Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

087 The Hero and the Hypocrite

Bryan was jolted awake by a loud knock on the door that pierced through his ears like a drill. He rubbed his sour eyes that felt like they had sand in them and propped up his head to look out the window. He saw a bright sun hanging high in the sky like a giant fireball, casting golden rays of light onto the office floor. The air was filled with floating dust particles that sparkled in the sunlight. It was a scene of peace and tranquility that contrasted sharply with his groggy state. He tidied up his appearance a little bit by smoothing out his wrinkled clothes and combing his fingers through his hair. He muttered discontentedly under his breath and dragged his feet towards the door.

"Professor Watson, everything is clear, it was Lucius Malfoy, Dobby got his freedom, the diary was put in Ginny's backpack by Malfoy, Dumbledore has been reappointed as headmaster by the board of governors, Malfoy may be kicked out of the board of governors!"

The door swung open and revealed a young boy with messy black hair and round glasses. His green eyes were shining with excitement and his voice was breathless from running. He blurted out the news without pausing for a second.

Looking at the eager and incoherent Harry outside the door, Bryan rubbed his messy hair on top of his head, gasping for breath. He had to sigh at the vigorous energy of these young wizards who seemed to have endless adventures.

"That's great news, Potter, is Hagrid back yet–"

Bryan blinked his sleepy eyes and said indifferently.

Early in the morning, he had received a 'political education' of love and courage in Dumbledore's office, and he was so impressed that he felt like he wanted to fight the Basilisk again. He had barely slept a wink after that.

Harry's face stiffened, because he sensed that Professor Watson's tone didn't match his enthusiasm. "The Ministry of Magic released Hagrid, Professor Watson, they are in the courtyard watching the Basilisk, Dumbledore asked me to tell you that the Minister of Magic wants to talk to you personally."

Harry said hesitantly.

Bryan let out a helpless groan, he closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead,

"I see, you go back and report first, Potter, I have to take care of myself first, this look is not very suitable for meeting with such a big shot as the Minister."

He gestured at his disheveled appearance and shooed Harry away.

When Harry left, his eyes were still flashing with confusion.

Why didn't Professor Watson seem very happy, as he had ended the shadow over the heads of the young wizards this year? Shouldn't he be proud of his heroic deeds?

It was probably around lunchtime now, but the school hall was empty. No one cared about the delicious food on the table that smelled so tempting. Almost everyone in the school was crowded in the courtyard, even the trees and the top of the corridor were full of curious young wizards who wanted to catch a glimpse of the Basilisk and its slayer.

When Bryan appeared at the door, a sudden burst of applause and cheers erupted like a volcano. People looked at him with awe and admiration in their eyes, as if they were watching a rising star who had just made history.

Gulp With the saliva secreted by his mouth, Bryan swallowed down a piece of bread that he stuffed into his mouth from the long table in the hall. He raised his eyebrows high as if he was surprised by the warm welcome.

"Come over here, Bryan!"

Professor McGonagall in the center of the crowd stood on tiptoe and waved her arms frantically. She shouted loudly at Bryan on the steps. Her eyes were filled with tears of joy and relief. She blew her nose hard with a handkerchief.

The crowd automatically split into two halves to make way for Bryan. He saw Dumbledore and the school's professors standing in front of a large cage. The cage contained the Basilisk that had been subdued by Dumbledore himself. It was a huge basilisk with green scales and yellow eyes. It looked terrifying even in its unconscious state.

As he walked past the crowd, the Weasley twins shouted their gratitude to him,

"You saved Ginny and Ron, Professor. We are very grateful to you!"

They said sincerely with their red hair and freckled faces.

To be honest, Fred and George had never been so serious about talking to anyone.

Bryan smiled and nodded at them. He strode past the crowd and walked towards Dumbledore with a smile on his face and his hands folded on his stomach.

"What did you tell everyone?" He asked casually.

"Just told them the truth, Bryan."
Dumbledore also answered Bryan's eye question with his eyes.

