Harry potter: the ring maker


Nick looked over the ring he had just made carefully while secretly using the system appraisal on it. Despite neither of the two people outside himself present being able to see the system Nick wasn't going to risk it getting known at all. Nick knew that the system was one of the only secrets that he would never share with another person. He was fine with this knowledge as well since all things considered it didn't effect anyone else at all other than himself directly. Sure all of his crafts and unusual items from the system may draw attention but since they can't be stolen it didn't matter much at all.-


Grade: RARE

Abilities: Autosizing , Bestial empathy , Natures kin

Description: An exquisite ring forged to bring it's wearer close to nature and improves the wearers ability to understand beasts.

System appraisal: A fine ring worthy of any druid created by an up and coming ring smith.]

Nick was satisfied with this ring as it was perfect for Hagrid as the half giant loved all things nature and if druidic magic was a thing still would probably be a master of it. Flitwick looked over the ring but frowned as he couldn't exactly identify what it did. "It allows the wearer to understand beast better while being favored by nature itself to a degree." Nick explained seeing the professors confusion. The small man laughed when he heard this "A perfect gift for Rubeus , He'll love it i'm sure." he said with a wide smile.-

Nick nodded "That's the idea after all. Give me a couple of hours and I'll have the energy to start working on McGonagall's gift." he added and sat against the wall to mediate. Celebrimbor had been hanging about the mindscape for a while now and when he wasn't training Nicks combat skills(beating him senseless) he was giving small tips and tricks that weren't included in the crafting style knowledge. One such piece of knowledge was how meditation could improve the rate at which he restores his energy letting him forge twice a day rather than once.-

"If you don't mind me asking how did you come across this niffler?" Flitwick asked after transfiguring a chair to make himself comfortable. Nick didn't open his eyes but smiled and told the story of how Steve tried to rob him and he made a deal with him instead and so he just decided to stick around. Flitwick smiled at this and explained that to goblin's nifflers are considered ideal pets due to their natural treasure hunting disposition and love of all that is shiny. To the point in fact that most of the species was kept in captivity by goblin clans.-

The nifflers still in the wild were the few required by law to be left alone in order to ensure the presence of them in the ecosystem. It was an interesting piece of information even if technically useless to Nick. After two hours of meditation he opened his eyes and stood up as his energy had recovered for the most part. Mcgonagall's gift was a bit unique for Nick as it wasn't a something that helped it's wearer in any real regard. First he threw some gold into the dragon fire and waited for it to melt before taking it out with his wand and separating a glob of liquid gold the size of his pinky.-

The rest was dropped into a square mold to solidify while this glob was allowed to cool in the air to a solid state again. Nick then began the process of carefully shaping the metal into a narrow tiny rod with a rectangle block at the end of it. Once this shape was achieved he started to carefully flatten the end of the rectangle not connected to the rod. He then took a hair tin blade to the flattened part.-

He carefully split the flattened part into thin hair-like shapes that were then carefully woven together finally letting the entire piece look like a broomstick. Nick began to carefully curve the "handle" of the broom until it nearly touched the end of the "bristles" officially turning it into a ring. After that he carefully polished the entire piece to a high shine that had Steve staring at the ring covetously. Finally the hard part came as Nick laid the ring on the anvil and began to glow once again. He filled his channeled energy with some of his knowledge of legilimency , specific illusions and finally all of his knowledge on quidditch.-

The final result that he hoped for and willed the enchantment towards was to create a sort of quidditch illusion video game that was controlled by the wearers mind. This ring was the first one that Nick had attempted creating whose only purpose was entertainment. According to the system it was a resounding success as well.

[RING NAME: Playmaker

Grade: RARE

Abilities: Autosizing , Quidditch simulation , mind controlled , adaptive , realistic perception

Description: An brilliant item forged to allow it's wearer to enjoy a game of quidditch at any time.

System appraisal: A marvelous creation made by an up and coming ring smith.]


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