Harry potter: the ring maker

Ferrets and pranks

Ron quickly got comfortable with Harry and Nick and was chatting about all sorts of topics from quidditch to favorite flavor every flavor bean. It was clear that he didn't seem to understand how anyone couldn't know about these things so nick had to explain how the muggle world was totally different than the wizarding world. Ron seemed to figure it out pretty quickly and was more than happy to explain about all of the things he could thing of. Both Nick and Harry listened closely to these explanations and interjected when they felt more details were needed.-

The most interesting thing that Nick found out about was that while there were other magical communities across the globe very little information was exchanged between them. This was not just a language thing either as traditions were massively different in each one as well. An example of this was how in India parselmouths were widely respected and praised while most english wizards considered those who spoke the language of snakes as dark or evil. Ron apparently and biasedly assumed that the Indian magical community were the ones in the wrong. Neither Harry nor nick corrected him as it was clear he was well and truly set in his ways. -

The train finally started moving thirty minutes later during a conversation on the topic of muggle products versus wizard ones. It was getting pretty heated too as Nick insisted that muggle products were equal to wizarding ones while Ron refused to accept it. It wasn't an angry discussion but both sides were trying their best to sway the other side with Harry figuring it was best to stay out of it. This changed when one Draco Malfoy showed up with his two followers clearly having been looking for Harry if the way he locked onto him was any indication.-

"You must be Potter , Draco Malfoy heir to house Malfoy , this is Crabbe and Goyle and future Slytherin." The pale blonde boy said arrogantly before seeing Ron and scoffing derisively. "You would do well picking your company better rather than sitting with blood traitors." He said and Ron looked about two seconds away from throwing hands when Harry spoke up  "I'm good thanks." Malfoy figured out that Harry had rejected him and merely scowled before leaving angrily. "Slimy git." Ron cursed angrily after Draco left. "Doesn't seem like good company at all , he didn't even greet me." Nick said jokingly which calmed Ron down a bit.-

"Want to see something interesting?" Nick said mischievously with a grin. Ron and Harry looked interested "Watch this." Nick said before getting up and opening the door before leaning out wand in a hand. "LANGLOCK!" "LANGLOCK!" "LANGLOCK!" Three green spells flew out of his wand and as if expertly aimed struck Draco and his minions in the backs making them stumble in surprise. Before they could look back to figure out who attacked them Nick was already back in the room with the door closed.-

"Bloody hell , What was that!?" Ron asked amazed at the show of magic not even caring that Nick had attacked Malfoy and his minions. "Langlock , or the tongue-tied hex. Draco seemed to like to hear his own voice and unless someone helps him he won't be able to for a few hours." Nick said with a laugh. Both Ron and Harry laughed once they also understood that Nick had just pranked Malfoy good. "Where'd you learn that from?" Ron asked excitedly. "The defense against the dark arts book , it's completely harmless and easy to get rid of but good fun against a loud mouth." Nick explained honestly and the redhead dug out his book to look for the spell.-

Harry also looked over Ron's shoulder to try and learn the spell in question since it seemed pretty fun. Once they found the spell they started to practice it with some pointers from Nick to make it easier to pick up. Within an hour of this they both could cast the spell but still needed a bit of a wind up unlike Nick. At that point they were both quite hungry and as if summoned by their stomachs the food cart reached them.-

Ron awkwardly said that he was good and pulled out a crushed sandwich from his pocket. Nick and Harry both shared a look and grinned "We'll take one of each!" they said at the same time with smiles and pulled out seven galleons each that was left over from not needing to buy their wands. Ron decisively tossed the sandwich out the window when offered to join in on the treat feast. Much like normal the chocolate frog card Harry got was Dumbledore but this time Nick kept it along with his own frog card with Ignatia Wildsmith , the creator of the floo network.


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