Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 110: Memories of Dumbledore

"Why can't I find Sister Elemia everywhere? Brother, you were fine before yesterday. Why did you lose all the memories of her today? Sister Elemia is gone." Lisa kept watching. Charlie, thinking hard, then said

   Just now, she took Charlie to find places to go on campus, but she still didn't find Aremia.

   "If there is such a person you are talking about, maybe we can go to Dumbledore and ask." Charlie said calmly

   Lisa said helplessly, "But I don't know where Dumbledore's office is!"

   But then I saw Charlie's contemptuous eyes, and then I remembered that his brother Charlie seemed to go to Dumbledore's office often, and he must know where it was. I really asked a stupid question. He was not completely amnesia.

   Thinking of this, she said irritably, "Don't hurry and lead the way."

   Charlie couldn’t help but laughed happily when he saw Lisa deflated

   "Still laughing." Lisa was a little angry and kicked Charlie's foot with her own foot.

   After Charlie flashed past, he smiled and ran away, "No fight, haha, you come after me."

   Seeing Charlie's proud look, he didn't get angry, so he said, "You wait for me, don't let me catch you."

   After finishing speaking, he found that Charlie had run far, so he hurried to catch up.

   "Huh, why don't you run, huhu, run, run, run, tired!" Lisa said while holding the wall and panting.

  Charlie looked at Lisa who was so tired and said, "This is not because you are tired. Just stop and let you rest."

   "You said, I blame you for running so fast." After Lisa finished speaking, she was ready to raise her hand and use her special move.

   Charlie Lisa reached out to herself and knew what she was going to do, so she quickly said, "Here, it’s already here, don’t make trouble. Go, come with me."

   After talking, Charlie grabbed Lisa's little hand with one hand, and then took her up the stairs that would spin up.

   Charlie took Lisa to the door of Dumbledore’s office, only to find that the door opened by himself this time.

  Charlie walked in but did not find Dumbledore. Instead, he found Phoenix Fox on a shelf. Charlie looked at Fox and said softly, "Thank you for the last thing, Fox."

   "It is also happy to be able to help others. This is how Phoenix can heal others." Dumbledore's voice came from above, "How is Ellie's situation? It should be almost healed."

  Charlie looked at Dumbledore who was slowing down and said, "Yes, Professor, thanks to Fox's contribution."

   "No, you should be grateful to Miss Ali Mia. We can't save Ellie without her." Dumbledore said kindly

   "Elimia?" Charlie heard the name again, and still uttered it from Dumbledore's mouth, which showed that he had indeed lost all memories of Elemia.

  Charlie and Lisa began to tell Dumbledore about Charlie. After listening to Dumbledore, Dumbledore said affirmatively, "Yes, Charlie, you really have amnesia, and it should be caused by the Forgetting Curse."

  Charlie asked urgently, "Professor, is there any way to retrieve these lost memories?"

   Dumbledore was silent for a while before he said, “It’s not a bad thing to be lost, Charlie, you have to know that there are two sides to everything, you can’t just look at the surface.”

   After hearing Dumbledore’s words, Charlie was silent, and after a while, Charlie Dumbledore asked, "Professor, do you know where Aremia went? We searched the school today, but we didn’t find her."

   Dumbledore did not answer him directly but went to the window and looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest and said, "She should be home now."

   "Go home?" Charlie asked suspiciously, "Where is her home?"

   "I don't know." Dumbledore said without turning his head.

  Charlie couldn't see Dumbledore's expression at this time, but he could also hear the meaning of seeing off the guests from his tone.

   "Then let's go, professor." Dumbledore said goodbye to the ideal.

   Dumbledore said nothing, he seemed to be thinking about something.

   Charlie pulled Lisa out of Dumbledore's office, who was a little confused. After they left, the door of the office closed by themselves.

There was a remembrance in Dumbledore's eyes in   . Many wizards in this world have reached my level, but their fate is death.

   So there are people trying to reach the realm of the legendary god. My best friend Grindelwald and I once established an organization to find the sacred artifacts.

   But an accident hit me hard. I gave up the ideal that I thought was unrealistic, and Grindelwald was still running for it.

   He got the wand of the elders, built an army, and fought around in the magical world to try to gather faith, but he ultimately failed.

   He attacked that mysterious level but was backlashed and injured for a long time. He was injured in the final World War I and defeated by my own hands.

I righteously criticized his behavior as wrong, and pointed out the various traumas he brought to the people of the magical world~www.NovelMTL.com~ He seemed to feel ashamed and repentant, but he still chose not to return to me. So I put him alone in the tallest tower in Newmontgard.

   Several years later, I met a child whose talents were different, no weaker than Grindelwald and me, and even more victorious. This child was called Tom Riddle.

   I brought him back to Hogwarts. He was thrown into the endless ocean like a dry sponge. He quickly absorbed this knowledge.

   His magical attainments improved rapidly. One day, he found me to apply to study in the restricted area of ​​the library, and I agreed.

   He discovered the mystery of the soul from it, and was deeply fascinated by it. He began to study the soul with great concentration.

   One day he came to me to ask me about Horcruxes and expected to be a professor in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I rejected him because he was not old enough.

  Until one day, he seemed to discover the history of gods and the conjectures about becoming gods written by the principal who had touched the bottleneck in the past.

  He began to pursue power constantly, no matter whether it is good or evil.

   He left the school and didn't know where he went, until one day he applied again with the mask of Voldemort.

   I found that his heart is no longer kind, so I rejected him again.

   I don’t know why he insists on becoming a professor. Maybe he just wants to verify his own idea, maybe it’s just an excuse to stay in the college, but I can’t give my students to someone who is unscrupulous for strength.

   But he seems to have got what he wants. He created the Death Eater organization and began to create terror in the magical world to make people fear him, and he has abandoned his name and called himself ‘Voldemort’

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