Harry potter: the ring maker

A normal day

Nick helped his fellow students to the best of his ability which even the other Slytherin students could appreciate even if they didn't thank him for it. Malfoy still tried to make himself a nuisance like always but by this point Nick decided to unleash the horror know as the Weasley twins on him. 'He brought this upon himself for not learning his lesson the first few times.' Nick thought with a sigh as he made this decision. Few people would understand the true horror that those two pranksters could inflict on someone if they really wanted to since they knew how far they could push it normally.-

They made sure that any prank they pulled was actually a prank and not bullying which was fine by Nick. Some people who are self entitled and arrogant for no reason like Malfoy however would find these harmless pranks unbearable and as it just so happened Nick was in the twins good graces even if they owed him a good pranking for the wake up stunt he pulled. He had no doubt at all that they were planning on getting him good but they were perceptive enough not to do so while something was wrong with him.-

After charms it was lunch time and Nick ate a much lighter meal this time before he headed to potions with his friends. The potion this time was wiggenweld and Nick once again perfectly brewed it scoring him a bottle of the stuff for himself by Snape's standards. Everyone else however had to write a foot of information on the subject much to their dismay. "So what do you have planned today? Are you going to ditch us again for that workshop of yours?" Tracy asked curiously after the class was over.-

"As tempting as the thought of working some metal sounds I was in fact going to just hang out today." Nick said casually. "Brilliant! I got some every flavor beans over the week end that I wanted to use to play blind man's luck." Ron said excitedly before rushing off to the Gryffindor common room to retrieve said beans. "What's blind man's luck?" Daphne asked curiously. "It's a game I came up with on the train involving every flavored beans that is loads of fun." Nick then explained the rules of the game and the two girls looked interested.-

Ron soon returned to the hang out spot with a jumbo sized box of every flavor beans that hadn't been opened. Before they could start to play however a blue spell struck Nick in the back and and all of his friends burst into laughter as his hair suddenly turned into a rainbow colored afro. The twins hooted and howled in laughter at their successful prank and Nick smiled before removing the magic with a simple "FINITE INCANTATEM!" returning him to normal. "Drat! We were sure it would take at least a trip to the hospital to get removed." one of the twins said unhappily after seeing their work so easily dismissed.-

Nick chuckled "It's rather hard to force me to such an extent as needing to go to the hospital ward. I assume you've gotten your need to get back at me out of your systems now?" he asked with a smirk. "Yep! We're even now so hurry up and get us our rings!" the other twin said cheerfully. "I should be done with them by Monday , on an unrelated note I have a bit of work that may interest the two of you." Nick said catching his friends and the twins interest.-

Nick explained to the twins about Malfoy and his attitude before offering a couple galleons to the twins to knock the arrogant child down a few pegs. Tracy and Daphne decisively remained out of this matter as even in Slytherin house Draco was an insufferable prick. If this was about the house they might have interjected and tried to stop this from happening but since it was about only Draco they were content leaving it alone. The twins saluted Nick and took the coins ""We'll loosen him up real nice for you mate don't you worry!"" they vowed before rushing off to no doubt make Draco Malfoy tell his father about it.-

Till dinner time Nick and his friends sat in the sunny court yard and played blind man's luck with Daphne surprisingly enough coming out on top by a landslide. "Are you sure you didn't cheat in some way?" Tracy asked unhappily after getting yet another bad flavored bean. Daphne shook her head "Just lucky." she said honestly. "You know there's no real way to cheat at this game right?" Nick asked Tracy teasingly. "Even looking at the beans is more of a disadvantage than anything since you need to eat some either way to win." he said with a shrug.


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