Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

099 Despair

Malfoy felt a surge of panic rising in his chest, but he tried to suppress it and put on a mocking smile. He wanted to show Bryan how ridiculous he found his contempt for money and power, but he suddenly realized that he couldn't move a muscle, not only his mouth, but every part of his body. He was frozen in place, like a statue.

Unbeknownst to him, the noisy bar had become silent, as if someone had pressed the mute button. The smell of various foods in the air, the strong alcohol, the body odor of the guests walking around, all vanished. It was as if there was a piece of eraser in the void that could 'erase' reality, leaving nothing behind.

Everything in the bar, which had a black and gray color scheme, gradually lost its full shape, leaving only the framework composed of lines. The world quickly fell from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, and those remaining frameworks also disappeared quickly under the interference of a mysterious power.

Everything that happened before his eyes had exceeded Malfoy's understanding of magic. He stared blankly at everything that vanished in front of him, and even his thoughts seemed to be frozen. He felt like he was trapped in a nightmare.

This was a world filled with infinite pure white, with no distinction between up and down, left and right, like a colorless universe. It was empty and silent, except for the sound of his own heartbeat.

Lucius blinked his eyes and came back to his senses. He found that he had regained control of his body, but he still couldn't move, because on the stone chair that appeared strangely under him, many cold chains emerged, fixing his limbs and neck firmly, as if he was being tried.

In front of his vision, or maybe right in front of him, or maybe at an infinite distance away, two purple suns suddenly appeared. They were bright and dazzling, burning his eyes. In the pure white, the lines of human figures gradually appeared. In a few seconds, Bryan appeared in this pure white world. He looked down at Lucius Malfoy who was trembling. His indifferent eyes were like a fire dragon looking at a goblin who was cursing in front of him.

Under the gaze of death, Lucius sweated like rain. He regained his calm and realized that he had made a big mistake.

Since the Dark Lord fell, the British magical world had been peaceful for a long time. In the daily life of ordinary wizards, there was almost no situation where they had to wave their wands and fight with others.

In times of peace, money and power were always the most deterrent.

Entering and leaving various high-profile parties where dignitaries gathered, enjoying the envious eyes of those low-level wizards who were struggling to make a living in the magical world, whether they were half-blood or muggle-borns. Lucius Malfoy who had been lost for a long time suddenly remembered something he knew during those years when he followed the Dark Lord, but later deliberately forgot.

That was, stripping off the disguise of power, the core inside was violence, or it could be said that it was strength!

The young man in front of him who easily solved the items left by Voldemort and the thousand-year-old snake monster in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets was much richer and more powerful than him in some ways.

"Spare me–"

Malfoy was never a man of iron bones. In a very short time, he found some 'skills' that he had trained when he served under the Dark Lord.

He cried bitterly, only daring to stare at Bryan's feet. He tried his best to imitate Dobby's posture in front of him and begged with an extremely humble voice,

"Spare me my life, sir., Mr. Watson. Please do it for Draco's sake!"

Ding ding ding– The footsteps gradually became clear and made Lucius's body tremble more violently. He wanted to raise his head to observe Bryan's expression and judge whether he had any chance of survival. But he didn't dare to do so because he was afraid that Bryan had the same habit as Voldemort.

How could Voldemort who was unwilling to let people call his name directly allow his servants to look directly at his face?

Especially after going through a series of complex and dangerous human experiments, Voldemort's appearance became less and less like a human being. His face was pale and snake-like, his eyes were red and slit-like, his nose was flat and nostril-like. He looked more like a monster than a wizard. He had warned his Death Eaters several times not to violate this taboo.

But soon Lucius no longer struggled with whether he could keep his life because Bryan had already given his answer with action.

Clang! The sound of a hard spear piercing through the body and then piercing through the stone chair was very crisp. The blood flowing from the abdomen quickly spread on the wizard robe like a red spider lily blooming on the other shore. It was gorgeous and dazzling but also filled with a strong smell of death.

The severe pain hit Lucius's consciousness like waves, making his body shake like a sieve. But he still didn't dare to raise his head. He felt a cold metal tip touching his heart, threatening to end his life at any moment.

"Spare Narcissa and Draco, Mr. Watson. I am willing to pay anything–"

Lucius cried and made his last most humble and sincere request in his life. But what he got in return was just a sneer of contempt.

