Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

083 The Chamber of Secrets (Part-3)

As he approached the figure, Harry felt a surge of heat in his cheeks, ashamed of his excessive nervousness. He realized that what he had seen before was not a living person, but just a lifelike statue that seemed to breathe and blink.

This was the statue of Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts. But unlike the huge, old, and lifeless one in the Chamber of Secrets, this sculpture depicted Salazar Slytherin in his youth, when he was still a powerful and ambitious wizard.

He sat on a stone throne below him, leaning his back on the ornate chair, resting his elbows on the armrests and slightly raising his chin, his eyes full of scrutiny and authority, and a hint of displeasure between his sharp eyebrows. His long black hair fell over his shoulders, framing his pale and handsome face.

The statue's eyes were replaced by black gems that sparkled in the dim light. The fiery gaze made the sculpture seem alive and aware. No matter which angle you looked at it from, it seemed like Salazar Slytherin himself was staring at you, judging your worthiness and purity.

Even Harry had to admit that the finely carved statue, which showed every strand of hair and every wrinkle of cloth clearly, proved that Slytherin's appearance was indeed very outstanding. He wore exquisite wizarding robes that matched the colors of his house: green and silver. His extraordinary temperament could be called peerless and intimidating.

But no matter what, Slytherin had vanished in the torrent of time, and even if this statue was more realistic than any painting or photograph, it was just a piece of stone that bore his likeness.

After expressing their respect to the founder of Hogwarts with a slight bow, Bryan and Dumbledore quickly bypassed the statue and stepped behind it to a stone door that was far more magnificent than the castle gate. The door was carved with intricate patterns and symbols that Harry could not recognize. It looked ancient and mysterious, as if guarding a great secret.

"It seems that this is Slytherin's final legacy left in the school–"

Bryan looked up at the pitted surface of the stone door, trying to see where the top of the door was, but when his neck was sore, he couldn't achieve his attempt.

The door was so tall that it almost touched the ceiling of the cave. It seemed impossible to open by any ordinary means. Dumbledore, who had seen ups and downs in his long life, was more interested in what was hidden behind the door. He walked quickly to the front of the stone door, and his long and old hand touched the stone wall gently, as if trying to sense something through a special magic perspective. But this stone door left by Slytherin himself isolated everything. Even Dumbledore, such a powerful and wise wizard, couldn't sense anything behind the door before it opened.

"Do you think Tom Riddle came here back then?"

Bryan stepped back a few steps. Since Dumbledore couldn't break through, he didn't need to make futile attempts.

"Yes, I think so, Bryan–"

Dumbledore moved a few steps and looked at a brown spot on the stone wall with his deep blue eyes attentively. He said calmly, "Obviously, he couldn't open this door either."

"But isn't this the chamber that Slytherin left for his heirs? Since he can open the Chamber of Secrets"

Harry couldn't help but speak out without wanting to disturb Dumbledore and Professor Watson's research. Although he thought this stone door was very spectacular, it didn't bring him as much shock as being in this cave.

"Yes, this is indeed very strange–"

For some reason, Dumbledore looked a bit worried. He seemed to have a bad feeling about what they might find inside.

At this time, Harry had another discovery. He saw that there seemed to be a line of words carved on the stone wall on the right side of the stone door. They were written in an old-fashioned script that Harry could barely read. So he reminded them again.

"Only those with pure blood can open the door!"

Bryan read this sentence softly and then sneered. "It looks like Slytherin's style indeed."

He shook his head in disgust. He didn't like the Slytherin's prejudice and arrogance towards those who were not pure-blooded wizards.

"I don't think it's that simple, Bryan. If you don't believe me, we can try it." Dumbledore's eyes flickered with curiosity and determination. He rolled up his sleeves and exposed his left arm.

"Headmaster Dumbledore!"

Harry immediately understood what Dumbledore was going to do. He hurriedly walked up to him and also exposed his arm.

"You can use mine!"

"Oh, thank you–" Dumbledore smiled kindly. "But according to Slytherin's words, I think among the three of us here, only I meet the requirements."

A silver light flashed in the air, like a blade cutting through the darkness. Dumbledore's arm spurted out a dark red blood that looked almost black in contrast with his pale skin. The rough stone door was immediately covered with dark red blood beads that seeped into the cracks and crevices of the wall. Under the influence of mysterious magic, these blood beads did not fall to the ground but quickly rolled towards the thin crack in the center of the stone door, as if they were drawn by a magnet.


After swallowing Dumbledore's blood, a light blue smoke sprayed out from the thin crack, creating a misty halo around the door. It looked like a sign of recognition or rejection, but then it fell into silence again, leaving no trace of any change.

