Harry potter: the ring maker


Once the party was over Nick left some parting words with the Greengrass family as well as Minister Fudge and returned to Hogwarts. It was only once he reached the castle that he visibly relaxed and sighed in relief. Dumbledore was nowhere to be found in the office when Nick arrived so he simply left without any issue and made his way to the common room to get changed for sleep and get rid of the gel in his hair. After that he dropped into bed and passed out mentally exhausted from all the stress of the party.-

The next morning Nick woke up at his normal time and stretched before heading to the workshop to start making his christmas gifts. That was the best part of his forging ability at this time of year , as he could simply spend a few hours crafting in order to cover his whole list of people getting gifts from him. It wasn't a very long list of people mind you as it was , the twins , Harry , Ron , Hermione , Tracy , Daphne , Hagrid , Flitwick , Mcgonagall and finally Snape who deserved something for actually giving a shit even if you couldn't easily tell.-

For the twins he simply sent them some spells good for pranks that he found in the "ancient" section of the library alongside a ring of protection each. Nick was going to give each person a ring of protection each to begin with so anything after that was technically the actual gift. For Ron he forged a set of chess pieces out of dragon steel before having them enchanted by Flitwick. Hermione got a translated version of the magical fundamentals book from the "ancient" section just without the dangerous to him parts. The rest however was where things got tricky for Nick to make the gifts.-

For the rest he needed to forge and enchant very specific things that will prove to be fairly irritating. Knowing this Nick fired up the furnace and waited for it to heat up while chatting with Helena. "Any idea when Flitwick aught to arrive?" he asked while chewing on a chocolate chip cookie. Helena shook her head "he said sometime today but when that is exactly is beyond my knowledge." she said honestly. "Rather irritating but I suppose it doesn't matter much." Nick said with a shrug before switching the furnace over to dragon flame and grabbing an ingot of mithril from the pile of ingots.-

He tossed it into the fire and waited for it to heat up which didn't take very long at all thanks to the high heat of the fire. Taking the ingot out with a set of tongs Nick set the white hot metal block on his anvil and began to beat it with his hammer. He wasn't shaping it however but rather completely flattening it into a sheet of metal. Once that was done he took the hammer to the rough edges of the sheet until the thing turned into a circular shape.-

He then carefully made a single small hole in the center of the plate before slowly and carefully widening the hole until the disc turned into a thin but sturdy circular object. Nick then reheated the now much cooler metal before he started to bevel the edges to a sharp point around the entire thing. If it wasn't clear already Nick was crafting one of the only ring shaped weapons he was familiar with , a chakram. He quenched the weapon in oil before polishing it to a razor sharp point and carefully set it aside.-

He then grabbed a dragon steel ingot and placed it in the furnace before waiting for it to heat up. It was at this point that Flitwick finally entered the workshop with an eager expression on his face. "Sorry for the delay the Weasley twins were causing mischief with some enchanted snowballs and Quirinus." he said apologetically. Nick nodded in understanding "I haven't gotten very far into my work for today so you haven't missed anything much." Nick said honestly. "Wonderful! So what do you have in mind?" the small man asked excitedly while noticing the chakram but not understanding it's purpose here and so ignored it's presence.-

"Right now I was about to forge the body of my christmas gift for Hagrid." Nick explained while taking the white hot metal out of the furnace with his tongs and placing it on the anvil. Flitwick stood at the side watching in interest as Nick began to hammer the metal into a dense cube. He noticed the strangeness of Nick's hammer during this process but couldn't figure out what was so special about it despite it clearly being so. Nick carefully put a hole through the cube , followed by another and another until the cube had a strange look to it.


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