Harry potter: the ring maker

Visiting Hagrid(2)

"Oh really now? Whatcha need a workshop fer?" Hagrid asked interested. Nick showed off Greed "I'm a ring maker and need the workshop to perform my craft." he said honestly. Hagrid looked surprised but impressed "Ring seems a bit odd what with the way it moves like that , looks like it'd itch." He said honestly. Nick took the ring off and tossed it to him "not at all , give it a try." he suggested and Hagrid looked confused but did. The ring grew several sizes bigger and fit on his pointer finger perfectly much to everyone except Nick's surprise.-

"Would ya look at that , fits like a charm and I can't even feel it movin about!" Hagrid exclaimed excitedly. "Hang on I thought you said you bought it?" Tracy pointed out questioningly. Nick grinned and shook his head "No , I said that it took me a huge amount of effort to get , I never said I bought it." he said mischievously. The two girls thought back to the conversation and remembered that that was indeed exactly what he had said. "You tricked us!" Tracy exclaimed angrily and Daphne mirrored her expression. Nick scoffed "I did no such thing , you tricked yourselves while I was completely honest." he said calmly.

"You knew we thought you bought it though , she even said you could afford many more after getting that bloodline test!" Tracy said defensively when she realized Nick was winning the argument. "Why would I correct you when she wasn't wrong?" Nick asked smugly knowing he did win. Tracy looked like a goldfish for a moment as she opened and closed her mouth trying to find some way to rebut him but failing. "See you can't even find an argument because I'm right so chill , it's not a big deal." Nick said and Tracy pouted unhappily.-

Hagrid chuckled at their antics "I didn't check earlier but what's that thing there do anyways?" he asked curiously. "Oh , It's my favorite creation so far!" Nick said excitedly "See normally it only works like a storage device like an expanded bag but when someone tries to steal it or steal from it , it turns into their worst fear and attacks them. I named it greed because much like the sin itself it can get you hurt." Nick explained proudly while removing a brownie from the ring to show them.-

"Sounds like a Boggart , nasty things like to show up in the abandoned classrooms in the castle and are never fun to deal with." Hagrid said with a frown. "I took inspiration from them when I created the ring , the storage enchantment wasn't my work though so I can't just make another sadly." Nick said regretfully. "We just thought the thing was a storage ring but it could have turned into our fears this whole time?" Tracy asked while looking at the vibrant shifting ring warily. Nick shook his head "Nah , it only transforms when some tries to take it or take something from it that isn't the one wearing it , perfectly harmless otherwise." he said honestly.-

"My stuff is pretty handy to have too since I can make them do pretty much anything if I know enough about the subject , think of something anything at all that sounds useful." Nick suggested to Hagrid who fell into thought. "Hmmm , well I always have a problem keeping slugs out of my gardens." he says after a moment and Nick had a slight twitch above his eye at how out of everything he could asked about he choose slug repellent.-

"A bit simplistic but yes I could make a ring to keep slugs away if I wanted to." Nick said honestly. "If yer can I'd be plenty happy ta pay ya fer yer work." Hagrid said eagerly since he already spends large amount of money getting slug repellent anyways. Nick nodded "How large of an area should the effect extend from the ring?" He asked all business at this point. The promise of payment had brought out Nicks inner goblin looking to strike a deal. "Hmm , Well if you could fix it to cover my gardens I reckon that'd do just nicely." Hagrid said after a moments thought.-

"Hold that thought for a moment." Nick said while getting up and walking out of the hut to survey the area in question. 'If I put the hut as the center of the area about 25 yards in all directions aught to work.' Nick thought as he looked around carefully. He then walked back into the hut and sat back down. "I can make the ring cover an area 25 yards around it in slug repellent magic so you can hang the ring from your room and keep the slugs out of your gardens." Nick said to check if that would work.


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