Harry potter: the ring maker

Business talk

"Of course sir , please excuse us." Tracy said while nervously fleeing the area with Daphne. "I assume this isn't about my swim in the lake considering you certainly wouldn't care about such a pointless thing correct?" Nick asked casually. Snape seemed to appreciate Nicks frankness as the smallest corner of his mouth ticked upwards ever so slightly. "Indeed , rather I have been informed of your ... talent in creating enchanted objects. It is to my understanding that you claim to be able to add any sort of enchantment should you possess knowledge of the subject. Is this information true?" the man asked seriously.-

Nick would be lying if he said he was expecting Snape to approach him about his ring making despite the information concerning it no doubt making it's way around the school. He nodded in agreement "Yes , though It should be added that if you want a specific effect out of multiple involving the topic I require further information than if you simply wanted one with all the effects indiscriminately." Nick said clarifying the information further. "I see. I require a ring capable of detecting falsehoods , illusions if you prefer." the man said sternly and Nick fell into thought as to what that would entail.-

"Do you wish to see through a specific type of falsehood or to be able to detect a specific one? Otherwise this is an enchantment requiring multiple fields of knowledge as you are likely aware of." Nick said looking for clarification. This seemed to surprise and impress Snape as he hadn't thought that Nick would really put much thought into the request. "Glamor spells , detection only." Snape clarified calmly. Nick nodded in understanding "I would need information on the types of spells in this category , the more in-depth the better but assuming they share similarities I could make a ring of detection that reacts to their presence. Any particular distance in mind?" Nick said seriously.-

"Within four meters." Snape said succinctly. Nick took out a note pad and started to write down all these specifications. "Any particular metal or design for the ring itself?" he asked and Snape shook his head. "Alright so it would take me around a month to thoroughly gain an understanding of this field of spells then an entire day to craft the ring itself followed by another for the enchantment process. Add in material cost and you are looking at around fifteen galleons twelve knuts for the ring , is that acceptable?" Nick asked and Snape briefly thought about it before nodding.-

"Will that be all?" Nick asked curiously and Snape nodded before turning and walking away without a word. 'Well at least he seems to have a sense of professional curtesy even if he is still an unpleasant individual.' Nick thought before making his way over to the two Slytherin girls waiting in the distance. "What was that all about?" Tracy asked curiously. Nick shrugged "nothing all that important just a bit of business is all." he said honestly.-

"He wanted a ring?" she asked surprised. "He did but I won't be saying what sort he wanted since I doubt he'd be happy with his business being given out like that." Nick said with a shrug. "So you got us out of the common room , what now?" Tracy asked changing the subject. "No idea , I am going to do some serious reading at the library while I wait for my furnace to arrive. Originally I was going to swim all day but that plan was ruined." he said honestly. "Oh? Have some spell in mind to be modified?" Tracy asked interested.-

Nick grinned "Something like that but you'll just have to wait like everyone else to find out." he said playfully. "Ugh! What is the point of being friends with you If I don't get any special treatment!?" Tracy complained and Daphne giggled. "Well first you DO get special treatment and second being friends with me is benefit enough." Nick said while acting arrogantly , it wasn't hard if you just acted like Draco. "Rather full of yourself aren't you?" Tracy teased with a smile. "Oh please the whole school knows I'm awesome at this point." Nick said while rolling his eyes.-

"They probably also think you're mental for swimming in the black lake." Daphne pointed out leaving Nick embarrassed. "To be fair the lake is perfectly safe so long as you don't go making anything in it mad on purpose." he defended himself half heartedly. "Is that why you looked like you just saw you-know-who earlier when the squid showed up?" Tracy teased and Nick scoffed. "Whoever started the rumor that that was a squid deserves to be haunted by peeves , the thing is clearly a Kraken. No squid gets that big." he said irritated but the girls laughed thinking he was joking.


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