Harry potter: the ring maker

Cursed match

With the fortune currently at his disposal Nick could totally afford to have some of the venom imported from the few people crazy enough to rear the beast for profit. 'Whatever , I'll deal with this whole issue later.' he thought as he walked towards the quidditch pitch calmly. It was a brisk and chilly day but Nick didn't mind the cold as his winter clothes were fairly thick. This game was the first of the season and was played between Gryffindor and Slytherin. As a result however Nick , Ron and Hermione were on an entirely different stand then Tracy and Daphne who came to cheer for their own team.-

"Bloody hell Nick how are you not freezing?" Ron complained while shivering despite his own set of winter clothes. Nick rolled his eyes and pointed his wand at Ron. "SOLES CALOR!" he said and Ron sighed in relief as the warming charm took effect on him. Hermione meanwhile was holding a closed glass jar with a bright blue flame in it. "Blue bell flames , not usable for crafting due to their low temperature but perfect for staying warm." Nick said off handedly while nodding his head at the girl politely which she seemed to appreciate.-

"What about your spell? I didn't find any like it in the library." she asked curiously. Nick grinned "It's a modification on a little known warming charm meant to stick to someone rather than simply hit them with some hot air temporarily." he said with a chuckle at her pout. The girl may not being constantly trying to compare herself with him but it didn't mean she didn't still have a competitive streak that showed whenever she was shown up. Nick's spell was clearly the superior one between the two of them as it didn't require a jar like her's did.-

Still Hermione wasn't stubborn enough to insist on using her own spell when there was a better option. "It's like this..." Nick saw her about to ask about the spell so he shared it with her without any problem so it came as no surprise that she grasped it immediately. It wasn't an overly complicated or even impressive spell as there was nearly a hundred different warming charms that had been made over the years. This one wasn't anything special so Nick didn't mind passing it out which he ended up having to do anyways since the rest of his housemates got jealous.-

Soon enough though the Match officially began and there was a tense stare down between the Slytherin team and Gryffindor team while Madam Hooch stood between the two teams and dictated the terms of the match. It was simple stuff really like wanting a nice clean game and for the two teams to try and keep the injuries to a minimum. Unlike what one would expect the balls weren't released at the same time but rather it was first the bludgers , magical self propellent cannon balls that served as a deterrent during the game.-

Next up was the ball that really set the game off , the quaffle. This ball had three large dents placed along the sides to allow easy grasping of it and wasn't magical at all save for the ability to float at a certain height and return to the field after being tossed through the goals. The game started off with a rough bit of scrimmage over the possession of this ball between the chasers. Oliver Wood was the keeper and as a result was already waiting at the Gryffindor set of goals while the Slytherin keeper was at theirs.-

Harry flew high above the rest of the field , likely to stay safe until he could find the snitch that hadn't been released yet. Lee Jordan was commentating the match with Mcgonagall keeping him neutral though he was clearly biased towards his own house of Gryffindor. The first goal of the game went to Gryffindor giving them a nice head start in points before the quaffle was taken by Slytherin and the Snitch was finally released. Nick's eyes had caught the little golden ball with wings the moment it had shot out of a small hole under the stands.-

He didn't say anything about it however as that would be tantamount to saying he was a better seeker than Harry and he didn't want to risk the old man putting him on the team as well to try and earn some favor from Nick. The man had already proven to have a problem with trying to earn favor and merely making a mess instead , though his original objective had been accomplished to a degree. Nick certainly wasn't afraid of him any more and now was only trying to stay away from the problematic old goat.


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