Cornelius Fudge was still wearing that weird outfit from last night. It was a pinstriped suit with a lime green bowler hat. But his attitude towards Bryan was quite different from last night. He had been skeptical and hostile then. But now he was all smiles and compliments.

Thirty feet away from him, he laughed and stepped forward to greet Bryan. When he got close, he affectionately hugged Bryan's arm as if they were old friends.

"It looks like we have another young genius with extraordinary strength. Don't we?"

Fudge winked at Bryan playfully. He tried to act as if they were very close friends. But in fact, this was only their second meeting. The first time they met, they didn't say a word.

"This is all thanks to the wise decision of the Ministry of Magic, Minister. After all, the board of governors followed the Ministry's advice and sent me back to Hogwarts to deal with the Chamber of Secrets incident–"

"Oh, cough cough. Of course. No, I mean. It was your credit, Bryan!"

Fudge's chubby face showed a momentary stiffness in his smile, as if he had swallowed a lemon. But then, the light in his eyes flickered more eagerly than ever. He slapped Bryan on the shoulder hard, almost making him lose his balance. His smile was bright like a blooming flower, but it seemed more like a rotten egg to others. "The Ministry only played a negligible role!"

"Tsk tsk. Dirty politics–"

In the gradually quieting crowd, George Weasley glared at Cornelius Fudge with contempt. He muttered softly under his breath, but Percy in front of him glared at him and ordered him to shut up. Then, he looked at Professor Watson and Minister Fudge who were talking with admiration in his eyes. He pricked up his ears and tried to learn the 'art of politics' from their conversation.

"Nothing to say, Bryan!"

Fudge seemed to have been hit by a happiness charm. He kept laughing like a hyena. He didn't notice the disdainful looks from some of the professors and students.

"The Order of Merlin Second Class is worthy of your merit. You saved the lives of several young wizards. Ended the threat that had been hanging over the heads of the children of Muggle origin for a thousand years. And donated this invaluable Basilisk to the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry will have no objection to this. The procedure can be simplified. I'll arrange for someone to send the badge tomorrow cough cough."

Fudge lowered his voice slightly, using a volume that only Bryan could hear.

"As long as you mention it in the next interview."

Noticing Bryan's strange expression, Fudge quickly explained.

"Don't worry. I'll tell them in advance. Oh, I'm so glad I blocked that annoying woman Rita Skeeter. She somehow got the news and knew what was going on in the school!"


Bryan glanced at Dumbledore covertly, but he didn't get any information from Dumbledore's eyes mixed with a smile. Dumbledore seemed to be amused by Fudge's antics, but he also looked a bit sad and weary.

"If you like, I'll talk to Rufus."

Fudge's arm stuck to Bryan's arm like glue. He didn't want to take it off no matter what.

"I think you would be a very good Auror, Bryan. You could be Rufus's right-hand man. Oh, let me tell you a secret. Rufus is not young anymore. He might not be able to do it for long. If you perform well in the Auror position, maybe I can–"

Many professors heard Fudge's words and secretly showed contempt in their eyes. But they didn't say much because of the occasion. They knew that Fudge was just trying to use Bryan's fame and talent for his own benefit.

"I will seriously consider your suggestion, Minister–"

Bryan said politely, cutting off Fudge's rambling. He looked at Hagrid who was lying on the cage, trying to squeeze through the gap in the bars. He asked curiously,

"Why don't you look very happy, Hagrid, now that you're free?"

"You shouldn't have been so heavy-handed, Professor Watson!"

Hagrid wiped his tears and turned his head 'pitifully' glared at him. "Look at this poor little guy, he looks like he's suffered a lot. And,"

Hagrid looked at Dumbledore and Fudge who was somewhat apologetic. "Can't I keep this poor little fellow and take care of him? Forgive me for being blunt, Minister, but since Mr. Scamander retired, there aren't many experts in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

Author's Note: The sentences inside single quotation mark ' ' are thoughts of characters.


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