Harry potter: the ring maker

Mcgonagall and Snape

Nick stopped forcing the issue and held the wall for a moment as a wave of vertigo hit him. Once the world stopped spinning he tentatively released the wall and felt his lip where he found a small amount of blood. "NEN!"(Water) he said calmly in elvish while pushing his wand forward causing a small orb of pure water to appear in the air. With a careful movement of his wand Nick moved the orb of water to his face where he rinsed off the blood the best he could without a mirror.-

After he was done Nick sent the water out a nearby window and left the area to continue his exploration of the castle. He found the transfiguration class room and surprisingly enough professor Mcgonagall herself within it enjoying a morning cup of tea. "Something I can help you with Mr. Iron?" She asked seeing him outside the classroom door. "Not at the moment professor , I was just exploring the castle to get my bearings is all and noticed you within this room giving me pause." Nick answered both honestly and cordially. "How goes your progress so far?" the elderly witch asked curiously.-

"Splendidly professor , I have already cleared the second to seventh floors from my list and only require this one and the dungeons to be fully aware of majority of the castle." he answered honestly. Mcgonagall raised an eyebrow in surprise at this "An impressive speed I admit. I expect you will have no trouble being on time for lessons come tomorrow then?" She asked seriously. Nick nodded with a grin "Unless something unusual happens to delay me I aught to be amongst the first to arrive from my housemates." he said confidently. The elderly witch had the smallest upturned corner of her mouth "Very well young man I shall hold you accountable to that , off you trot now." she said waving him away dismissively.

'She wasn't half as stern as the books made her sound , though then again my interaction might be because I am neither in trouble nor in class.' Nick thought as he left. He started to come across more and more people as time moved on and lunchtime arrived in the castle and others seemed to realize they had no clue where the other classes were. He found the fruit bowl painting that apparently led to the kitchens and noted that it was right near the Hufflepuff common room that was hidden in a barrel by the wine cellar.-

The dungeons were past the wine cellar and led underneath the black lake apparently which explained why the entire area was almost frigid in temperature. Architecture wise very little was different than the rest of the castle save for a couple things. First was the noticeable uptick of snake motifs adorning practically everything. second was the overabundance of disused prison cells because it was a dungeon of course. Finally however was the potions classroom and ingredient storage room not far from it.-

Nick noticed a lot of Slytherin students in this part of the castle and they definitely noticed him as well. "You there , mudblood!" he heard an ever so irritating voice call out with an offensive word and it took considerable will power not to turn and use a hex on it's owner. "What do you want Malfoy?" Nick said turning around with an irritated expression. The blonde boy froze momentarily as he found himself staring at Nicks golden eyes. "You see I happened to spot you polluting the air down here and decided to do something about it." Malfoy quickly recovered and said loudly with a sneer. -

"By all means do go on , I'm sure professor Snape would love to hear more Malfoy." Nick said while looking at that same professor who had just rounded the nearby and corner and saw them both. Malfoy turned to follow Nicks line of sight and could only grit his teeth and leave angrily seeing that Snape was indeed standing there with his usual resting bitch face. seeing that nothing happened Snape seemed almost disappointed and chose to ignore Nick and walk into the potions classroom broodily.-

'That guy's got issues , ah well i'm done here anyways so I guess I can spend the rest of the day in the library.' Nick thought before leaving the dungeons and walking through the halls of the first floor to the library at the eastern portion of the castle. The library was an intimidating place for Nick as not only was the librarian Irma Pince a stern woman who looked like she hated anyone who so much as touched her precious books , but the damned thing looked endless as Nick simply could not see an end to the rows of bookshelves.


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