"Hope this will teach you a lesson, Malfoy. Don't let it happen again."

The cold voice came into Lucius Malfoy's ears who was gradually losing consciousness. It made him who was already like a candle in the wind feel endless doubt.

From the meaning of this sentence, it seemed that Watson had decided to really spare him his life for Draco's sake. But Watson had already done it, hadn't he?

The bronze spear that pierced his abdomen brought him such a real pain. The feeling of life slipping away from his body was so powerless!

Perhaps Watson meant that he would not vent his anger on Narcissa and Draco?

Lucius Malfoy thought so and his consciousness was gradually devoured by darkness.

"Dear, dear, are you okay!"

A little yellow light suddenly appeared in the endless darkness, as if waking up from a big dream. Lucius Malfoy stood blankly on the seat behind a pillar, ignoring his wife's anxious call and his son's worried gaze. He felt a cold sweat on his forehead and a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down at his wizard robe and saw no trace of blood. He touched his abdomen and felt no wound. He realized that it was all an illusion, a very realistic and terrifying illusion.

After a long time, his pale face regained some blood. Lucius turned his head stiffly and found that besides Narcissa and Draco, there were many people watching the excitement around him. They whispered to each other, wondering what had happened to him.

"Mr. Malfoy, are you all right?"

The bar owner Tom squeezed in front of everyone. He looked at Lucius's face that looked like he had just recovered from a serious illness with fear and trembling and said.

He knew the reputation and influence of the Malfoy family very well. If something went wrong with the head of the family in his bar, Tom could imagine that what awaited him would not be a good end. He hoped that Mr. Malfoy would not blame him for anything.

"Where is that person."

When he opened his mouth, Lucius was shocked to find that he was like he hadn't drunk water for two or three days. His voice was hoarse and dry. He felt thirsty and weak, as if he had just experienced a life-and-death struggle.

"If you mean the young guest opposite you–"

Tom said respectfully,

"He left a while ago, Mr. Malfoy. After he left, you were stunned silly, cough cough, I mean, you just stood here. I thought you were thinking about important things, so I didn't dare to bother you."

He tried to explain himself, hoping that Mr. Malfoy would not be angry with him for neglecting him.

"What happened to you, dear?"

Narcissa frowned at her husband and asked in confusion. She had never seen him like this before. He looked pale and frightened, as if he had seen a ghost. She wondered what had caused him such a shock.

Draco's expression changed quietly. He knew his father very well and knew his habitual sarcasm when talking to some people who were not very famous or powerful. If his father spoke to Professor Watson in this way,

"Professor Watson is a very powerful wizard, father–"

Draco's voice was panicked,

"And his personality can be very tough sometimes, especially when facing other people's offenses."

He tried to hint at his father that he might have offended Professor Watson somehow and provoked his wrath.

"Offense?" Narcissa glared at Draco unhappily. "What do you mean by that, Draco?"

She didn't like the way Draco spoke about Watson. She thought he was too respectful and admiring of him. She didn't think Professor Watson was anything special. He was just a young and arrogant muggle-born who had some luck and talent. She didn't think he deserved Draco's attention or praise.


Lucius who was silent suddenly interrupted Draco who was arguing with his wife. He looked at the confused Draco's eyes and said,

"This Professor Watson, if you meet him again in the future, you might as well show more respect."

He said this in a low and solemn voice, as if he was giving an important advice. He had learned his lesson. He knew that Watson was not someone he could afford to offend. He had seen his power and his cruelty. He had felt his wrath and his mercy. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake again. He didn't want to risk his life or his family's safety for his pride or prejudice.

"Professor Watson has left Hogwarts, father. He is very mysterious. I'm afraid I won't have many chances to bump into him in the future–"

Draco hesitated for a while, not understanding why his father would say so. He felt a pang of regret in his chest. He had always admired Professor Watson and wanted to learn from him. He thought he was the most brilliant and innovative wizard of his generation. He wondered if he would ever see him again.

"No, he will come back to Hogwarts–"

Lucius's eyes scanned the crowded heads and fixed on the dark night outside the door. He felt a chill in his spine, as if he could sense Watson's presence somewhere in the shadows.

He remembered the purple suns, the white world, the bronze spear, and the cold voice. He shuddered involuntarily. After being silent for a while, he exhaled heavily and said with certainty,

"He will definitely go back there."


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