Harry potter: the ring maker


Soon enough Nick had a simple smooth band of dragon steel that he then let cool before checking for flaws. Seeing none he then took some transfigured sand paper of various grits to the unfinished ring until it was polished to a high shine. "And now it's time for you to leave since none of you have signed a contract or sworn secrecy." Nick said calmly while also looking at Flitwick to show that he was aware of his presence this entire time. The small professor didn't cause a fuss about this since he was aware of it happening thanks to his previous chat with Nick.-

""It's fine mate , thanks for the lesson!"" the twins said at the same time before leaving casually. Nick could barely make out them immediately discussing how what they learned would be useful and smiled. "Do let me see the finished product , I am quite interested in how it turns out." Flitwick said with a smile before leaving the room and locking the door behind him. Nick checked the room again for any magical trickery and finding none started the process of creating Hagrid's ring. As per usual he filled his hands with spiritual energy causing a bright white glow to emanate from them.-

Nick then began to infuse his understanding of what repels and kills slugs of all varieties into the energy. At first the coloration of the glow started to turn a brown color before slowing down in movement like it was mud. Nick frowned at this result and added his will to it as well to repel slugs causing the color to shift to a greenish brown and become crystalline like salt. Finally he raised his hammer and strung the steel ring on the anvil sending a humming sound through he room as the magical enchantment officially began.-

"BANG! VRRRRM! BANG! VRRRM!" Strikes and humming filled the room like an unusual and tonal music. Despite being cold metal the ring was brightly glowing in a similar shade to the energy around Nicks hands. For four hours Nick beat the enchantment into the rings every place and with one final blow he swung down the Hammer and spoke "SLUGBANE!" and the humming reached a fever pitch before suddenly stopping as the name set in. "HAH HAH HAH." Nick panted while his whole body ached and he dropped the hammer with the rest of the tools.

[RING NAME: Slugbane


Abilities: Autosizing , slug repel(26 meter) , slugicide(25 meter)

Description: A dragon steel ring created by an up and coming ring smith to repel slugs within it's area of effect.

System appraisal: An unorthodox but practical ring.]

Nick was satisfied with the appraisal since it showed his improvement since the time he crafted Sanar. 'I'll be reforging you as well soon.' Nick thought while rubbing the ring in question appreciatively. The ring had served it's purpose well but Nick knew he needed a more powerful enchantment to truly keep his mind safe.-

Storing the completed ring in greed before removing quite a few snacks from the ring and eating them voraciously. Nick knew he had missed lunch during his forging session and his body was craving any sort of fuel it could get. Most of his friends assumed that he kept so many snacks for if he got puckish but the truth was because he knew the toll that forging demanded from his body. 'I should really ask how to make lembas bread the next time I see the old elf.' Nick thought as he ruefully ate his sixth chocolate chip cookie.-

Once Nick had satisfied his bodies craving for calories he shut off the furnace and left the workshop. He then took the short cut to the first floor and made his way to the library since it was only five and he had an hour to kill before dinner. Sitting in the under visited "ancient" section he cracked open the book of fundamental magic he had gotten from it awhile ago. He was halfway done with the thick tome and was eager to learn the secrets held within it's pages. Unlike the books on illusions that he devoured in a single day the stuff in this book was much harder to process fully taking far longer to finish the book.-

Nick learned that apparently there used to be many more species of magical trees in the past but that as the use of wands got more and more popular they started dying out since they were being cut down faster than they grew. The author of the tome expresses great sadness at this fact in the writings of this part of the book and Nick sympathized his plight. It was sad that in the pursuit of power wizards had systematically cut off their own resources to it.


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