Harry potter: the ring maker


Nick was confused "I have no idea how this could help you make prank items but if you say so." he said with a shrug. "Not this bit specifically mate , but the whole process of making stuff out of metal. That ring of yours is proof enough that metal can be used to make amazing jokers and we want to know how." one of the twins clarified as Nick and them left the room which he then locked. "I can show you the ropes but don't expect me to share any of my secret techniques with you." Nick said with a smile.-

He had no problem with passing on his metal working knowledge since it wasn't much different than the stuff this world had publicly available. He knew to keep the magical aspect of his knowledge hidden however since he had no plans on just handing out his secrets freely. "You'll be able to watch me actually make something tomorrow , though you'll need to leave when I go to enchant it." Nick added as he started to make his way towards the shortcut to the first floor. ""Works for us!"" they said at the same time as they followed alongside him.-

Nick made it to dinner slightly after 6:30 but no one seemed to mind since word of his workshop had already started to pass around via word of mouth. Flitwick who had actually seen the current state of it happily shared the information with the staff and even shared that he had seen Nick already using it to a degree. "How was his skill Filius?" Dumbledore asked curiously. "It was rather odd actually as it felt both refined and yet inexperienced at the same time , my guess is that it's a result of having learnt it on his own." Flitwick said honestly.-

"Like his mind and body aren't in sync yes?" Dumbledore asked with a gentle smile catching the professor off guard. Flitwick recalled the movements Nick was making earlier and couldn't help but nod in agreement at Albus's words. "Yes , it was quite like that. I assume you know why?" the small professor inquired curiously. "Oh yes , I myself have had a similar problem in the past. You see this happens when ones knowledge of a subject outstrips their body's ability to use it , like the short delay that comes from a spell traveling through the air." Dumbledore explained with a smile.

"The greater the gap between mind and body and the more pronounced the disharmony becomes. It isn't detrimental so there is no need for concern , it just means young Nicholas has some growing to do." Dumbledore finished speaking and the other professors were left stunned. They figured that Nick was rather advanced in his craft considering the few items that he had already crafted but to learn that this entire time his mind had been far ahead of his body was startling. It was also concerning as it made them wonder what his limit was and the answer most of them came to was sitting in the middle of the table happily eating while watching over the students.-

Nick was totally unaware that he was being compared to Dumbledore as he dug into a protein rich meal with gusto. By this point in time no one was bothered by the strange eating habits he had such as his seemingly bottomless stomach. There was a method to his madness though as he specifically made sure that he got twice the regular amount of vitamins and protein that a normal growing body required so that he also grew physically stronger while his body matured.-

After dinner Nick turned in for the night so he could get up at his normal time and get started on the prep work to make Hagrid's ordered ring. 'The twins are going to hate me tomorrow.' he thought with a mischievous grin. At dawn Nick got up and dressed in a casual pair of jeans and grey t-shirt before making his way to the twins dorm room. They much like their roommates were still asleep and Nick grinned widely before using one of the illusion spells he learned yesterday "TACET CLAMOR!" he said quietly while pointing at one of the twins.-

The result was excellent as despite no sound actually showing up the twin in question bolted out of bed like a mortar shell had just blown up next to them. "HEHEHEHEH!" Nick burst into laughter at the alert and pale red head which drew the older boys attention immediately. It took which ever one of the twins this was a total of thirty seconds to figure out what had happened and chuckle to himself since it was a good prank. Nick was generous of course and woke the other twin up in the exact same manner causing both him and the already awake twin to laugh at the him.


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