Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

085 The Commissioner

Not far from the shore of the black lake, two heads suddenly emerged from the dark water. They were two mermaids with silvery scales and long hair, who happened to come to the surface to get some fresh air. When they spotted Dumbledore standing on the shore, holding a money bag in his hand, they were curious and wanted to greet him. But before they could swim closer, an icy chill swept over the surface of the lake, making the two taciturn mermaids' bodies stiffen on the spot. They felt a powerful magic emanating from the two wizards on the shore, and they sensed danger. They neither dared to dive back into the depths nor approach the shore. They could only watch in fear and awe as the confrontation unfolded.

"Are the Fawley family still alive?"

Bryan's eyes were cold and piercing, as he glared at Dumbledore with suspicion and anger. He had dropped his disguise of a friendly and generous professor, and revealed his true identity as the Gold Viper, a notorious 'dark' wizard who hunted for commisions in the underground world of Knockturn Alley.

"The Fawley family is of course still alive, Bryan. In fact,"

Dumbledore's voice was calm and gentle, as if he was talking about the weather. His whole body was radiating coldness, He didn't seem to be affected by Bryan's hostility or threat. He looked at Bryan amiably with his blue eyes twinkling and his long beard trembling slightly in the wind. He said,

"If you had carefully read the issue of the Prophet at the end of January, you would know that not only are the Fawley family safe and sound, but they have also welcomed something worth celebrating. Mr. Kakus Fawley's sister, Ms. Adele Fawley, has been appointed as the head of the Department of Strange Bacterial Infections at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. To be honest, I think she deserved it. Adele dreamed of being able to pursue a career as a healer when she was studying at Hogwarts."

"Enough, Headmaster Dumbledore,"

Bryan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. He was shocked and furious by what he had just heard.

"Impressive, really impressive. I have never, not even for a second, considered this possibility. You actually have the ability to undo the shackles of an Unbreakable Vow."

"Magic must also follow rules, Bryan. You must understand this principle. The more powerful the spell, the more it is constrained by the rules," Dumbledore said mildly with a faint smile on his face.

"The restraint of the Unbreakable Vow is guaranteed by the wizard's soul. I am not as powerful as you imagine, able to unravel such a covenant."


Bryan still had his eyes closed facing the Black Lake. No one knew that at this moment, all the colors in his eyes had faded away, and they had reverted to their original brown color. Dumbledore's words made his brow furrow in confusion.

"You knew from the beginning that the Gold Viper was me, didn't you?-but how?"

"What do you think?"

Dumbledore did not deny this statement. He seemed to think it was a bit silly and tiring to keep holding up the money bag, so he retracted his hand again. From beginning to end, he never had the idea of taking out his wand or attacking Bryan first.


The moment Bryan opened his eyes, he let out a mocking laugh that echoed across the lake. The frantic winds around him intensified, pressing down the trunks of a row of willows on the shore. The small patch of lake surface in front of them suddenly shook violently, creating huge waves that splashed onto the land. The two frightened mermaids gasped and squealed, as they were tossed around by the water. They rolled their eyes upwards, hoping that someone would come to their rescue. Their limp bodies rose and fell with the increasingly magnificent waves, like two rag dolls.

The coldness in Bryan's brown eyes was extremely real and terrifying. The corners of his mouth tilted upwards slightly, forming a smile. The unruly aura surrounding him was almost too much even for Dumbledore's all-encompassing gaze.

"It was Remus Lupin, wasn't it?"

Bryan's voice was icy cold.

"Among that group of werewolves, I only left him behind. He assured me that he would not reveal my true appearance to anyone, so I was soft-hearted for a moment and spared him. Now it seems that I have made a serious mistake!"

Three years ago, when Bryan had just started operating in the underground world, he quickly gained a reputation and a fortune for his flawless execution of a series of commissions. He was skilled, ruthless, and cunning, and he always delivered what he promised. That day, he was at the trading market, negotiating with some shady dealers over some valuable antiques that he had acquired from a risky mission, when a group of greedy werewolves led by Fenrir Greyback ambushed him.