Harry felt a surge of disappointment and frustration. He had expected the door to open with a loud bang or a bright flash, revealing the secrets that Slytherin had hidden for centuries. But nothing happened. The door remained closed and silent, as if mocking their efforts. But Dumbledore and Bryan looked calm and composed, as if they had anticipated this outcome.

"Why do you think this is the result, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Bryan asked with an expression that suggested he had an answer in his mind. He was not surprised by the failure, but rather curious about the reason behind it.

"It can only be guessed–" Dumbledore glanced at Harry and chose his words carefully. He did not want to reveal too much to the young boy who had already seen and suffered too much.

"Slytherin's idea of pure blood may be different from ours. He probably meant his own descendants."

"But Voldemort failed!"

Harry remembered what Tom Riddle told him in the Chamber of Secrets. Voldemort was Slytherin's descendant, a true heir who could speak Parseltongue and command the Basilisk.

Harry immediately said. "The diary told me that Voldemort was Slytherin's descendant. But he oh!"

Harry realized that Tom Riddle had also said to him that Slytherin's bloodline in his body was passed on to him by his mother, Merope Gaunt, who was a descendant of Slytherin through the female line. His father, Tom Riddle Sr., was a Muggle who had abandoned his mother when he found out she was a witch.

The three people in front of the stone door fell into a long silence. Harry couldn't accept that Dumbledore and Professor Watson had no way to deal with this stone door. Because it meant that this rare 'adventure' experience was declared a failure. They had come all this way, risking their lives and breaking countless rules, only to find a dead end. Unless they could find Voldemort's cousins or something, which seemed highly unlikely.

Harry knew that Dumbledore and Professor Watson were discussing some terrible secrets, but he couldn't catch a word of their conversation. They spoke in a low and fast voice, as if they were afraid of being overheard. Harry strained his ears, but all he heard was a jumble of unfamiliar words and terms.

Bryan rubbed his hair annoyedly and looked at Dumbledore.

"Do you think it's possible?"

He asked with a serious tone, as if he was afraid of the answer. "It's hard to say, Bryan,"

Dumbledore replied with a grave expression. He obviously understood Bryan's vague question. He frowned and answered. "But I think there is only a theoretical possibility, because whether it is physically or mentally, he is unlikely to-"

He stopped abruptly and turned his head to stare deeply at the statue of Slytherin sitting there. He sighed deeply, as if he was carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"I sincerely hope that there will never be a day when we have to face the situation where we have to open this stone door. But if that situation really happens, oh, that might be the most troublesome thing I have encountered in my life–"

He did not finish his sentence, but Harry could sense the dread and worry in his voice. He wondered what kind of situation would force them to open this door, and what kind of horror would await them behind it.

Many troubles were ended this night, and many troubles buried the roots of disaster, which would explode one day in the future.

Harry did not know it yet, but he would soon find out that this night was only the beginning of a series of events that would change his life forever. He was ordered by Dumbledore to go to the hospital wing for Madame Pomfrey's examination. Even though he repeatedly emphasized that he had not suffered any serious injuries, Dumbledore still insisted on his opinion.

"–I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, Harry, but now is not a good time to chat. After you have had enough rest, you can come to my office and talk to me."

He said gently, as he escorted Harry out of the cave and back to Hogwarts.

"But the board!" Harry stood in the hall and looked at Dumbledore with surprise. He remembered that Lucius Malfoy and the other board members had tried to sack Dumbledore earlier that night, accusing him of incompetence and negligence.

"You have solved the trouble?!"

"Oh, of course–" Dumbledore looked at Harry gently and smiled lightly. He seemed to be in a good mood, despite the failure at the stone door.

"I had been alerted to Lucius Malfoy's scheme a long time ago. I imagine he will be furious when he learns that I am still the headmaster of Hogwarts tomorrow morning. He will probably storm into my office for a heated argument–"

He chuckled softly, as if he was looking forward to it.

Harry ran up the stairs all the way. He seemed not so resistant to going to the Hospital Wing. Because he suddenly remembered that Ron and Hermione were also in the Hospital Wing. He couldn't wait to share with them what happened tonight.

"I'm sorry, Bryan. I know you need to rest now–"

Dumbledore gave Bryan an apologetic look. He was aware of how much energy and magic Bryan had spent in their journey, and how weary he must be feeling.

"But would you mind having a chat with me, an old man who doesn't need much sleep?"

He asked politely, as he led Bryan to his office. Bryan felt a cold shiver run down his spine. He had a bad feeling that the real trouble was yet to come.



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