Harry potter: the ring maker

Easing into the schedule

Nick immediately wrote down the recipe for the lembas bread and left the Gryffindor tower early to make his way to the kitchens. No one was awake at this point since it was shortly after dawn and even Filch had turned into bed at this point after a night patrolling the school for rule breakers. Nick was still weirded out about how the pear in the fruit bowl painting giggled when you tickled it but opened the door to the kitchens anyways. To say it was chaotic would be a lie as hundreds of elves were constantly moving about in the room and food was flying to and fro as they cooked yet none got wasted.-

Nick no sooner than stepped into the doorway than an elf seemed to eager ran up to him. "Wats the yong master needz?" the elf in clean linen rags asked eager to serve. Nick wasn't racist or anything but he had a hard time telling the house elves apart from one another unless they had some distinguishing characteristic , this one did not. "Would you please make a few loaves of this recipe for me to use through out the day?" Nick asked with a polite smile while handing over the recipe.-

The elf grabbed the paper and vanished without the slightest hint of hesitation to go do as it was asked. While he waited a couple more elves set up a chair for him so he didn't have to stand the entire time he was waiting which he thanked them for. It was both disturbing and slightly cute how the house elves got super embarrassed at being thanked for their work. Nick found out while he was waiting for the lembas bread that he was actually pretty famous with the Hogwarts house elves as the "greatest friend of Harry Potter".-

Nick thought it rather funny that in the house elves eyes he was playing second fiddle to Harry when for the most part it was the opposite that was true. The bread was finished about five minutes before breakfast and the five loaves had been cleanly wrapped in cloth. He once again thanked the elves for their help before leaving the kitchen and heading to the great hall to actually eat. Today was potions and herbology just like last Monday and Nick planned to get some practice with illusion spells during his free period.-

He paired up with Tracy and Daphne again since that was his preferred placement in the potions class. Nick grinned when he read the cure for boils recipe that was written on the board in the room and Tracy noticed this. "What are you grinning about?" she asked curiously. "You see whats written on the board? looks familiar doesn't it?" He asked with a wide grin. Both she and Daphne looked at the board and didn't notice what was making him grin at first but as they went through the direction mentally their eyes widened. "You're joking!?" Tracy exclaimed in shock.-

"Nope , those are the changes I made to the recipe previously." Nick said still grinning happily. Having a potion master like Snape use your version of a potion to teach students was pretty much the same as the man himself acknowledging your work. Nick could tell from the way the class went that Snape's way of teaching was to focus on two recipes for a certain amount of time before teaching another. This did get the students more comfortable around the subject but the very professors presence was enough to make people nervous and accident prone which removed some of the benefits.-

Snape tried to pick on Harry a little but quickly gave up when he realized that the boy didn't care. Still the professor had enough sense not to try and pester Harry just because he wasn't reacting as expected. It certainly didn't help that Snape could practically feel Nick staring holes in the back of his head whenever he approached Harry. Nick had loads of fun messing with Snape by using a tiny amount of spiritual channeling in his eyes while recalling the man's death in the books. Nicks eyes didn't glow but the technique was fantastic at unnerving even the bravest people because it was like death was constantly breathing down their necks.-

'It's only fair he suffers a bit for trying to bully a student like that after all." Nick thought with a pleasant smile. Herbology was hell for Nick as they were supposed to trim whip vines but he got slapped repeatedly instead. Professor sprout had to get involved because he lost his temper and was about to unleash a firestorm on the fucking plant that had the nerve to act all cute after manhandling him. 'It's official , I hate herbology.' he thought while glaring at the plant venomously as he was getting scolded by the professor.


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