felt a cold sweat on his forehead and suddenly remembered Professor Lockhart's disastrous dueling class and the dueling partner that Professor Snape arranged for him.


There was a tense silence in the corridor, only Bryan was talking. He looked at the young wizards with different thoughts and emotions and opened his arms with a smile, "Ladies and gentlemen, make a decision!"

He waved his wand and the parchment flew back to his hand. He pointed at it and said, "Whoever wants to participate, come forward and sign your name on this contract. Remember, once you sign it, there is no turning back. You have to face whatever is inside that classroom. And whoever doesn't want to participate, just stay where you are. I won't force you or judge you. But I hope you won't regret it later."


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