Harry potter: the ring maker


Nick found the charms classroom as well as a few other nifty little things like how there was a spot hidden behind a painting of a puppy in one of the unused classroom that you needed to move the ball in the painting to access. It was a small spot but Nick figured it could be a good place to hide things he couldn't keep on him. The fourth floor was even more boring as all he found was the history of magic classroom and the hospital wing without even a single secret passage that he could find despite trying for an hour much to the amusement of the living portraits.-

The Fifth floor was a bit more interesting as Nick found the music room , the art room , the prefects bath room and the muggle studies classroom. There were a few portraits of course since the things were almost everywhere in the castle. The greatest find however was the secret room he discovered by talking to the oldest of said portraits. It was accessed by twisting a certain torch to the right ninety degrees before pushing it up. This made the wall next to it fold inward to reveal the hidden room that was a right mess with webs and broken furniture everywhere.-

Otherwise nick thought it would be a perfect spot do forbidden things if he felt the need. The sixth floor was the one that confused Nick to a degree as it was totally normal other than the secret passageway to Filch's storeroom where he keeps all the things he confiscates. Nick was pretty sure this was how the twins stole the marauders map from the grumpy old squib. He moved on to the seventh floor that he knew without a doubt had something exciting.-

He found the divination classroom , a secret passage back to the third floor and of course the room of requirement. When he reached the room Nick immediately knew what he wanted from it without any issue. He paced back and forth in front of the tapestry of Barnabus repeating the sentence 'I want all the lost money' in his head three times causing a simple door to manifest on the blank wall next to the tapestry. Opening the door Nick was surprised to see that there actually wasn't a lot of money in the room , merely a small pile about a foot tall.-

He asked the room to separate the coins by type which was he learned that most of them were bronze knuts with silver sickles coming in second and golden galleons in last. In fact there was only sixty two galleons in the entire pile , he took everything of course since money was money but he was hoping for more. It only dawned on him after collecting all the money into Greed that the house elves probably collect most of the lost money and turn it in to Dumbledore so what he just got was probably only what they missed for whatever reason.-

He then left the room causing the door to vanish as if it was never there to begin with and the started to pace again. This time however he wanted all the lost magical metal objects and boy did the room deliver big. Inside the room was a small mountains worth of metal objects that were all made of magical metal. Most of it was everyday stuff like dragon steel that was literally just steel made with dragon flames , magical yes useful , not really. He did get some of the good stuff though like mithril , orichalcum , goblin silver and even the extremely rare star metal.-

The good stuff was in the heavy minority so it all just barely fit in Greed without touching anything else in it , which told him it was time to go. Just the metals in his ring were worth a small fortune as is and was way more valuable than the actual money he had collected. Since there was nothing really interesting on the seventh floor beyond what he had found he left. The short cut to the third floor made reaching the second floor a breeze for Nick and he began to search the area thoroughly.-

He found the defense against the dark arts classroom as well as the headmasters office and moaning myrtles bathroom. As far as secret passages went though this place was loaded with them as there was a passage leading to literally every floor of the castle , multiple sometimes even. Nick was tempted to go and break into the chamber of secrets but logic won out and he decided against it. The first floor had the arithmancy classroom , the ancient runes classroom , the library and the dungeons entrance. There were a few hidden paths here but most of the secrets were fairly well known and used to get around easier for students.


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