Harry potter: the ring maker

Emotional turmoil

Nick moved on to the next spell after that "FALSUS AURUM!" and a yellow colored spell flew from the tip of his wand and struck him in the chest. He cringed as the spell took effect and literally everything he looked at suddenly seemed to be made of shiny gold. At first someone inflicted with this illusion may find themselves thrilled but being constantly surrounded by a single color and hit with dazzling glints looking at anything became nigh unbearable. Nick shut that spell down immediately as he could feel a headache forming from it.-

'That was downright unpleasant with how gaudy it was.' Nick mentally complained. The spell after that though was far worse about getting on his nerves and he wanted to curse the person who made it because they were clearly insane. "CHORUS CICADAE!" Nick's hearing was suddenly filled with the sound of thousands of crickets all at the same time the worse part is that the sound seemed to move constantly. The sound grated on his nerves something unreal and Nick quickly removed the illusion and took several deep breaths to calm himself and not do something stupid.-

'Note to self learn occlumency for anger management.' he thought seriously as this was the second time today alone he has had a problem with his temper. He didn't know what the reason was for why he seemed to be losing control of his emotions recently but it was starting to become problematic. Self restraint was starting to become very hard with the way his emotions seemed to grow uncontrollable these days. He of course checked to see if he had been hit with some sort of spell that was causing it but he had no such luck so the problem was clearly something else.-

There was honestly so many different possibilities that Nick couldn't make an accurate guess what the problem was. Stress , the conversion to elf , his wand and the list of possible triggers goes on and on. He didn't really need to know either since all he really needed was to get control over himself even if it meant deadening his emotions with occlumency. He spent the next couple hours experimenting with illusions and battling with the emotions them may create , typically anger. These illusions one worked directly on a wizard however rather than on their surroundings which is what Snape likely wanted to deal with.-

Still the Experimentation session expanded Nick's understanding of this branch of illusion spells drastically as he personally experienced their effects. Dinner time came and Nick ended up getting concerned looks from his friends who noticed something was wrong with him but they couldn't figure out what. The three master legilimens in the great hall were even more troubled by him however. To them he was constantly projecting emotions which was fairly normal for children however his emotions were constantly rotating into different ones for seemingly no reason. Anger , sadness , depression , elation , tired and more just in a constant and random manner.-

All three of them could tell that there was a glamor over Nick's face preventing anyone from seeing his constantly shifting expression meaning he was aware of the problem. For Dumbledore and Snape they were worried that Nick had been cursed somehow. For Voldemort however he thought Nick had damaged his mind somehow , likely from incorrectly learning occlumency which was a good thing for him as many spells required specific emotions. For him this meant if this problem wasn't fixed Nick may as well be crippled beyond a certain point magically.-

Despite seeing this none of them planned to involve themselves with it in hopes it resolves itself to their satisfaction. Nick found out what the source of the problem was when he went to sleep after dinner was over. "You know I'm starting to think your luck might be a little off." the familiar elf said with a chuckle. "This situation has something to do with my transformation then?" Nick asked seriously. The elf shook his head "Oh It's a bit more complicated than that I'm afraid. From what the "system" has told me it's a mix between that , your wand and the huge amount of ambient magic in your surroundings."-

"See the transformation of your soul into an elvish one has reached the part of it related to your emotions and your wand via its connection to your soul is apparently pushing the personality of it's core onto your soul. According to the "system" the spirit of the celestial bird hadn't dissipated with it's death but rather went dormant in the feather it gave away. All that remains is it's power and personality however so the wand is apparently using the transformation to pass on this property and it's messing with your emotions from the dissonance." the elf explain in a long winded way.


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