That was the first time Bryan fought with someone else in the underground world. The battle was extremely fierce and bloody. Seven or eight werewolves were impaled on the jagged rocks that lined the walls of the dark tunnels. They howled and writhed in agony, but Bryan showed no mercy. He fought his way from underground to the surface, using his wand and his wits to fend off the attackers. Finally, in the small square at the entrance of the underground world, in front of the majestic statue of Merlin, they fought a final deadly battle.

The result of the battle was undoubtedly Bryan's ultimate victory, but he also made a fatal mistake.

At that time, like most people in the underground world, he simply used a mask to cover his face, rather than using magic for comprehensive protection. He thought it was enough to conceal his identity and avoid unwanted attention. But he was wrong. Because of the fierce battle, his mask was torn, accidentally exposing his true face to some of the werewolves.

Almost all the werewolves who saw his face that day bled to death on the spot, There was only one exception: Remus Lupin.

There were two reasons why Bryan spared that haggard-looking werewolf. First, throughout the battle, Lupin, who was with the werewolves, did not release a spell at him. He only defended passively, blocking and dodging Bryan's attacks. He seemed to be forced by the werewolves to do these shady things, rather than of his own accord.

Second, one werewolf let out a shrill, miserable scream before dying, howling Remus Lupin's name, hoping Lupin would save it. It was this howl that brought Bryan's remaining vague memories surging up. He remembered that Remus Lupin seemed to be a very important character in the plot of Harry Potter's story, so to avoid triggering a disastrous chain reaction that might alter the course of the story, Bryan spared him.

If it was Bryan today, whose methods were already quite comprehensive and cautious, even if he chose to spare Remus Lupin again, he would definitely, like Kakus Fawley, make an Unbreakable Vow with him to ensure his silence. But Bryan at that time had just left school and was operating freely in the dark side of the magical world for the first time. His experience was not yet "rich" enough to foresee all the possible consequences of his actions. He left a hidden danger that would come back to haunt him.

"This is a 'mistake' worth celebrating,"

Dumbledore nodded at him, finally looking solemn and serious.

"If you had made the 'right' choice that day, Bryan, I'm afraid I could only regretfully tell Severus that if he wanted to see you again, he'd have to go to Azkaban."

"Do you think he is more noble than that group of werewolves, Dumbledore?"

Bryan mocked with scorn that was oddly reminiscent of Professor Snape. His eyes were full of ridicule as he questioned Dumbledore's judgment.

"How many burglaries and robberies did Remus Lupin privately commit with that group of werewolves? Do you know, Dumbledore? How many innocent people did he hurt or kill? If I deserve Azkaban for my crimes, then he is equally guilty!"

"That was not Remus's intention, Bryan,"

Dumbledore's voice weakened. He looked quite tired and sad.

"You and I both know that the magical world we live in is full of prejudice and discrimination. Remus was originally a normal wizard like everyone else, but an unfortunate incident in his childhood forced him to face this tragic fate.

He needed to survive, but the Werewolf Code of Conduct and the Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard Half-Breeds made it almost impossible for him to find a decent job or a safe place to live in the magical world. Out of desperation and coercion, he mixed with Greyback and his werewolves. As I said, Bryan, this was not Remus's intention. He has always adhered to not harming anyone during his transformations or otherwise. His conscience has been tortured by his condition and his circumstances."

"So what, Dumbledore?" Bryan sneered. "Is he innocent? Does that absolve him of all responsibility? Does that make him worthy of your trust and protection?"

The complexity and cruelty of reality and human nature were insurmountable mountains that loomed over the world. Even a powerful wizard like Dumbledore felt powerless when facing this mountain. He could not change people's prejudices, because prejudices were also the "correct" ideas derived from reality. Even if he was determined to overthrow the Ministry of Magic, it would be the same. He would only replace one form of oppression with another.

Staring at the silent Dumbledore, Bryan sneered softly. His cold eyes reflected the dark water of the lake. The wind died down and the calming lake surface looked as deep and dark as an abyss. Bryan gazed at the lake surface, as if he and this darkness had become one.

"Since this commission was issued by you, Headmaster Dumbledore,"

Finally, after the long silent confrontation, Bryan, who seemed to have regained his calm, asked in an undisturbed tone. His voice was low and smooth, like a snake's hiss.

"What was your purpose in going through so much trouble to get me back to Hogwarts? I don't think it would simply be to play a prank on me, would it?"


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