Harry potter: the ring maker

Organic smithing experiments

"I already know precisely the classroom I would like to use , assuming you are not too busy to see it that is." Nick said eagerly but remembered that she might have other plans already. "You are in luck it seems Mr. Iron as I just finished my work for the day when you arrived." Mcgonagall said with a small smile. "It's not far from here , near the charms classroom in fact." Nick said as he stood up eagerly. He then lead the way to the classroom he had been caught reorganizing by Flitwick earlier in the week.-

Once they arrived Nick pushed open the door only to be surprised to find that the room had been entirely emptied and cleaned save for a small note on the wall. {I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty to remove the unneeded items and cleansed the room for you. - Sincerely Prof. Flitwick.} Mcgonagall smiled when Nick read the note out loud and he also chuckled at it since it was a pleasant surprise. "Room 3-06 is your final choice then I take it?" Mcgonagall said after making a note of the room's designation and Nick nodded.

"Very well , then from now this room is officially your domain to use as you please until such time as you graduate or are found misusing it." Mcgonagall said sternly before reaching into her pocket and taking out a simple iron key. "That said since Filius showed me this room previously I have gone ahead and procured a copy of the key from Argus who holds the only other copy." She said playfully as she held the key out to him. Nick took the key with a grin "Just you watch , greatness awaits this room!" he said confidently and her smile widened. -

"Then I shall look forward to seeing it for myself." She said with a nod of acknowledgement and then left him in the room alone. Nick wasted no time at all taking out the rough tools he used at the orphanage and neatly setting them up in a row on the ground against the wall while he placed the small anvil as well as the stump it was nailed to in the center of the room. 'Without a source of flame I can not do anything involving metal , I suppose this is as good a chance as any to branch into unknown territory.' he thought with a sigh.-

From greed Nick removed a small block of wood with a few cracks down it and a hole at the top that had a rusty blue metal spike imbedded. He grabbed a pair of rough pliers and took hold of the spike with it before using his hammer to smack the wood free of the metal. Soon the block of wood was free from the metal and Nick pointed his wand at his hammer and transfigured it into a sharp wood knife. He then carefully but firmly slid the blade against the wood removing a small amount of it.-

He continued whittling the wood until all that remained were six rough wooden discs an inch across and a centimeter thick and a large amount of wooden shavings. Nick then changed his hammer into a hand powered drill to punch a hole through the center of each disc turning them into rings , albeit horrible looking ones. Then he whittled them a little more until they looked decent enough if still a bit rough. 'Now for the actual hard part.' Nick thought as he brought one of the wooden rings to the anvil.-

He set the ring down on the center of the anvil and removed the transfiguration on his hammer before locking the door to the room. Nervously Nick channeled his spirit causing the bright glow to form around him before being focused into his hands. He focused on his understanding of life  causing his spirit to take on the dull silvery grey of the ghosts who roamed the halls of Hogwarts. Gently Nick tapped his hammer against the wooden ring and a hum filled the air for a brief moment before "BOOM!" the wooden ring exploded into dust.-

"COUGH! COUGH!" Nick coughed as the dust flew into his mouth and nose after the explosion. Taking out a note pad he wrote down on it {first attempt to smith organic material result: failure due to structural destabilization.} He then grabbed another wooden ring and placed it on the anvil where the previous one was. This time he repeated the process the exact same way as the first attempt except he lowered the intensity of the energy he was channeling into the ring. This time it took an extra two seconds for the ring to explode which he wrote down in his note pad before grabbing the third wooden ring to try again.


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