Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

064 Decision

The school hospital was a hive of activity and speculation as Principal Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Bryan made their way inside. Almost half of the students had seen the tense confrontation between Harry and Draco, and they were dying to know more about what had sparked it. Wizards had a tendency to forget the past and chase the new and the unknown, and that was part of their charm.


Dumbledore smiled warmly, and walked to the center of the crowded hall. He swept his gaze over the young faces, and saw a mix of emotions on them. Some looked frightened, some looked defiant, some looked puzzled, and some looked bored. He spoke in a loud and clear voice,

"I'm so pleased that I don't see any dejected and lost faces among you."

Professor McGonagall coughed disapprovingly, because Dumbledore's words were not very accurate. She knew that some students still had nightmares about the dark creatures they had met in the maze, and their faces showed signs of trauma and despair.

"Just now, Professor McGonagall, Professor Watson and I discussed in detail whether the Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class should continue. Professor McGonagall believes that the dark creatures that you are facing are too dangerous and beyond your abilities. However, Professor Watson insists that dangers always come unexpectedly, so it is very urgent and necessary to train your ability to deal with and solve dangers."

The hall became silent, except for some murmurs and whispers. No one dared to make a sound, and everyone stared helplessly at the three people with different expressions in the middle of the hall.

"–I think the decision-making power should be returned to you."

Dumbledore looked at the students with gentle eyes, and he spoke slowly to ensure that everyone could hear clearly,

"Do you think this way of learning may be too 'radical' and need to be stopped?"

Professor McGonagall expected that the students would jump at the chance to give up the practical class, but to her surprise, no one was brave enough to say that they would give up.


After a long time, Ginny raised her hand timidly. She looked at Professor Watson, who was smiling calmly and didn't seem to care much about the choice of the students. Fear flashed in her eyes as she remembered the horrors she had faced in the maze. "We can't give up, can we? I mean, we have all signed that contract, and if we abandon it, we will suffer severe punishment."

"If you are afraid of that, Miss Weasley, there is no need at all,"

Bryan said to all The person explained, "Principal Dumbledore has the power to help you forcibly terminate the contract. If anyone thinks that he is unable to defeat the dark creatures in the maze, you can apply now. Both Principal Dumbledore and I can Make sure that you will not suffer any punishment."

This time, the atmosphere in the hospital was much more lively, and many people had already shown eager expressions. They wanted to get rid of the nightmare of facing dark creatures every week. But because no one took the lead, no one spoke for a while.

"Professor Watson—"

At this time, Hermione raised her hand in a depressed mood,

"Do you really think that those are something that a student can overcome?"

"It's not difficult, Miss Granger—"

Bryan looked at this young witch whom he admired for her intelligence and courage. He nodded and smiled, "You were only blinded by fear for a while, and did not see through the weak nature of the enemy's hideous appearance. As far as I know, Miss Granger , you and Mr. Potter and your mutual friend Mr. Weasley once defeated a twelve-foot-tall mountain troll in the girls' toilet in your first year at Hogwarts. May I ask-"

Bryan turned to Hermione Harry, who was next to her, nodded, "Did you use any particularly powerful spells?"

"No, Professor!"

Harry was not a fool. He understood what Dumbledore had meant earlier. He trusted Dumbledore's judgment more than Malfoy's accusations against Professor Watson. He didn't let Malfoy's words bother him anymore. Hearing Professor Watson's question, Harry subconsciously replied,

"Ron used the Levitating Charm to drop its club on its head and I used my wand to stick it up its nose. It was scary but not very hard."

Professor McGonagall watched Harry blow his nose violently, wiping away the blood that had spurted from his nostrils. She seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by a gesture from Dumbledore, who was listening attentively.

Bryan nodded in satisfaction. He glanced at Madam Pomfrey, who was pouring a purple potion for Professor Lockhart, who suffered due to 'alcohol-allergy'. He looked around at the pair of small eyes that shone earnestly on each young face, and continued to ask, "Who thinks that you faced something more difficult to deal with than a giant monster in the maze today?"

All the second-year students present had a vivid memory of what happened on the night before Halloween the year before last, when a troll had invaded the castle and nearly killed Hermione. The troll was not a particularly mysterious creature, even if they had not seen it with their own eyes. Most of the students had also seen the appearance of giant monsters in books. Faced with Professor Watson's question, the students who had already encountered the Inferi in the afternoon frowned.

"…In my opinion, the troll is more difficult to deal with!" Ron said loudly. "The troll can throw me into the air with one hand, but that thing in the maze…"

He shuddered as he recalled the sight of the pale and lifeless corpses that had risen from the water and attacked them.

When the students chattered into his ears, Bryan smiled warmly.

"It seems that you have already understood, right? Despair will only come when you face fear and choose to give up completely!" He said in an inspiring tone.

"How amazing and wise what you said–"

Dumbledore took off his half-moon glasses and wiped his eyes, muttering softly.

"But, professor–" Hermione interrupted him. She was a very sensible witch. Although she was greatly encouraged by Professor Watson's speech, she still hoped to get a more concrete answer.

"We have a question about that thing. We don't know anything about it, we don't know how to deal with it!"

"Hey, haven't I already told you the method?" Bryan blinked playfully. "And my hint was very obvious, Miss Granger."

Unsurprisingly, everyone became confused. When did Professor Watson mention this terrifying creature in class? The students talked a lot, and Hermione frowned and carefully recalled every class, every word, and even private conversation of Professor Watson since he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but no matter how hard she thought, she couldn't find any clue!

Harry next to Hermione bit his lip in confusion, but seemed to have realized something.

"I, I want to continue, Professor McGonagall." Ten minutes later, beyond everyone's expectations, Neville Longbottom, the shy and clumsy boy of Gryffindor House, was the first to raise his hand and express his opinion.

Bryan looked at the round-faced boy curiously. This was the second time Neville Longbottom surprised him today.

To be honest, before that, he really didn't expect that any student would dare to fight hand-to-hand with the Inferi. If nothing happened, this Longbottom would become a great wizard in the future!

"Mr. Longbottom!" Professor McGonagall looked at Neville sternly. "If you just want to satisfy your grandmother, you don't have to use this method to prove yourself!"

Professor McGonagall's eyes almost frightened Neville's neck shrank into his chest, especially in front of Headmaster Dumbledore, he could hardly produce any courage to argue. He just lowered his head and muttered something that no one could hear clearly.

"Then, the decision-making power will be left to you two–"

Bryan didn't wait for every student to express his opinion. He took a deep look at Lockhart, who was lying on the bed with a blank expression on his face. He then turned to Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and nodded with a smile. He left the hospital wing directly to his office.

There, he had more important things to do.


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