Harry potter: the ring maker

Global panic and friends

Dumbledore was in his office dealing with the aftermath of Nicks retaliation with a tired expression while Fawkes seemed to gloat at his misery. He couldn't blame his familiar as he had been all but told by the magical bird not to take the path he did but he had thought himself beyond reproach and was now paying for it. Letters from the ministry , concerned parents and just all around angry wizards piled up on his desk haphazardly as more and more came in. The worse part in his opinion however was that his long time friends and supporters had been deeply hurt from learning the truth of his past sins.-

He knew he wasn't a good man by any means but he always thought about the future of wizarding kind when he did anything. While this reprisal stung considerably right now Dumbledore knew that so long as he allowed time to work it's magic and he stayed on the straight and narrow he would recover from it just fine. This changed however when a single letter showed up on top of the pile of letters that had an eye catching and unmissable crimson envelope and gold ministry seal that he was oh so very familiar with.-

Even Fawkes grew taciturn when it saw the letter and dropped all extraneous thoughts to focus on the letter. Dumbledore's heart beat loudly in his chest as he reached for the envelope and nervously opened it with a letter opener to reveal a similarly colored letter with four words written on it in large black lettering , Grindelwald has escaped Nurmengard. Dumbledore took a deep breath to steady himself and shared a look with Fawkes "He is free." he said quietly and the proud bird grew stern and serious as it's feather flickered with fire.-

Similar reactions were being had all across the world as the magical side of the world was informed of the escape of an incredibly dangerous dark lord. Panic was beginning to spread through the world as the shadow of a foe thought long defeated reared it's head once again. Meanwhile Nick was totally unaware of what his actions had unleashed upon the world with his revenge but he will soon. He sat at the table and ate his food casually while chatting with a couple of his friends about what they should do for the rest of the weekend.-

Nick was all but tackled by Tracy after lunch as she repeatedly made sure that he was alright and that Dumbledore hadn't tried to retaliate for his retaliation. Nick gently peeled the girl off of him with a sigh in an impressive show of strength. "I'm fine Tracy , I already have something in mind to ensure that this doesn't happen again." Nick said reassuringly. He then explained how he was going to research the mind arts before creating a ring to protect him from them or at least give him enough time to protect himself.

"Would that even work? Not that I think you are lying or anything but that sounds really powerful and we are only first years." Tracy said doubtfully. "I admit that I may need to overdraft myself a little to make a decent version of the ring , but I can't stand the thought of something like this happening again." Nick said seriously. "Don't try to shoulder all the burden , you have friends who can help." Daphne interjected sternly causing everyone to look at her in surprise. She gained a hint of red in her cheeks at their gazes and looks away embarrassed.-

"She's right mate , we have your back if you need it." Harry said honestly and Ron agreed. Nick was honestly and truly touched at the sentiment but he also felt bad because of his future plans involving them. He decided to scrap those plans after hearing this and began to make new ones that will definitely fuck with the canon timeline irreversibly. 'First things first though I need to protect my mind.' he thought seriously. "I promise not to try and take on the world alone , there happy?" he asked with a smirk. Harry also had a smirk on his face "It'll do for now I suppose." he said jokingly.-

"Now that that's out of the way Ravenclaw huh?" Tracy said teasingly and Nick groaned. "Yes yes get it all out of your system now." Nick said sarcastically. "Come on you are practically royalty with a bloodline like that! You should have seen the look on Draco's face when the news was announced , he turned the same shade as his robes!" Tracy said excitedly. "I'm sure that was quite a sight indeed , sadly I was unconscious thanks to your head of house." Nick said regretfully. He didn't blame Snape at all and was even a little thankful to the man from stopping him from ruining his future.


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